Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #74 - Dean Returns With Tremendous Tips on Tax and More...

Well, it sure seems that spring has sprung. That's good news for finding fresh real estate deals. So, this week Dean shares about his adventure in NY last week and provides some great "get off your butt" encouragement now that most of us are seeing more sunny days. Enjoy and as always, we covet your comments!!!

i need help badly i dont have the money for one of your coaches

i have both your books but i want to use them but cant because i dont have the money for one of your coaches what do i do cause i know the book will work can some one please help david fisher 620 664 0604 3503 b jeffrey street hutchinson ks 67502 PS.i know of at least 15 propertes that the book will work on can any body help my credit really sucks im devorce and i live with some one i cant even get apt or even a gas card and on top of this im 40 yrs old and i work at mcdonalds i really dont want to be were i am now i know i can do it i just need help im crying as i write this i know that i would be a great dean student please anybody help thanks david fisher


Dean, I hope you can shed some light on this S.A.F.E. thing we are hearing about. Actually, I would rather see you put a very bright spot light on it. Seems like just another thing our stinking current administration is taking away from us. Please address this soon.

You're the man!

Thanks and keep it up,


Nothing is Boring About Dean!!!

I agree with Trisha, there is no waaayyy that the concepts you teach your students are boring. just keep it coming!!! OK, and thanks for your dedication> Antoinette

Weekly Video Blog #74

westerwayne's picture

Hi Dean and welcome back. Thanks for another informative, uplifting and motivational message. I'm glad to hear but certainly not surprised that it was a successful trip for you and that you were able to pick up the properties you mentioned in NY, MS, CO, AZ and the MW.

It is indeed spring, time for us to clean out all the old, dusty, sluggish and negative thoughts that may have been interfering with our clear thinking about how close we are to changing our lives forever and reaching a position where we will be able to help others. It might be to help others with their struggling REI careers, helping people in your own town who are needy or maybe helping your family. Whatever it is, won't it be a great feeling to get to the point where we can help others.

I discovered that feeling when I was about 8 or 9 years old when I did something or gave something to my mother, God rest her soul, and I experienced an incredible feeling brought on by her response. Having been in the Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts, I assumed that it was the reward for applying one of the many principles we were taught about giving and helping others. I told my little boy self that I was going to make it a point in my life to get to where I could help others in various ways. I suppose this was an early stage of goal setting because I clearly knew that I must get to that place. I didn't expect it to take this long but 22 surgeries along the way did alter my timing a bit. I didn't yet understand why it felt so good to me to give something to someone else but it did feel very good.

I have set some various relatively small goals to reach that include meeting with the Mayor and City Manager of my town and telling them of my intent to fund things for them that aren't in the budget and won't get done otherwise. Even though I haven't finished the Success Academy or sold any houses yet, I have gotten some starter information from the city, the police department, animal control department, etc. about things they need that aren't funded. Of course, I'll be keeping in touch with them to update their needs as time passes. As examples, the police chief told me that they could always use flashlights. I Googled the flashlights they use and found that they are about $80 each so for a thousand dollars I could get them a dozen flashlights and help them in that way. The City Secretary might have a need for a new printer, fax machine or other office machines. The Recreation Department might need a new swing or perhaps some other piece of equipment for the park and playground. The animal control department always needs food and medicine for the animals they keep temporarily that are picked up because they are either strays, lost or wounded pets. Also, new cages are frequently needed. I hope to establish myself over time as someone the city can call if they need something that is not in the budget. At any rate, the exciting things I feel at this time in my life come from you, Dean, and your teaching, direction, encouragement and motivation. This all takes me to a place in my mind from which I can visualize these things coming to fruition, thanks to Real Estate Investing. THANKS DEAN!

Terry Smith

No way!

Big Money Gus's picture

Your not boring at all. To me It's amazing how you can stay so motivated everyday. I want to be there someday.I'm going through alot of obstacles right now.At the end of the day it always comes down to how much money you have.I worry every single day. but every time when there seems to be no angles I i turn to one of your video's. And it almost seems unreal how much success you have.I just have to keep saying to myself that it is not easy! Thats what pushes me to work harder.

Boring is a "poor song choice" for our 'American Idol'

Ros-ker 1010's picture

(This is a reposting 'cause I must be lame and put it in the wrong place. Hope I can learn the basics of this and not have to waste the time of repeated un-needed effort.)

Had to find out what your name meant and I must say that I was not at all surprised what I found.

A "DEAN" is the head of a school who is responsible for discipline and guidance.


The Italian/English Dictionary indicates that your last name means - now get this - delightful, charming, kind and gracious.

WOW and WOW and WOW and WOW

So it is clear that you live up to your name and it has an amazing meaning.

Be boring if that is what you call it.

Bore us with your delightful charm and kind and gracious manner.

Continue to be our guide and help us to find the self discipline to find our paths.

You boring? "Are YOU kidding?"

dgadmin wrote:

Well, it sure seems that spring has sprung. That's good news for finding fresh real estate deals. So, this week Dean shares about his adventure in NY last week and provides some great "get off your butt" encouragement now that most of us are seeing more sunny days. Enjoy and as always, we covet your comments!!!

Don't ever forget ... "You don't need us .. We do need you!" Starting tomorrow I'm sure if you chose you could go out in another business adventure and be super successful. You just have it But for alot of us this is our only hope. So don't ever feel for any reason what you have to offer is inadequate or for whatever reason boring? That makes me laugh. Just "keep on" being Dean. The rest of us will catch up eventually. Some seeds just take longer to take
root before they can grow. God bless
PS. Have you ever worked in a factory where you work
swing shifts and get one weekend off every 2 mo.
Now that's boring ... and humiliating, but how a
large percentage of us have to live ... for now
Your motivation is what keeps our dreams and hopes

first offer accepted

Rolston Morrison's picture

Hi my DG fimaly after six months and many offers sending out I get my first offer accepted.(waiting to
get a mortgage ) pray for me thank you.