Weekly Wisdom #362 - Your Relationship With Money Pt. II

Last week's Weekly Wisdom brought to you the question "What is your relationship with money?" But it also brought with it a challenge for you to really see how you felt about money. Do you like it? Do you hate it? Do you envy it?

And this week comes the second part of that Weekly Wisdom, to help you understand what your relationship with money CAN be and should be!

And make sure to leave me a comment with what you thought about the video!!

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.


Dean love it you hit it solid on the head about money, we have a lot in common( you and I) in life and money, cant wait to hear more.This is really healthy to get to know and love the part about being ethical in doing it as well, many thanks, Jim

Great Video...

bversaci's picture

LOL... "That **** means nothing"... I guess you're human just like the rest of us.

Thanks for all your insights and business wisdom. I tune in every Monday and hope to meet you someday in person - I almost did when you came to San Jose to see Tony; I saw you and Matt up front and then when we had our break, I think you guys left. Maybe next time for sure.

All my best,
Bruno Versaci

Relationship with the Almighty Dollar

fitman48's picture

Thank you, Thank You, Thank you...From the ABC's of wholesaling to the heartfelt human being one can become...You're teaching us as you, yourself, are learning. We are fortunate to have some one that Yes, is the consummate salesman to a wonderful person for family and life...Thank You D G and Family...


WOW! Kick ass WW Dean!

thomgilbert's picture

As you say... "I got goose bumps" listening to you talk about how money allows you to be a better you and help your family and others around you.

Spending more time with family and helping others is exactly what drives me to keep pushing. Thanks for the reminder and keeping my fire lit. I'm hungry to create a better life for my family/friends and I really appreciate all that you do to educate, inspire, and encourage me to raise my standard Smiling

Much love to you and your family Dean!
Make it a great week!

money issues

Dean is so right that many of us have a difficult relationship with money. Mine is just getting by and that's okay. It's not though. It doesn't let my husband and I go out and play more now that we are in our mid-60's. I am striving to change that but it certainly helps to have extra money to make more money. I still have hope and belief that I will make a difference.

I love you Dean!

ricardo57's picture

I love you Dean!

weekly wisdom 362

Man that was super duper fantastic!
Thank you very much!

Good One Dean!

Valuni's picture

I appreciate how you give us tools to keep reaching our full potential, both financially and spiritually!

I always carry a money bill in my wallet on which I wrote: "I am thankful for all the money that has been given to me throughout my life". I see it every time I open my wallet, and it does remind me of how blessed I am for being able to 'cut a check' for the things that I or my family need.

Mark Zuckerberg just this past week, after the birth of their daughter, announced that he and his wife are donating 95% of their wealth to charity, to help make this world a better place!

That is what money allows us to do... to make things better!
Thank you Dean!

Weekly Wisdom #362 - Your Relationship With Money Pt. II

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Good Idea to continue this topic with a part 2

Not having enough money is no good.....Having too much money will cause headaches.....Sad

Best to find a middle.....Just enough to make a person happy.......Smiling

Thank you Dean for all you do......xo
