Looking for sellers or wholesalers in these areas

Looking for sellers or wholesalers in these areas

I need residential or commercial properties in Michigan, Ohio or Illinois.

I have buyers with deep pockets,
these investors have deep pockets and want a lot of discounted properties asap. These buyers belong to my loan broker so please message me if you have anything in these areas and I will give him your contact number and you can work directly with him. He takes care of me so no skin out of your deal. I know some of his buyers and in Jan one of them bought over 20 properties at once and that was just one of the deals they were doing so you have a good chance of repeat business, as long as the deals are good.
In Mi LTV 55% or less max, also please base value off recent comps, not zillow or other websites like that. These are serious buyers and they will know you don't know what you are doing if you base off those websites.
If you have anything in In, please message me too because that is where I buy properties.


POF??? I cant make offers

POF??? I cant make offers without them...I frequent ohio and Illinois and can give you what they are looking for but I also need their criteria? pricepoint? Also your email address that you check on a daily basis...

contact me

Tell me what your after with some way to know you have the funds, Jim



I have properties

I can help I have Michigan and Wisconsin but need email address so I can send what I have . Also what is their criteria please email me thanks