Stay At Home Dad of Twins

I am a stay at home dad of 4 year old twin boys and a 6 year old daughter. My wife is a special education elementary school teacher. When the twins came, we decided I should stay home so our children didn't have to go to daycare. My wife carries the health benefits, so this worked out well for us, all except for the lack of income by me not working much. I work 1 day a week managing as a tennis court maintenance supervisor.
I had been looking for a stay at home job for 6 months and couldn't find anything legit. that would help us increase our income substantially. One night, we saw Dean on T.V. and said, "what the heck", let's go for it, eventhough, I know NOTHING about real estate.
While waiting for the book, I have been on this website EVERY single day trying to educate myself about real estate investing. I finally received the book 1 week ago and am reading it over and over until I feel comfortable with the information.
I am ready to get out there and make a deal.

Thanks DG Family for all the information to help get me started.


Elena M's picture

Welcome to the DG family, glad you joined us. I'm a mom of 17 year old twins, so I know how hard it is to leave them with a sitter while you earn a paycheck to pay your bills. Take advantage of the time you have now and make this happen no matter what obstacles you may face. It's worth it!

Good luck and God bless,