I Have Been Getting A Good Response With This

I Have Been Getting A Good Response With This

Hello To All:
I have been getting a pretty good response using the following. I won't say it will work for everyone, but it has worked so far for me, in building my buyers list.

I was glancing through the yellow pages one day looking for a real estate appraiser. I begun seeing ads in the realtor section that said they buy houses.

The light bulb went on. Why not approach them and ask them if they had a interest. Here is what I did...

I called them on their direct line at their office. I felt this was more professional than calling a cell phone.

I introduced myself and I simply said that I am a local investor who is now getting back into the business after a successful career in another field. I was not lying, I have been successful in trucking.

I said that I will be buying single family homes through the use of FSBO and probate strategies and do not want to use the hold and rent system. I wanted to quick turn and move on to the next deal.

I asked point blank if they have cash available or would they need to get financing. Many said they had cash available and would love the opportunity to work with me.

I told them they would need to be willing to enter into a double closing process and explained why. I told them that in order to make it work, I needed to close the initial purchase in my name before I could sell to them.

I came across as very knowledgable, and that I was not going to do anything that is not by the book. This impressed them.

I told them that once I had a deal, I would fax them a setup sheet on the deal and I would then meet them at the property and I would be seeking a cash offer within 12 hours.

They said they had no problem with this and by using this technique, I have a buyer list of 15 cash buyers.

I then said to them that I would be willing to then come on board and be a marketing consultant for the property, so they did not have to handle this. I asked for 10% of the profits, if they were to decide to immediately resell to a retail end buyer.

I would receive two paychecks from each property. Like I said, this worked for me, it may not for others.

Jimmy B



I believe that approach was honest and straight to the point. I like it. Good work.


I got my mind made up.....

www.jussinvestors.com (buyers site)


Now you have 15 extra cash investors on your list...Nice! That's what happens when you think outside the box...it can make you very successful. Keep doing what your doing and Good Luck.



"A Winner Never Quit And A Quitter Never Win!"


That is pretty good. Thanks for that tip, I am going to check out my yellow pages now.



This train, Dreams will not be thwarted
This train, Faith will be rewarded
Big wheel roll through fields where sunlight streams
Meet me in the Land Of Hope And Dreams

Bruce Springsteen

Wow! I'm Impressed!

Hi Jimmy...

That is great! I come from a strong background in internet marketing where the #1 saying is that the yellow pages are dead! While I still believe they are on life support I'm very happy with your success in putting together your buyers list...Great Job!

And hey I'm even going to try your approach! Even if I just add 1-3 more buyers it is well worth it in the long run!!!

Thanks for sharing!



Ted Peterson
New RE Investor

wow thanks for sharing your

wow thanks for sharing your ideas with all of us! Greatly appreciate going to give it a shot good luck to you.
thanks for listening

