Dean Graziosi Weekly Wisdom #225 - How Can Inflation Help You

Inflation and interest rates affect us all. They can be confusing topics and it’s easy to get caught up in worrying about them. In this edition of the Weekly Wisdom, Matt commandeers Dean’s whiteboard and delivers a powerful explanation of how to set yourself up to profit based on the way inflation and interest rates move.

PS: Please click here to take our quick survey to give us your opinion on how real estate investing will go in 2013.

Thanks Matt!

Great information!!


Thanks for the information Matt. Just for information sake, the interest rates are directly affected by the movement of mortgage backed securities. The treasuries don't always act the same.

Just a small technicality. Everything else you said was awesome.

Thanks again

Good Lesson

Thank you Matt and Dean for the lesson this week good information.

Inflation / staginflation

Thank you Matt
Good information help me understand how it works.


Great and clear study in economics! Thank you for making it so understandable- I love economics micro and macro--I had a really great professor too. My hero- was Joseph in the bible record- he saved the country and part of the world by his economic strategy by building up food supply for seven years of plenty -stored enough for seven years of drought! We can use this same strategies with real estate--as you just demonstrated. What a great resource our DG family is!

Great info!!

LjKrotz's picture

Thanks for the great information!! I always learn so much from my mentors!!

Thanks again,


Inflation/Interest Rate

hivesproperty's picture

Dean & Matt,
thanks for enlightening us about the inflation/interest rate... knowledge is power - definitely! now we're not too scared with prices rising.

Jeff & Lilian

As always....

Angie's picture

Hey Matt,
As always Matt you take a complicated subject and make it eatable! Happy to have just locked another up, rehabbed and have a great new tenant. Time to refi, ahhh love it!!!!


Some very important information.

Great info and explanation!

RD2Invest1980's picture

Great info and explanation!

Stagflation / Reflation

Thanks Matt and Dean,

Althogh I haven't done a deal yet, you guys inspire me to keep going. Thanks

Michael Lafayette


AndyS's picture

Stagflation, Inflation, Deflation and Reflation??? Thank you so much Matt for the CLARIFICATION!!! Eye-wink
Now we know it's not something to be scared of.

See you next week,

Andy Sager
DG's and MattL's: AndyS
CFIC and IE member

Inflation Sensation


I enjoyed this. Now I'll watch it a third time to take detailed notes.

How Can Inflation Help You

Thank You Dean and Matt for help on breaking down the meaning of what is really going on with inflation, deflation, stagflation, interest rates in the real estate investor's arena. Keep up the good work. It would be nice to see you teach in the near present. smile.

Inflation rates

Thanks for breaking it down, Matt!

Weekly Wisdom - Inflation

Thanks Matt !!! Very helpful information !


It sounds great! But I wonder, when buying investment properties, do we have to consider the location so if we want to sell, we will have no problem finding a buyer?


kcw6150's picture

Hey Guys, thanks fot the solid intupretation of what really happens on the ups and downs of the
Real Estate cycle.
Best Regards,
Kevin Warner

Economics 101!!!

Valuni's picture

Thanks Dean and Matt,

this weekly wisdom was worth more than a college course in economics!!! If anyone ever dreaded taking economics, you got to watch this lesson!
Matt does an incredible job explaining the stages of the economic cycles!
I'm so glad to be part of this family and to be investing in real estate...

Life is good! I am blessed.


9thStreet-Christine's picture

Matt, You are such a fantastic instructor. You can put this Southern gals mind at ease in a 17 minute lesson. You have a gift for simplifying something that I thought I would have a real hard time understanding. God bless you and Dean for all you do to keep us going in the right direction. My confidence level always goes up after I watch one of your lessons. Love ya both. Christine Fontenot


That was great Matt - well done in language even I can understand.

Thanks so much!!


Inflation and deflation

Thank you Dean and Matt. Very informative.


a natural

Matt that was great info :)drop the cap :)see you at the Edge.

Matt arson's Guest Speaker Blog

Big Thanks for your explanation about inflation/deflation, interest rates etc. So.. we can look here to the DG website not just for Information but for Explanation of R.E. business terms. GREAT Opportunity on the Road called Greatness! The business news programs don't give much details on the R.E. world so this website is really an asset.

TTThanks Guys

ButchK1's picture

As always good stuff keep it coming Thanks

Thanks guys

Hey Matt,

Awesome lesson on whether
the market is up or down or if
inflation is rising or not that
We Can Still Make $ Anyway!!!