Is it wise to have multiple Realtor or just one

Is it wise to have multiple Realtor or just one

I am new and I am searching for a Realtor. But I'm a little stuck i don't know if i should only keep to my county and/or to find one in other areas to. Also what ?'s should I ask. Any help would be greatly appreciated. thanks


Obstacles helps us discover what we truly want in life, instead of what we merely think we want.



I would recommend having more than one. Sometimes agents get a line on a property that isn't listed or have what they call pocket listings. These are listings that don't get put on the MLS.
You want as many weapons and contacts in your arsenal as possible.
Good luck,

Questions to ask a Realtor

Hello Jeremy,
I am new to this REI as well.. If you haven't yet, PLEASE buy Dean's book 30 days to real estate cash. It provides a step by step blue print of how to get started. It has ALL the questions to ask a Realtor in it. First one being Do you work with investors? Where are the "hot spots" that are selling right now? Where are investors putting their money?..etc You want them to respond quickly, if they drag there feet, scratch them off your list. Again, the book is extremely valuable.

I hope this helps,


Hi Jeremy,
We are new to REI also and have been advised to have several. That way you will have more options available to you. Each Realtor will have different ideas and suggestions as well as different properties. I agree with Debbie about getting Deans book, its an awesome. Check out some of the Forum topics and you will find some help there also.

Best of luck


when you find good ones, work with their secretaries if they have one. I won't go in any property, unless I'm planning to make an offer on it. I base initial looks off pics if they have any. that way, it doesn't waste their time or yours & they like it.

Multiple Realtors

Hey Jeremy,

This is a qeustion I found my self asking about 2 months ago and after asking Deans experts on PMI and being on a live chat with Joe Jerek on IE site, they both exlpained that you should have more than one agent. Joe said he has 5 ageants he works with. And suggested on anyone starting out should have a least 2 agents because you dont want to burn your agents out making 25 offer epecting 1 to get accepted folling Matt's 25/1 stratey. I have 2 agents that I work with now. You can split you 25 offers between the 2 agents. You can also invest in multiple areas using multiple deals which gives you greater chances on getting more deals accepted.

Hope this hepls you


Reynold Orozco

Hi Jeremy

I would advise that you start with one agent in your area so that you don't feel overwhelmed; get comfortable working with him/her, put in some offers, and once you get a deal under your belt, and you feel at ease talking rei lingo with other investors, agents, bankers, etc, then you can start branching out with more agents and other areas.
Also, keep in mind that loyalty to your agent will go a long way Eye-wink

Good luck!



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My journal:

If you are new, starting

If you are new, starting with just one is best like Val said, but if you get to a point where you need to make more offers than just one can handle, eventually you will want to get another one. And obviously, once you start expanding into different states/areas you will need different agents for those areas.

Good luck!

By the way, in one of Dean's older video blogs you can download his latest book for free! Check it out!



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Thank you guys sooooo much

I really appreciate all your guys advice. Its gonna help out a lot. I have called a few agents and found one that might work. Meeting him tomorrow. Thanks again


Obstacles helps us realize what we truly want in life. Instead of what we merely think we want.


Thank u for your inside's.


Richard Armendariz