Active Investor since 1997, and really like how simple Dean truly makes it. So, looking forward to much success here expanding knowledge, networking, and helping others as well.
Interested in all areas across the U.S and parts of Canada.
Lease Purchases are Great!!
Military Vet; and 9/11 Vet; out of the Aviation Industry
Open to using and offering seller financing, and win-win flexibility in all deals.
Other Favorite way to build Wealth>>>>> Marketing:
** By demonstrating the Power of Leveraged Income, Hands down the fastest, most efficient way to build wealth for the common entrepreneur
All Wealth-Builders invest, & thereby receive a significant usable return;
All-Others just Spend, Never to See it Again---
Get on my team and let me show you how to be a Wealth-Builder!!
Dedicated to sharing more about Leveraged Income, as the best way to move forward. To Truly create wealth, we're supposed to:
KEEP all that we earn, INVEST just a little, & thereby CREATE a return capable of replacing the earnings, then go one step further --- 'LEVERAGE' that return for never ending income and profit.
Then Live life as if on vacation and have all the good health, time, and money to enjoy it.
Work, as little or as much as desired. Always, In Gratitude.
The late great Jim Rohn always said: "profits are better than wages".
Robert Kiyosaki says to invest in real estate. (with the DG network) , paper,
AND a 21st century business.
Extra tools to share with fellow wealth -builders:>>>>>>>>>>>
As just a smart and affordable option for Finding Attorneys and expert business consultants,
*-For about $20.00 or less get the professional guidance needed from top-rated attorneys in your state with Unlimited questions and advice at no extra cost.
Then, either continue the service to use for contract reviews and other real estate transactions, protect you & your family, plus more. A great service! http://tiny.cc/LegalBlog.
Got Business Questions? Have tried and tested experts provide the answers.
Part ways as friends and colleagues. Don't forget to get a living will completed though, again, also at no extra cost!
PM for help with getting started.
*-Recently partnered with investor referral group designed to provide consistent profits using a system of real estate investment, care and manangement all done For the investor! http://tiny.cc/mygameplan
Just bring your investor referrals and profit, and/or invest in the available property list.
Invite everyone to ((Schedule and Complete a free game plan)) which demonstrates potential investment results.
*-Offering a special program to future and current owners a chance to own FREE-n-Clear in just Five years. Know anyone who recently purchased to hold? Refer them! Who knows, they may be sitting on a 30 year mortgage wanting to be done with it. It's our contribution.
*-Offering special sources for real estate, a newsletter jam packed with all that investors need to expand their resources; PM if interested.
As far as the magic of colors go:
(By Jerry Clark-Yellow, Blue, Green, Red)
Green-Red shows the most and seems to work the best, then yellow, then Blue
Expand your world so you can achieve the lifestyle you deserve!
Looking forward to meeting the DG community with everyone here. Thanx Dean! You're definitely one of the best! Looking forward to meeting you.
Hi, I just wanted to say hello and to welcome you here to the DG arena. I live in Tucson and have been in contact with Kevin who posted the Short Sales Across Arizona, just like you. I am new to this field, but told Kevin I am very interested in working with him. I saw where you basically told him the same thing and hope to also be working with you soon.
Again, Welcome.