i just recieved my FULL TUITION REFUND AS DEAN PROMISED!!!!!!!!!!
after completing 5 deals in one yr dean promised to refund all the money payed for the success academy.
when i first put the $$$$ on my credit card i was scared and could not sleep that night.after making a goal of doing the 5 deals in 1 yr AND meeting dean graziosi i have accomplished one and have my foot in the door for THE LIVE EDGE EVENT 2010 to meet dean!!!!!

I have just hit my $50,000 mark in my profits from Real Estate and it feels so wonderful to be free!

I cannot begin to describe what it feels like to have your life change overnight. I feel like it was just yesterday that I was totally stressed out trying to make ends meet,looking for ways to feed my children and here I am 17 months later living a life that I never thought possible.

It is hard to believe that a book that I purchased for $34.95 17 months ago has made me $50,000 in 17 months. I have just hit my $50,000 mark in my profits from Real Estate and it feels so wonderful to be free!

Dean Graziosi Weekly Video Blog #70 - Entitlement or Ownership...What Side Are You On?

In Dean’s latest blog, he takes on the tendency many people have of complaining or expecting that their problems and difficulties should be resolved by others.

After 11 months...

Hello everyone. April next month, will be my 1st year and this morning, I finally got my First Ever Contract accepted and signed by the seller. I believe that if you only work like crazy, consistently with Burning desire and passion, ignoring all the negatives and naysayers around you will achieve whatever there is that needs to be achieved.

My offer was accepted!

After being outbid on several properties working with a "regular" realtor - nice girl, but doesn't understand what I need - I found the PERFECT realtor. He specializes in REO homes, and has the contacts to know what numbers will get the deals done. Within 2 weeks of meeting him, I now have a 3/1 house under contract in a nice suburb south of Chicago. Paid $57K cash by using my home equity line of credit, cashing in on some 0% credit card deals (from having very good credit scores) and having a good friend agree to come in for $10K for the rehab. The realtor has all the contacts I need, and can arrange for crews he knows to do the rehab quickly to get it back on the market for the spring. The work in mainly cosmetic.

First Deal 1/2 Done!

Last weekend, (3/13/2010), I looked at about 10 REO properties in Lakewood Ohio, and submitted offers on 5. Most of the offers were below list price and WELL below FMV. One of the properties was listed at $59k. It's a nice 3 bdrm 1 fb with a 2 car garage. I offered $49k cash. After a week of fierce negotiating they accepted $51.5k. The bank was really pushing to get the sale price up to where they had it listed, but I stuck to my guns!

The house could be lived in as-is, but needs to be updated to make it really nice. My fix up estimate is about $40k to make it picture perfect (windows, siding, kitchen, bath, landscaping, HW floor refinish, AC, and paint) Similar properties on the street are selling between $110k - $125k, so I think I got a really good deal.

Option 1:

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