34 years old, married for 14 years, have 3 kids ages 15,7, and 6. I have always loved everything about real estate investing and wanted to do this. After seeing Dean's commercial for his book profit from real estate now on t.v for a few months, I decided it was time to get started, but I kept putting off buying the book. I wasn't scared but things would always come up so we neber seemed to have the money to get it. Then we started seeing a new commercial for a free seminar for the same book (and you got a free copy if you attended). I knew now was the time. I signed up for the free seminar. I prayed that if this was the path God wanted us to go down He would work it out so my husband and I would be able to attend, and low and behold my husband asked for the day off to go and his boss said yes. Went to the seminar and learned lots of stuff, and signed up for the three day training. We haven't gone to that yet it's in july. I have already completed my first deal, and am working on a couple more. In the past we tried so many other real estate things, like carleton sheets and others, but non gave step by step instructions like Dean that you can follow and find they really work. I see a new life ahead for my family, and one day my husband won't have to work a 12 hour a day job that he hates, but we can do this together. Best of luck to everyone out there just getting started. I am glad to have this website and dg family to help and lend support. Thanks to Dean for everything he has given to help me and my family get started in real estate.
keep posting !!
great to see your posts ....very uplifting and i see you are taking the bull by the horns!! good luck on all your deals and heres to your success!!