Tips For New Real Estate Investors!

Tips For New Real Estate Investors!

• Know who you know. You can’t begin to network for investors or anything else for that matter, until you know who is “in” your network. Make lists of everyone you know, how you know them, what you know about them, and who you have met through them.
• Approach networking for investors as you would approach networking for referral business or a new job, it’s really the same thing after all. Change your mindset from looking for money to looking for business. That’s really all you’re doing. This will help take some pressure off of you.
• Go about your search with a systematic plan of action instead of jumping from person to person in a haphazard fashion.
• Create visibility for yourself. Go to Chamber of Commerce functions, etc. on a regular basis so people get to know you. Going only once in a while doesn’t allow you the opportunity to form strong relationship with anyone. It is from those relationships that your network will grow.
• Join and become an active participant in a weekly leads exchange group limited to only one person per occupation. The ones I have operated have lead to millions of dollars worth of referrals for the members. These clubs are gold mines of opportunity for people in your position. Make sure you give lots of qualified leads to the other members. They, in turn, will want to make sure they continue to get those good leads from you and will help you find the investors you are seeking.
• Look at all times as if you don’t need the money. The hungrier you look, the less likely it will be that you will find an investor. If you look successful, you will attract what you are seeking. If you look down on your luck, you will attract a mass exodus from your vicinity.
• Be clear about what you need and why you need it. Don’t expect others to figure out how to help you.
• Know your product or service inside out. Be able to answer any question, no matter how off the wall, with a clear answer. Your prospective investor doesn’t want to hear you droning on and on about your business. They just want you to cut to the chase.
• Make your pitch a whine-free zone. Nobody wants to hear about the ten banks that turned you down. They want to listen to positivity and enthusiasm.
• Tell the truth. Don’t exaggerated, and be able to substantiate any claims you make.
• Remember that money is still a touchy subject. Never push anyone beyond their comfort zone. It will come back to haunt you.
• This above all else……Know (What’s In It For Me?) Think like your potential investors. Know how they can benefit from their investment. If they’re sold on you they can easily become your strongest ally in helping you find other investors. If they think you’ve got something great, they’ll want to recommend it to others and look good in the eyes of their network.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125

Some great things to

Some great things to remember in here. Thanks a lot!


Success and Nothing Less!

Thanks for the tips, need

Thanks for the tips, need all I can get!!


great tips however is it in

great tips however is it in your best interest if you do not have the gift for gabb to have someone else do it for you?

Gift to Gab

Having a partner to help you in your transactions can be a great addition to your own real estate business. Consider before doing so what you would pay someone like this or in other words what you are willing to give up to have a partner who can help you?

My attitude has always been - Whether you think you can or you think you cannot, you are right". I feel that everyone has the ability to do whatever they want in any aspect in life if they put them self to the task. I understand that there may be difficulties that make this harder for others but I feel the human ability to overcome are huge.

Anyway, you may consider practicing the gab before getting a partner.


If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125


Thanks for all the tips and the information. I really enjoy the DG website becasue I learn more new things each and evey day. The more we learn the more we can grow as real estate investors. Believe and Achieve! Smiling - Joe


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Joe Jurek CPA

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