ok I have found a person who is desperate to sell his house because they are loosing it to the bank, i heard you have to request some sort of paperwork from the bank or what not so they could allow you to do a short sale on the house, but i dont understand the process. or what to ask for, is there anyone who is doing short-sales and would be able to let me know how it works from start to finish?
thank you so much in advance
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal"
Dean Graziosi
Live, Love, Laugh!!!!!
If you are working with an agent you will have to tell the agent to tell the owner to locate the bank and tell them that they have an offer on the property, if you don't have an agent and working with the seller directly you will of course tell the seller to locate the bank and tell them that they have an offer on the house. But keep in mind if you have an agent hopefully its one that is experienced in putting the package together, and if you don't have an agent you will have to find one or someone who specializes in that area, its has to be done a certain way and the bank would be able to tell if who ever is doing it is experienced or not, and that matters becasue the more perfessional it looks the bank would consider. The more unprofessional it looks they take it for a joke and they can or will deny the offer. Its a lot of paper work and preparation to put together so the lender can consider your offer. They want to try to get what is owed to them or the most for the property but once you have proof of what needs to be done to the house along with the estimate cost its a go!Its a long process but its worth it at the end if the offer get accepted in regards to all the valid point addressed.Wish you all the best!!!!!!
its called a HUD-1 form sorry i did not include that in the last message
thanks for the advice, you see i am in Florida and everything here seams to be more complicated than anywhere else, i am trying to get this house on a short sale so that i can simply sell it without buying it, my credit is shot and i have no mula! so the best way would be using a real estate agent with experience in short sales in my case am i correct? can that even be done if i am not the one buying the house? i was told by an agent that the only way for me to do this was to become a real estate agent becouse i would be selling the house as an agent, and if i got an agent involved in what grounds does the agent have to give me the profits and not keep it to himself? its tricky and i am confused lol
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal"
Dean Graziosi
Live, Love, Laugh!!!!!
all righty then yeah that sounds very confusing.And no where is more complicated than living in the big apple lol nyc
but i guess you got to love it. Well am not certain on what those agents are telling you because you do not have to become an agent to purchase a house on a short sale base, but i do know you are going to need some one to assist you in the deal that specializes in it. A regular realtor who is not knowledgable on it would not be able to pull it off or might mess up the deal.The only thing i can suggest to you is it sounds like you are in a position where you are now starting off and u have no cash or credit, yet u know someone who is in desparate need to sell their home and you already have a buyer correct? If that is the case that deal sounds like and assignment deal where u found the deal and know someone who want to purchase it and now you and the buyer will have to come to term for your compensation being that he is the one buying the home and you found the deal, you will charge him a finder fee for that it is some what called bird hunting like dg discuss in his book or dog finding i beieve its called lol bottom line is you need to get paid if you are the one to find this deal and you have a buyer for the property. You do not have to be a agent to get paid, or do you need assistance if you structured and put this deal together as far as you did.. Just find some kind of agreement on line its called the non-circumvent agreement google it and should have a few on line you maybe able to download for free and twit it to your words or likings.... but that is the most you can do if you have no money or credit i do not believe you would be able to purchase the home only the only who is eligible for financing or them showing proof of fund to purchase. The bank is already losing on a short sale base so they would not allow another liablitiy on top of a liablity to take place, so that is your best bet right now. Go for it but you need the right agent or specialist to put it together do not sit on it to long the sharks are out so get on it asap....
Thanks Corat711 i apreciate your time and information, yes i have the seller but i do not have a buyer yet, i have signed up for an investors club right here in fort myers, so i could find the buyers i also have a few numbers from bandit signs i called tham but the houses they are looking for are not in the same criteria. but i will keep at it, giving up is not a choice!
thank you again.
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal"
Dean Graziosi
Live, Love, Laugh!!!!!
u live in fort myers great, i have a 1/4 acre of land out there that i want to sell, the address is 911 naples ave. If you know anyone who maybe interested in buying a piece of land please let me know and have no problem giving you a referal fee. I would love to come out there and put a for sale sign by it but unfortunately i can't do that yet i have to get some money so i can fly out there to do it and these companies out there charge to much to market it out there and they want a 7 to 9 percent from the seling price ontop of what you already giving them to market it how ever that maybe so im going to try to put it in the papers to see if i can sell it my self. I would take 35,000 for it and its negotiable. The land is in an area where it already developed and my land has houses built and people living there already. it also has a canal in the back of it which raises the value. I could of gotten 72,000 for it at one point and i did not take it (huge mistake but you live and you learn) so now the market is how it is that is where i am at
I actually live in Naples, FL in the boonies of Naples to be exact lol, if you want we could work something out and I can go over and put a for sale sign on your property, I live about 45 minutes from exit 131 Daniels pkwy, send me a PM with your number so I could call you personally and we could talk about it.
have a wonderfull day!
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal"
Dean Graziosi
Live, Love, Laugh!!!!!
It becomes a short sale as soon as the lender
approves it, but, it helps if you make an
offer that is lower than what is owed on the
property (because it is worth less than what is owed)
& then, the seller & you request the lender to look
at it to consider accepting a short sale.
I think that's about it. All others also had great info for
Take care,
Any luck yet, since it has been since June?
Best Regards,
(Licensed Realtor-Military Vet-9/11Vet)
A self-directed realization for 2014 is to:
Live life as if always on vacation and have all the good health, time, & wealth to enjoy it.
Work, only when and IF desired. Helping others do the same. It Pay$ To Connect!
Always In Gratitude.....
no luck yet still working on it! thanks for the info.
"Obstacles are what you see when you take your eyes off your goal"
Dean Graziosi
Live, Love, Laugh!!!!!
Is in foreclosure & has a 1st morgage balance of 80% or less than market value of the property. Actually 75% in a down market. 80% in an up market
has a 2nd mortgage 20% or more of property value.
As an Investor you have to follow these numbers or your wasting your time.
Jason S.
San Diego, CA.
**All CASH House Buyer!**
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