Who are we? Why are we here? Where are we going? These are the deep questions we search for answers to. In this episode of the Weekly Wisdom, Dean talks about his discovery about himself during six hours of solitude. What he realized is something very simple, yet profound when it comes to the possible reason you are pursuing real estate success. Watch and then let him know whether you agree...
Maslow's Triangle
Congratulations Dean, you are now entering the bottom of the top level of the triangle:
Self Actualization Becoming the fullest of your being.
I remember in one of my 1st psyche classes the Professor said very few humans achieve this level. He said people like Buddah & Ghandi & ML King were examples of persons who had achieved it.
You just threw a dart at a dartboard 100 miles away, in the dark, against the wind, blindfolded, facing backwards and still hit the target, dead center!
This is why we are all here, Dean.
Your new realization only spotlights why you and your programs, partners,...(so on) have had such a positive hold on all of us here over the years.
This kind of realism and sincerity, along with the free and continuous content with support is what separates the best from the rest.
I emphatically thank you for everything you have offered, free or not (even the stuff I'm not able to afford just yet).
Mr. Dean
Stop all your works, you already one of greatest person I know. Everything you said I try to related to, and all trues. We are all here to live, and don't do anything evil. That's way you will have better forever happy living.
You Are On Point Yet Again!
Again Dean you have hit the nail on the head. If a person can't answer the question who are you apart from money then that person is a lost soul. I heard someone over the weekend ask, do you know who you are or do you always look for other people and things to name you? That really is something to ponder. Or as another one of my mentors always says, people have to learn to realize what they do IS NOT who they are! In other words so many are focused on making money and if you meet them when you ask who are you, they respond with what they do, not realizing those are 2 totally different things.
i need help with this Dean.
where can i find good deals?
I had an awakening myself this past week and it is exactly the message you delivered today. Let's get money problems out of the way so that I can focus on what is really important. Like going to Ireland to visit my family, something I have not been able to do in a few years. The Law of Attraction tells us we can have anything we want but we have to take action. I signed up for DG Elite. I will not be in the same boat as I was last year. Time for change. And this time positive change. Have a great week dean and thanks for the great message.
Thanks for the emotional boost...
Thank you for the emotional boost I get from these videos. Am planning to join inner circle soon. I've been working on buy and hold properties and need to get back to basics and include wholesaleing and fix and flips.... By the way the hat makes you look like....The Real Estate Investor Gangsta......ROFL
Thanks for all you've done for me so far.
Thanks Dean
Once again, your words of wisdom are great and helpful. You make me fell like anything is possible and I CAN do this! I am sticking to my guns and following as I should. Thanks once again.
No pun intended, Dean ...
... but you are "right on the money." I have know for a long time that I want my work on this earth to not be connected to money worries. There is a saying that you do your survival dance (for money) and you do your sacred dance (for spirit). I want to be successful -- and WILL BE -- in real estate as my survival dance. That will allow me to begin my sacred dance in a big way, not focussed on money but totally focussed on how I can make a much bigger difference in the world while I am here. I saw a commercial for Hallmark cards the other day and it stopped me in my tracks. The tag line was "Life is a special occasion." We come, we live, we leave ... our time here is nothing short of an opportunity to become the miracle for whoever is in need of one. My focus is the earth and its creatures and how I can open the minds and hearts of people to love them, because people won't protect what they don't love. I worked for 9 years to get a PhD in Applied Ecopsychology while I was working full time as a classroom teacher so I could offer that to the world. RE investing will free me financially so that every day I can work and play in a world where just my presence makes it a little bit better. I searched for a long time to find the right RE program and then I found you. So thanks to that happy event, my dream will come true! You are a blessing.
Lour your Passion!
Thank you Dean for your passion and intergrity.
You truly are an inspiration to so many. I love the thought of making money while I am living and being the best I can be. I am really good at the "play" part of life and only in the last 4 years have I needed to really pay attention to making money for myself and my kids. I appreciate your truth and transparency in your own journey. I am READY to get my first deal done. God bless!
Great Weekly Wisdom!
Thanks for another great Weekly Wisdom! I know that I have been struggling with money worries for a long time now, and it really does wear you out! I am supposedly "retired" now, but with all these worries, I feel like retirement has passed me by. I am going to not worry about it anymore and just move on!!
so sweet
Always impressed by how sweet you are, Dean. Beautiful sentiments.
I'm the opposite in my life experience: spent my 20-50's on spiritual path. Now that I know who I am I want to make money! Ain't life grand!?
BTW, truthfully, you'd look better in a dark gray fedora, but hey, it's your head.
I totally agree!
It would be SO AWESOME to be able to focus on ME!!
I don't mean to sound self centered at all, but I know that because of the daily responsibilities- meeting obligations- blah, blah, blah...The person that I could be, would be, should be is sitting on the back burner. It is time for that to change!!
I am excited about my future- Thank you Dean
7-deep why?
Hi Dean and DG family!
Wow! This is so powerful, reminded me of a vlog Dean did a while back, was it the 7-deep-why? Where we did the excersice of asking ourselves WHY we do what we do, and when we have the answer ask again, .... 7 times?
I would love to revisit that vlog once more, but couldn't find it on search. Please advise! ... Did you'll smell the popcorn...? Anyways, plz let me know if you know what I'm talking about.
Thanks much!
Your Real Self!
All of us have good and bad going on in our lives. I tell everyone, everyone, to laugh alot. Laughter makes all of us feel better. If someone falls down infront of you, do not laugh, help them up. do not laugh that time. Some things we have no control of, just take care of the things that we can control.
Looking forward to meeting and working with as many of Dean's Family across the country.
One step at a time will get us all to where we want to be.
