Getting Expired Listings from Agent (Potential Goldmine)

Getting Expired Listings from Agent (Potential Goldmine)

Check your listing contracts to ensure they clearly rule out any other real estate broker's right to collect commission from a canceled or expired listing.

Search the MLS for properties that have only a few days left before they expire.

Contact the sellers you find with an about-to-expire listing. Ask them about their intent to sell their property after the listing expires or if the property does not sell. Disclose immediately these things:

You must tell the seller you are a licensed real estate salesperson with [your broker's name or company name].

Tell the seller on the call, "Good afternoon, my name is [name] and I am with [your company]. I actually do not have a buyer but am wondering something else. I viewed your property and saw it is going to fall off the market soon. After that happens, I was wondering if you had considered listing your home for sale with a different agent at that time?"

You must tell the seller you are interested in listing their property only after their current listing expires. Tell them you will do a better job for them. Insist you have absolutely no interest in listing this property until its listing expires.

Ask if they would be willing to sign a listing agreement now, with a future date (the date after the expiration of their current contract). They may be more than happy to do this because you gave them advance notice. Often during the listing - if there is little traffic to the property - or if their agent does not advertise properly on their behalf - they will be excited to sign a postdated listing.

Ensure you tell them again that you have no intent to interrupt or force them to cancel their current contract.

Keep track and count down when the date approaches for the expired listing. Meet with the customers and sign the listing, if you have not already signed a post-dated listing while following the previous adj. by rbailiff


Thanks For The Post Randy

Good information to know, and have on hand.......Smiling



Life Hands You Lemons.......Make Lemonade......

It was once said, “religion is designed to comfort the afflicted and to afflict the comfortable.”

Form Letter for Expired Listings

Dear [NAME],

I noticed that you have previously placed your home on the market and that your listing expired without a successful sale. I would like to take a moment to introduce myself, as I would very much like to see that turned around for you.

As an Investor, I am very familiar with your area. I have completed many successful sales in the vicinity of your home and feel certain that I can help you accomplish your goals regarding the sale of your property.

Of course, we all know that a successful sale requires a successful plan. I have a well established base in your area and am prepared to sit down with you and share some things that may have been missed.

Selling your home is one of the most important financial decisions you can make. Normally, one’s home is their most valuable asset. There are key ingredients in devising a marketing strategy that will help insure that you receive the full financial potential available to you through the sale of your home. In addition, that same well planned strategy can minimize the amount of time your home is on the market. Since I deal only in cash transactions we can close quickly on your home and you can be on your way.

I would love to have the opportunity to sit down with you to present a marketing plan and offer that I know will produce great results for you. Please contact me on my cell phone at [PHONE]. Having viewed your previous listing and your property, I am certain that you will be satisfied with the outcome of our meeting.



Form Letter for Expired Listings

It was just yesterday that I was hoping to get a form letter for expired listings.
Now if I could find buyers as quickly as this form letter fell into my hands.

Thank you!!

