A Letter to Dean

A Letter to Dean

My wife and I have formed a company and begun our journey into Real Estate Investing. So far to date we have:
Attended two of your seminars both in Pasadena, CA. The first was a short one then a 3 day Seminar we paid for.
We purchased the “Prop Stream” software in Pasadena as it was every penny we could put together. We do so want to and will attend your Success Academy after we finish our first deal.
Named Our Company and its Officers.
We built and published a web site.
We obtained an 800 phone line with multiple extensions and recorded all messages.
We sent out Mortgage Broker letters and secured a Great Mortgage Broker to work with our contacts.
We sent out Real Estate Agent letters. We received one response that was hopeful, but when she didn’t want to do a simple Market Analysis to assure us she was in tune with the market withdrew our offer to work with her. We need someone with Drive and Desire who is not afraid of WORKING for a Solid Stream of Income.
We have placed ads in Craig's list and are already getting calls from buyers.
We have 2 serious Investors with cash up to $1 million on one part and $350,000 on the other and a third interested in a Lease Option.

We’ve purchased and hand written our bandid signs and begun the process of putting them out in different areas.
This process has required commitment of every penny of our Income to this point. We are out of funds and needing to complete what we have begun.
Herein lies the problem; at this point we are wandering aimlessly trying to put together the “Numbers” to make sense to make a deal work out. We don’t really understand all the information on the Software and how to put it to work. We know that this is all “Revealed” either in Scottsdale at the “Edge” event or more likely it’ll be in the “Success Academy”.
So here is what we propose, If you would kindly guide us through this process to create and finish the deal, we are willing to Sign Up for your “Success Academy” Right Now! In addition to that we would be more than happy to offer you a percentage (yet to be determined) of the transaction when it finishes. We’ll sign a contract to that effect if you would be willing to TAKE A CHANCE with us and Help us Help tons of People and create as much Financial Relief and Freedom to as many people as we can along the way!

We’re hoping you see this as a “WIN—WIN” Situation and would love to talk to you further about this. Please call us at your earliest Opportunity and lets work together to make a brighter tomorrow!

Wishing You Happiness and Prosperity,

Rick & Peggy Klauss
Eagles Crest Properties
661 803-0391


Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties


Dean I do not know what to do with this. I sent out 21 letters but I do not have the paperwork to meet the demand. After reading some of your books I decided to put it to a test. I had a home owner contact me wanting to sell but I did not have the paperwork or the answers. He has a million dollar property he wants $250,000 out of it he had $185,000 in it. He wanted to know How I was going to do it? I did not have the answers he was looking for. Can you help me. The other fellow gave me a lot of talk but when the rubber hit the road he wanted a $1,000 to tell me what to do at first he wanted $3,000. I have already said I wasn't spending any money. I want to know if what I have already bought works. If what I already paid for does not work and I need some else. Then so long. I will just tell these people when they contact me I didn't know what I was talking about and I am sorry for taking up their time. If you reply e-mail me!

Both would benefit from...

Both of you would benefit from a buyers list. Not just any buyers list but a list of investor buyers, particularly those that have cash and can close quickly.

These types of buyers are often found not marketed to in order to get quick response.
You can find them a variety of different ways. The most common ways would be from real estate investment clubs, foreclosure auctions, looking in the newspaper for ads from investors as well as finding road signs with the investor’s ads.

If you utilize this correctly you should be able to create a list quickly without money as well. This would give you a direction forward that does not tap your money.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Buyers list

We have started developing the list and have Three different buyers 2 of which have the ability to pay cash up to $1 million. Our difficulty is in deciphering all the information in the software and putting it to work.

Thanks for the advise.

Rick & Peggy


Wishing you Happiness and Prosperity,
Rick & Peggy
Eagles Crest Properties


You can pm me. Maybe we can partner up and I can help you with the deal.Thanks-


To get something you've NEVER HAD
DO something you've NEVER DONE.

Rick & Peggy

Hello - and I'm sorry I missed your posts until now. I hope that you have continued to mover forward with your goals. It sounds to me like you are on information overload. All the action steps you've taken are positive in moving you forward, now you need to decide on a strategy and get focused. Many, many people on here are successful without joining the academy. I did, and of course dont regret it as I've made my money back several times over. But I relate to your position of spending and spending before you get anything back. I promise you that all the info you need is on this website, and in Deans books. I really hope you keep positive and keep your goals and dreams alive! If you want to ask any specific questions please feel free to pm me.