Watching from afar
Hi Dean and All,
I've got to say you struck a cord. I've looked here and watched some videos and live events before. The demon spoken of is deep rooted or for some reason, "it must work for me some how."
I posted prior to the live event a few months ago but have allowed it to remain there. I'm new to all of this and honestly find it overwhelming. Where should a novice begin? I'd love some guidance. I have no prior experience but I'm tired of watching from afar in my own life.
I'll join tonight and look forward to it. Would welcome guidance on how to start. I'm one of many looking to "get rid of this worry" and allow the real me to emerge.
I'M FED UP AND READY TO LEAVE HISTORY WHERE IT IS....back there. Where / how to begin? Thanks
Great job once again Dean thanks for all that you do to keep us motivated in Real Estate Investing. I live in Las Vegas and not to long ago you gave a weekly wisdom about the trending Real Estate Market. I wanted to let you know that you hit the head on the hammer with your predictions and strategies we need to inject into our business. Prices are being inflated and making our business difficult trying to compete with retail value. The discounts are not there and it is kind of depressing knowing this information. But you give us the techinques and strategies that will work in any market. I just wanted to thank you for your inspiration and keep up the great work.
Financial Freedom
Dean as always you hit the nail right on the head.
I am currently taking advantage of everything you are offering and after hearing today's message I dont feel like I am cheating on your program. I got an offer from another RE investor to partner up with him and he would show me the ropess so to speak and we would make some money. I took him up on his offer and the things he says to do are basically the same things you teach sometimes with a little different spice in the recipe but making the same cake. I could not afford the boots on the ground training in one lump sum and the sooner I get a deal under my belt the sooner I can pay the rest of my package and get the rest of the training you offer. Thanks for the words of wisdom as always and thanks for making me feel better about the decision I made.
Reallly Looking Forward Learning More Through The Webinar!
I'm really looking forward to the Webinar this evening. I love the idea that making money in Real-Estate is making so much more sense to me now, as I learn from you and other students who have gone on to be very successful. I know I can do it too, as long as I just know how!
Brent Yarbrough
I'm really looking forward to the Webinar this evening.
I'm really looking forward to the Webinar this evening. I love the idea that making money in Real-Estate is making so much more sense to me now, as I learn from you and other students who have gone on to be very successful. I know I can do it too, as long as I just know how!
Brent Yarbrough
This Was My Life
Dean thank you for this amazing weekly wisdom...I can honestly say that this wisdom was almost the best one yet and I know there are many more to recieve from you....so much passion that you want us to achieve are goals...Im at the start of achieving my goals!!!! with in the yerar we have now 3 realestate deals bought fixed up and sold to some amazing families....my worries are starting to vanish but I have along way to go to reach my goals....because when I achieve where I want to be in life is when I can completley change a life of a family thats in need....and give support to a nother person thats loosing the will to accomplishing there goals.....it starts off when Im going to the Edge event for the first time....P.s Im talking and listening to John Wakefield.....what a great person you have taught your priciples of realestate......See you in Arizonia...Jimmy from Michigan.
Cool post!
Love this, Dean! I haven't read all the replies, so maybe someone has addressed this, but I just wanted to comment that you don't have to wait until you're making enough money to not worry about money before you can dig deep and address these larger issues of who we really are. We need to do that all along the way, from the very beginning, and work FROM that place of self-knowledge. Otherwise, we run the risk of ending up rich, unhappy and empty. You, I suspect, have been doing this inner work all along, since you seem to be rich, happy, and fulfilled. Thanks for being such a great role model.
Webcast Live!!
Hi Dean, Im sorry to tell you this, but I think it is important. As I was watching the live feed, the sound kept breaking up for several seconds. It got annoying so I had to close the window and see it later. Im sorry but I had to let you know. Thanks
Hi Dean I love all of you, this is so different from any thing I eve done before and yes I was scared to get the Elite propgram because Ieve been disappointed before, Ilove all of you so verymuch Like Matt and all of you, many thanks, Jim
It's all good Dean
Hey - If anybody's giving you flak for the fedora it doesn't matter!! It works for ya....
& I bet the mastermind you got to be a part of was awesome.
+ The insights you received about going deeper into who you are is a REALLY powerful idea and something all of us should be able to focus on & DO.
What a lovely visual of living a life where you're able to cut a check for whatever financial things come up and get those things handled yet with the focus of figuring out who we're really meant to be at the core of it all!
Dean - I love the hat - and the message - and everything you said, I just kept saying, Yes!! Yes!! through your whole video, even to the motion sickness over the side of the boat - and I do the twirly finger thing too! It's awful! So, I learned how to golf!!Get the money out of the way so I can be the person I was put on this earth to be!! Don't be afraid to be amazing!! Awesome. Can't thank you enough - your energy lights my soul on fire!! Can't wait to meet you in person. Thank you for BEING YOU AND PAYING IT FORWARD!! Margie
Hello Dean,
Thank You for giving us "WWEEKLY WISDOM #221". What an inspiring way to start off the days ahead. Many of us including me thought we should work and provide for our families and retire with the 'GOLD" watch. What a joke!!!. I worked and many of my friends have worked in the auto industry for 20 plus years and one day they tell you--You're making too much money--gotta cut your pay?? I learned to have a plan "B" "C" and "D" if necessary. "CONTROL YOUR DESTINY".
Thanks Dean for the motivation.
Yo Dean love the hat
I have been watching your weekly wisdom for quite some time now and I know with this one you hit it out of the park. Money gets in the way of a lot of things, So I want to thank you for your impowering words. It's time to go forth and do ,do, do and get it done.
Thanks Dean
Thanks for more of that great weekly wisdom Dean.
First off cool hat. I am glad you keep meeting with other successful people because I know you will share with us what you learn from others.
Thanks Dean for what you do for us.
Steve and Veronica.