Okay, now I've figured it out... I'm supposed to write in here! Well, let's see. I'm a wife of 1 husband, a mother of 3 children and grandmother of 9 grands. My husband and I have been in the ministry for over 35 years.
I've done a bunch of different things over the years, just trying to supplement the old "pastor's salary". I even got my R.E. liscense in Tampa at one time. I wasn't that good at it, though. My lack of self confidence and the fact that I had to work so many weekends didn't fit into the church schedule. But, we have always been interested in personal investing and have done some real estate deals in the past. We currently have 4 rentals, hold a mtg. and own 3 building lots in a new development. We have done all of this "by the seat of our pants". In other words, we hit a brick wall and need some serious help to get this R.E. investing in high gear.
I am so excited about this program. At age 60, we don't have a whole of time left to become millionaires before we retire.
I have so much to learn but am very excited about what everyone here can offer me. I can only hope that I will be an asset to the DG community, as well.
Just by way of other info, I am a Personal Image Consultant and I love being able to help people discover their "image assets". I've started writing articles for our local newspaper pertaining to Image and Self-Image. So, now I'm a columnist! I love spending time with family and friends, playing cards and all kinds of other games (they tell me it helps deter senility!).
"...and the Israelites dwelled in the land of Goshen...they acquired land...and prospered there." (Jan's paraphrase)
REOs in Atlanta
Hi Jan, I am in LA, I stumbled on something that you too may enjoy? I am working with a REO liquidation company out of San Diego, which targets LA Atlanta, Miami, Tampa, Orlando, and Ft Lauderdale. They are offering REOs at 80% Market Value, in the cities of your buyers needs, with the type of house of your buyers needs. After you sell 10, it goes down to 75%. Call me if you are interested, or know anyone who might be, in these cities. Thanks, and the best of luck! Regards Mark Hewitt 310 863-0606