I am a single Mom with 2 beautiful and wonderful boys (17 & 10 years old). I currently work as an Executive Assistant but not for long. Corporate is laying all of us off from June and December 31, 2008. THIS IS ACTUALLY EXCELLENT NEWS!!! I am a very firm believer that "Everything Happens for a Reason" and feel this is an open door to follow my dreams. Part of this dream is to help people as I've always felt compelled to do.
I am a Reiki Master Teacher and for those that do not know what that is, it is an ancient Japanese Technique of Energy healing. Reiki is an extremely safe technique used to help people and animals alike with physical, emotional and spiritual issues.
At the same time, I've always wanted to invest in Real Estate. In the past, I have ordered Carlton Sheets, Albert Lowery and also looked into purchasing discounted Notes to sell to investors. However, all pulled you in with little investment only to discover ot really succeed, you had to purchase a substantial amount more.
Another "Happens for a Reason" moment came after the morning I had really overwhelmingly had had enough of my situation and renting for my whole life and wholeheartedly prayed that I wish I could change my financial situation for the better of myself and children. That afternoon, I was checking the weather on the "Brain Drain" machine (TV - something I only watch for the weather). For some reason, I started flipping the channels and landed on a "Paid Programming" station and there was Dean Graziosi on this infomercial. Instead of saying "Oh, here we go another one of those that is going to ask for so much more" something made me go onto my computer to research not only his website but I also serched for any complaints. I was extremely happy with what I found!!! I only discovered two complaints and for those complaints there were others who replied in defense of Dean's programs stating their excellent results. I was hooked and for the first time, I have no feelings of "I wonder if I should have"
I am so, so looking forward in succeeding with a burning desire to stop at nothing and to also help those facing foreclosure.
Family Home
Hi Darlene,
Quick question, does he finance family homes, ie if you wish to buy like a investment property, two family home to live in and rent one apartment? I will welcome having a conversation with this goodly gentleman. Please keep me informed. Love you all.