Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #115 - Time To Crown a New Champion!!!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog

Watch the finalist videos and vote here!

Hello all you beloved DGer's!

This is an exciting blog because it is time once again to choose the winner of the SOS contest, (you may know it the "send me away Dean" contest as seen at

Why two names? Well, it was originally called the stories of Success contest, but somebody in the office kept calling it "Send me Away" and now we're all confused.

But, there's one thing we aren't confused about and that is the fact that it's time to pick the winner of 2010. So, please watch Dean's message now on how to see the awesome six finalists home videos.

What can I say

darylmau's picture

Great V. Blog Deano,

What touched me the most was toward the end of it. The Slippery Slope. I've just moved from Maui to Honolulu to care for my father. He's just been released from a 24/7 Therapeutic facility, onset of Dementia and Altimeters. Thought I might feel a bit of cabin fever but as it turns out I feel great being able to give back as much as I am able. Though very costly it could be a lot worse. However, I won't go there. An old friend once told me " For Every Adversity, There is a Seed to an Equal or Greater Benefit" W.Clement Stone. Founder Combined Insurance and Author of: The Power Of OPM.

Right now I feel very comforted being a part of the DG Family. Thanks All.

All winners

I watched all six videos and they were all
worthy of winning-but I chose the one I thought
was the best. Best of luck to all of them!


Good luck to all the 6 investor's I can not wait til next years contest, I might be the one going on a vaction on Dean. Thanks Dean for a great being,I'm on my way to my wealth. I love this site.

God Bless.

Great Job guys

randy428's picture

All the videos were great, I guess I will have to put numbers in a hat to see who I an going to vote for. Well I can't do that but it is going to be hard picking the best one.


great job

All the videos were great, dean you have made a lot of people believe they can do this. A lot of people are making thousands they didn't have. Dean's the man



That was a tough choice. They were all so full of passion for investing. I can't wait to see who wins.

This is going to be my year for taking the plunge into real estate investing.

After my vacation pay and tax refund arrive about mid march, I am going to enroll in your Success Academy.

I am committed to turning my life around in 2011. With your help, the Success Academy's help and the help of the DG community, I believe I can do it.

I am excited, hopeful and ready.

Thanks for your bright and positive pushes every week thru your blogs.


great videos

Valuni's picture

I've enjoyed watching all the finalists videos-very difficult to vote for only one!
thank you for putting in such great effort in creating them and sharing with us.


Thank you!

tkwalker's picture

I would just like to thank you Dean and all of your wonderful staff for choosing us as one finalist in this year's competition. It is an honor to be recognized among so many successful people that have inspired us! We have had a remarkable year. We have learned so much more than we ever thought was possible. More than that, we have had a blast investing in Real Estate. It has always been a dream of ours and now we are actually doing it! Thank you to the DG family that has helped us in so many ways! The information that people post on this site is invaluable and has really been motivating when the going gets tough. We love what we do. So thank you Dean for helping us change our lives and the lives of our family!

Yay! I get to vote!

I voted, but it was difficult to make a choice as each person is a winner. Thanks.


Luiz's picture

This was great I am inspired to making something happen, something jst came into mind, why not place the videos of the other contestants online even though they have not won they may inspire some of our hearts, I am looking at people from all age brakets doing this, and I must confess I have been procastinating <---(or how ever you spell that).
I am inspired to start from scratch again, I have to also confess that I have not been on the site for over 4 months, I must also confess that nothing else is working!
I must get this going for myself and my family once in for all!
i really needed it.



steve and veronica's picture

Look on the left hand side under More DG Resources and you will see Dean's Media all of the videos are there for everyone to see.
