Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #45 - AND The Winner Is...

In this weeks blog Dean announces the winning cover you chose from two weeks ago.

Thanks one and all for your support and help!

Dean also talks about something he learned as a result of taking a whirlwind flight around the nation last week. I think it will surprise you!

So take a minute to watch and listen now.

What your mind can conceive and beleive, you can acheive

If you can feel the success daily before it reveals itself to you then it will reveal itself. If you cannot imagine how it will feel when it happens it will never happen.

What works for me is closing my eyes, take a deep breath and feeling my hand signing the back of the check that's made out to me. Jim Carrey made a check out to himself for $20 million and carried it around with him for YEARS before he got his $20 million movie deal. If it's good enough for him it's good enough for me.


Rina's picture

Looking forward to a whole month of excitement! Thanks, Dean, for always making things exciting and new. Can't wait to hear the new success stories, and the strategies and tidbits each person contributes. It's so fun to learn something new every day and implement it into our REI to bring our own success to another level. Smiling



granny4010's picture

To say this website encourged me to change my life is an understatement. Dean your blogs are like a weekly elixer(sp). Everytime I look at a house I think "how would Dean make this work?" It puts me in the right frame of mind. You are just a treasure for all of us.

Winner: Blue Book


I too liked the yellow with the red, but the Blue has it. Thank you for allowng us to vote. I am new to the school and working hard to complete reading the 2 books and go through the online classes. I am waiting on my legal documents to come back for my business. I am focusing on mastering the process because I believe in you and your ideals. Real Estate has slowed down in my area like most. I read in my Wed paper that the county had only given out 11 subdivison license which is quite a low number. The norm was noted. But each week that I listen to the video and read the blogs, I am more encourage that it WILL work. I'm excited about October for 2 reason, the "Success Fest" and my birthday on the 13th. So thank you again for the good encouraging words.


I'm not either, isn't

I'm not either, isn't working, I wonder if it is for people who already basically know what they are doing. I'm not getting the help the ads promised.

can't wait

Can't wait to read your e-mail tomorrow!
Thanks Dean
