Anyone on here having experience with these please contact me. Participated In Dean's 3 day workshop last November. Part of the program included a course on liens and deeds hosted by SKWcentral I purchased a lien from them for $400 and something.(turns out the face value is only $317) This was before I fully understood the "Due diligence" process. Long story short. I was contacted by the jurisdiction telling me it expires in 12 months and if I don't start foreclosure proceedings the lien will become "null and void" and I lose my investment. Now here is the kicker. It is a vacant lot between some row houses and only valued at $700. What should I do? Can I start the proceedings on my own, or do I need an attorney?
hope this helps
This is something you can do on your own, it just takes the research. I am taking this that you did not know. I am a Maryland resident, and these matters can vary from county to county and state to state. A lawyer will charge you a arm and a leg. I am a seasoned paralegal, and you do not want to waste more money. If I can be of further assistance, let me know. But as I see it start the proceedings on you own.