Welcome -- Please share ...

Hi everyone,

Nice to have you aboard. It would be nice if you could all share where you are at this point, what your goal is and what particular roadblocks you may be encountering.

To steal a phrase, we are each others cheerleaders and we need to constantly encourage each other to keep us focused and motivated.


Cold Feet

newage8767's picture

If anyone read my journal update post today, you see that I expressed that I am getting a little scared the closer I get to attempting that first deal. Is anyone else feeling like this?

I'm getting ready to start working with my agent as well as looking for some FSBOs. My confidence is dwindling now that I'm getting ready to start really doing something!

Any suggestions?

Don't You Dare!!!

michaelwestman's picture

I certainly do understand. I'm in the same situation with my realtor and I'm a bit nervous too. Just charge on, charge through the fear. I know how you feel, I really feel it too. But, I really believe once I/we get tht first proof that the system works we will find confidence even in our ignorance. In a year we're going to be laughing - all the way to the bank!!

I Hear You Michael!

newage8767's picture

I'm scared but I'm not giving up!

I'm a little disappointed in the agent I selected. I sent her an email to ask if I could meet with her at her office on Friday at 10AM. She responded saying that she had appointments and settlement scheduled through November 24th, but she could meet with me on November 25th! I will meet with her on the 25th, but now I have my eye brow raised! I was a bit surprised that she couldn't find any time to meet with me until 6 days after I asked for the appointment! Makes me wonder if she will be available when I need her to be. If I was trying to get in on a hot deal waiting 6 days could be too late! I'll see how things work out, but I think I'm going to interview a few more to get a back up if this one doesn't work out!

BTW, can't wait to skip all the way to the bank laughing! LOL