Y-O-U Can Make it Happen!

Y-O-U Can Make it Happen!

I have a great opportunity everyday to talk to many of you. To be able to rub shoulders with others who desire to improve their own lives by taking personal control. It is inspirational to listen to your success stories and to know that so many are out improving their personal situations.

However, at times I come across someone who appears to have lost all hope. They are simply going through the motions. They seem to not believe in themselves. They seem to have lost all hope.

The DG family is large and always has someone who understands your particular problem. Use this forum to reach out. There is power in working with others. help is available. When YOU feel good about YOU the possibilities are endless.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach

Result-Oriented Activity

Hi Roy,

I'm so very grateful for all the coaches who've helped me thus far. Just really started utilizing the program in the last couple months. Now have joined IE & have even more to be grateful for!

Made the 30 day commitment on Saturday, 12-7-13 after starting to listen to the "30 Days to RE Cash" to get this going once & for all. Have been online most of the day going through forums, etc. Started a group, "Michigan Investors" in the hopes that I will get more information about our legal obligations and parameters. Lost my 1st realtor a couple weeks ago & will be starting from scratch with new eyes. At the same time, am looking for a job. Looks as though I may just have a part-time one beginning later this week.

Now to get the phone in motion to move these "good intensions" along : )
Thanks for reaching out here.

Now Is The Time ~ one step at a time,


Eileen Byrne

"As we express our gratitude, we must never forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter words, but to live by them." ~ John F. Kennedy

Lost traction after $23,000 assignment 9/25/13

Hi Roy,
After so many convos to get me there, I'm beat back down by my geriatric mom's going berzerk, taking me with her. I need PMI back and it's an extreme need. Please help.


You need to pick up the phone and reconnect with the Real Estate Trainers. Any of us would be happy to get you up and going again. Staying in touch is important to moving in the right direction.

I hope things work out with your mom. Move forward with your life and do the things you know you need to do. by so doing you will get your mind and attitude right.

Best of luck to you.


Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach