I have seen a few people on here talk about there personal webpages and was wondering if any of you could tell me were I need to go to start building my own. I am not the best with computers and don't really have any clue on how to build one. My buddy was going to help me but he goes through dreamweaver and said that the program cost 700 dollars to buy and install. I know Dean has a free one and was going to start there, but I figured I would check with all of you first. I would like to have one page were people could put in info on there home if they are wanting to sell and another were they could put what they are looking for if they want to buy. A home page and so on... I don't know if the one Dean offers allows you to do all that. Any info would be GREAT.
Isaiah Durst
http://www.deangraziosi.com/freewebsite. just decide what name you want in front of usa. and you are all set.
I have been looking at some of the peoples websites that have used the free one from Dean and I have not seen any with a page for the sellers to put in their info, or a page for the buyers to put in their info. If there is anyone who is using the free site could you please let me know if you can do this with the site. Also is there is any of you that use other sites that wouldn't mind sending me a P M with your site so I could go take a look.
That would be GREAT!!!
Thanks Isaiah
I doint think deans free website allows you to have a plase for sellers and buyers to put their info. So just tell them on each subject(buyers side and sellers side) to contact you via email or cell phone. Tell the buyers to send you their preferred criteria and sellers to send their info on the house and stuff.
you never know until you find out...
but of course make it sound profesional
you never know until you find out...
I use Microsoft OfficeLive http://smallbusiness.officelive.com/en-us/ they give you a FREE site but you can buy your own URL for 14.95 a year and they will host it and you can set your site up with the yourself using their site builder tool. Check out my site and see what you can do with it.
TWITTER - anitarny / FACEBOOK - anitarny
I used the free website resource given with book purchase. It was very easy and straight forward to set up. I believe it took me about 30min max.
It is nowhere near perfect and I almost never use. But, if you would like to view mine, here is the link:
Also, you can find Dreamweaver for free if you look in the right places. That however will not solve your problem, as it is extremely in-depth. I would not recommend at all to use Dreamweaver unless you are very proficient with script. You would also then have to pay to have your site hosted then find and register a desirable domain name. Basically, not a simple process.
On the other hand, you have an excellent FREE resource right here at your finger tips! Not only do you save $ setting up your site, you also save $ monthly, by not paying a hosting fee!
I hope this helps. Good luck!
-Mike Hutchins
Your websites look great.
For that same $700 you're talking about, you can get someone to build you a site from scratch. As a matter of fact, that's what I do for a living.
I'm still having problems with google, there telling me that my site is under construction what else do i need to do with the webpage?