Hi everyone, I'm just new here especially in this Real Estate business. I'm looking for anybody that wants to be partners. My location is Edmonton, Canada. Hope receive a reply from you guys. Smiling


i would love to be partner

But I live in san Diego CA =\ I think we can help each other with info. Let me know if your interested

good to hear :)

sure i will be glad to!! I'm still about to start the 30 days program Smiling


Welcome to the board, Jay! you are not alone, we are here to help each other. Good luck

Hey there! I'm in Vancouver

Hey there! I'm in Vancouver B.C. If we partnered up, we'd be amazing because we're both Canadians and we abide by the same laws. I'm working on the 30 days program as well, as well as reading through B.A.R.M and Profit. Currently working on my first assignment here in Metro Vancouver. I look forward to your reply.


Here's a thought

Welcome Ronald Jay - I wish you all the best! It seems that you've already got some good things happening here just from this initial forum. Congrats! A recommendation - I know a lot of Canadians love South Florida so you may want to find someone down there to partner as well and then you could also help people find their winter getaway place. Just an end of summer thought!


Help feed the hungry -

This is true for RE..."The best way to learn this business is to do this business." - John Addision, co-chief executive officer, Primerica

Aerialist's Journal - Because Life Is a Circus

Hello from Florida

Hi Jay,

I'm in Orlando, Florida and would be happy to team up on things. I'm just starting out in the Rock Bottom Blue Print too. Some of the students have already experienced success. It can happen fast! I think it's important to appreciate all of our little successes and accomplished goals along the way. If you'd like, we can keep in touch and help keep each other on track. Just PM me!


Newbie in SF Bay Area

I'm just getting started here in Northern California and was wondering if any one out there was in the same area and would like to team up. Specifically I live in Sonoma County but would be willing to travel to learn from someone who knows what they're doing. I am interested in assignments.... Thanks!

Sharing Info

I am interested in sharing info and helping each other. I am from Rochester, NY. Let me know.
