Am excited to create new adventures. I am a curious and playful grammy. Neighbor chiddles, friends and campsite co-habitants know me as "Grammy".
I am slim and trim and have revised my lifestyle to continue to be.
Used to operate own business, partnered with spouse in another, but... have been semi-retired and getting tired of that. Real Estate licensed for a dozen years from 1981. Relinquished license for family pursuits as well as disappointment with a subsequent broker that soured me on people who do not perform ethically.
I let my disappointment discourage me from exploring options that would have kept me in the mix, at the time. Now I know that 'life comes at you, sometimes' is not a reason to retreat; but to explore, inquire, share, ask for help and overcome.
Since life has come at me and I have erred in my responses to it, I intend to no longer shrink from challenges but to pick myself up, brush myself off and start anew. REI is very appealing since I have the time to gain more knowledge and also capitalize on the life experiences that have given me many of the needed skills and attributes that it requires of a humbled yet successful adventurer.
"You are kind" instead of "thank you" has become my staple response whenever it is possible or necessary to be thankful or just to acknowledge someone doing their job or even just smiling. Grocery clerks included.
Becoming a part of the DG family makes me smile; more Gu-u-u-u-u-d things are on their way.
Since all people are not always agreeable or pleasant in this world we live in, to keep me away from resentments, for example, whenever a driver cuts me off or someone yells out a tirade or is being downright disagreeable or mean, I think to myself------"That is one person's opinion..... AND..... I simply do not share it." This helps me to not ping-pong back in an equal and awful negative response. I smile inside and take a relieved deep breath and keep on keeping on. Try it; it works.
More later and sooner
Had to say HELLO!
Have run across a couple of your comments in the passed and have always felt your life force shine brightly through and felt the need everytime to send a great BIG HELLO! to a new "like minded" DG family member....Just cuz! That's how you leave people feeling. So, here it is HELLO AND WELCOME ROSELIE! (if I may) from a somewhat newbee to REI and the DG family myself, Manuel(manny)Flores,Orange County, California. I'm sure you are a wealth of information and answers to questions we all have yet to ask so I will be keeping your DG site acct' close at hand for the very near future. Sorry for the rambling, Welcome again and talk to you soon, Manny.