Weekly Wisdom #373 - How Brave Are You!?

Hey everyone! This week’s Weekly Wisdom comes with two important and powerful messages!

And the biggest thing I want to share with this week’s message is how truly important bravery is to your success, in anything you do!

Once you have bravery and aren’t afraid to go out on a limb for what you want in life, everything changes! And in this week’s Weekly Wisdom I have some pointers on how YOU can feel more confident and braver than ever.

You gotta check this out!

Also, I have a mini announcement I want my DG Family to hear. This is a great way to kick off your week Smiling

And also, as I mentioned in this week’s Weekly Wisdom, to get two of my best-selling books for free, go to http://www.deansfreebook.com.

These affirmations are much

These affirmations are much appreciated!!

Courage is the base on confidence

Dean - your message confirms that we have to take action to make changes. Sometimes it works, sometimes not. You are right - it's what you gain in lessons and in increasing your belief in those variety of capabilities already possessed. Whenever you can get moral or other types of support, the journey is easier.

Dean, got a question for you...

Ter Scott's picture

This is an awesome video and message. I watched: https://deangraziosi.leadpages.co/congratsdfbcom/
and it reminds me what I teach with my "Major 8" to help people be "well rounded" and "live in balance".

May I use this video in my seminars and talks?

Thanks in advance for your response.

Ter Scott!
Life and Legacy Coach

Weekly Wisdom #373 - How Brave Are You!?

Hi Dean,

Thanks for this powerful message in the form of your daily Wisdom videos.

Personally, I feel this is one of you most powerful and meaningful messages you have ever presented. I can see how this message is personal to yourself.

As you said Dean, you can help some people but you cannot wrap a blanket around everyone to be able to help everyone.

However Dean, do not discredit yourself. You have personally helped more people than most anyone alive today.

You should be giving yourself a pat on the back.

I could personally use some help.
I have searched and reached out and although I am in the same place as when I started out, it's certainly not because of you that I'm not where I want and need to be.

Thanks again Dean for all your positive insight...



Probably the best weakly wisdom Dean has ever done. I know that courage is the one thing I am short of, very truthful advice here. l also admire Dean's decision to spend more time with his kids.

You are doing the right thing/

DebraAnn's picture

Dear Dean
I am so grateful that you feel the way you do about your children. You are doing the right thing. I remember the early days and you would say don’t let anything get in your way not even your family.

And when I heard those words I started praying that God would show you the blessings from Him you would be missing if business became more important than kids or family. Even a good wife is a blessing not every man has. Family is sooo veerry important to who you are.

With adult family you might need to set boundaries but good and healthy children at every level of life need their fathers Love. So I am really proud of the steps you are taking to be with your children and Dean You will see great things come out of your children because of your choices to spend more time with your kids.

Dean money can buy many things but it cannot buy back the most important things in your life. Thinks like time and time with your kids. Time is a lot like money once it is spent you can’t get it back. That moment in time is gone forever.

That is why it is so important for your family as it is not only important for your children but also for you as a loving father. Dean Thank You for the time You give us. I am really grateful for You and I thank God I got to know you even if it is only on line. At lease we still have you teaching us. and I want to THANK YOU for that!!!

weekly wisdom #373

Wow that was something for me to listen to and watch. When you say you have the best education on the planet I'm a believer. You seem to cover everything from real estate investing to personal development.
Thank you truly.


CandC's picture

You might want to keep them even closer.
Being contractors is not for the faint at heart, but I will tell you I do not like it living from contract to contract and close to the edge. Breaking to next level in this business, nope. Willing to move forward in RE. I need to follow Brianna's advice practice and hard work Eye-wink


saelua's picture

Hello Dean. I don't sign as much on here, and I don't comment as much. But I see every single one of the WW every week.I ask you to never,never, never, never, never, never, never, never, never,never ,never, never, never ,never ,never, never, never ,never ,never, never, never, never ,never, never, never, never ,never, never, never ,never ,never, never, never ,never ,never, never, never, never ,never, never, never, never, never, never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever never ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever ever stop making these weekly wisdom videos. And I Thank you for your consistency and persistent effort.

Weekly Wisdom #373 - How Brave Are You!?

SKL Properties's picture

Hi Dean,

Another great weekly wisdom.....Smiling

" It takes bravery to recognize where in your life, you are your own poison....

It takes courage to do something about it. "

- Dr. Steve Maraboli -

Thank You Dean for all you do....xo
