Read the Fine Print

I always recommend you read the contracts you are signing, especially when the contracts are being supplied by someone else. If you are brand new to real estate, I recommend working with a real estate agent. They are training in the state approved contract and can walk you through that. If they do not know the answer to something, ask them to find out from their broker or someone on the realtor board. It is part of their job when they are representing you.

Student Weekly Wisdom #2 - Double Close with Ali Safavi

Ever wanted a step by step analysis on how to execute a double close and everything it entails? If you're sitting there thinking yes... you're in luck! Ali takes some time in this week's Student Wisdom to let you know the 6 main steps it takes to perform a double close and some things to look out for. You won't want to miss this.

It Isn’t Just About Student Debt

There are articles all around the media that tell us rising student debt is crippling young Americans’ financial futures. There is no doubt that the numbers are staggering and still going up, and it’s definitely true that this keeps many young people out of the housing market. The “first time homebuyer” is becoming an endangered species.
We’re becoming a “nation of renters” according to many market watchers and economic experts. Home builders are betting on it, with multi-unit housing starts up a whopping 416% from the 2010 low. The U.S. population is still growing, and fewer people are buying homes. They’re not pitching tents, so renting is where the market is moving.

Short Term is Great, but Don’t Forget Retirement

Real estate investors come from all walks of life and in all ages; they are part-timers, full-timers, wholesalers and fix & flippers if their goals are more in the shorter term. There’s nothing wrong with a short term business plan, but we’re all getting older, and we should remember that the reasons many of our customers are long term rental investors are really quite lucrative and secure.
The biggest fear of those in the baby boomer generation is that they’ll run out of money in retirement. Sure, some will have jobs that they can continue, and retirement doesn’t mean what it used to anymore. Others will be unable to stay on in their life careers, and they get reminded of how things may go every time they’re greeted going into Walmart.

Real Estate Investing Weekly Wisdom #291 - Cash Flow vs CASH FLOWING!!

Learn the difference of having some cash, hopefully coming in month to month compared to a strategy that can have real cash, significant cash FLOWING into your bank account...

There's a huge difference most so called trainers are afraid to share with you...Get the TRUTH and the path to true success in this week's FREE weekly wisdom video.

Whether you're trying for deal #1 or want to go faster, you CAN'T MISS this week's video...

Student Weekly Wisdom #1 - Marketing With Jay St. Hilaire

What a great way to kick off the new Student Weekly Wisdom section with some good old fashion marketing! This week, Jay takes some time to explain the importance of marketing in order to fill your buyer and seller buckets. There are TONS of different channels you can take to generate leads, you just need to know what they are and Jay is here to tell you all about it!

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