SO SICK of being told DG is a scam!!!!!!!

SO SICK of being told DG is a scam!!!!!!!

This was sent to a friend of mine, who has been telling me since day 1 that all the people who sell RE books/courses are con artists, never having made an actual deal in their lives or not having done so for the last 20 years. When my first books arrived from Dean, she said to me "you know how all these guys make money, don't you? From selling books and tapes." I gave her a quick rundown on Dean, how I'd been watching him being interviewed for years, from the time he was barely out of his teens, which was 20 years ago. When I first saw him, I thought he sounded like he knew what he was talking about, but really, what could a kid know about RE. Well, 20 years later he's wealthy and I'm kicking myself for not listening to him sooner. But that doesn't mean I'm going to kick myself the rest of my life for not paying attention sooner. It just means I'm going to have to work hard to catch up. I told her he does write books but that he is also still making RE deals every day so that he is current on what is going on in the market. And then I told her all I had to do to get the books was pay postage/handling. Then she said he's just doing that to sell you stuff later and do I really think that I can get rich picking up props without any money. After all, if it was that easy everyone would do it. I told her worse case scenario, I spend some time reading a book.

Well guess what, it's not easy and I'm so sick of that "then everyone would do it" line. EASY? Someone please tell me what is easy about it? Frankly, I don't personally know that many people that work a full-time job, with a 1 - 3 hour daily commute (depending on the traffic) and then fill whatever hours are available after that to studying, going to REIC meetings, scouring the MLS/internet for possible deals, driving around looking for FSBOs and places to put flyers/business cards, and getting a business set up. And as far as any money I may spend along the way, SO WHAT! It's an investment in my future. When you go off to Harvard do they just hand you a degree or do they expect you to pay for what you learn?

Sorry for venting. I thought she was coming around because we've been having discussions about RE in general and she said a few things that seemed to me that she thought I knew what I was talking about. This getting started business is a really lonely endeavor. Thank God for all of you here at and for the conference call tonight. I really need it.

Anyway, here's what she sent me. Why she doesn't question what they hope to get out of sending it to her is beyond me. I'm sure it was not sent with purely altruistic purposes in mind...

Get Rich Quick with Real Estate
You see them on cable TV, sitting around a swimming pool, sharing stories about how they got rich quick by buying valuable real estate for give-away prices. They took a course on how to invest in real estate and became millionaires overnight--with nothing down and no credit hassles from mortgage lenders. The course worked for them, and they say it will work for you, too.

If all this sounds too good to be true--it is! These "get-rich-quick" courses and schemes are being investigated by consumer fraud agencies around the country. This does not mean that you can't become a millionaire by investing in real estate. But investing in real estate requires one important thing from you--an investment of cash. You can't build an empire overnight, but you can do very well over the long term by selecting property in a good location that is priced well, and which can provide a reasonable cash flow.

Read this online and get more information: Get Rich Quick with Real Estate

Tony and Libby Kelly, MBA, M.Ed., Principal Broker, Broker

Diamond-Platinum Member - PMAR Million Dollar Club
Keller Williams Realty, Portland Premiere
Phone: 503-753-7300
Featured Agents on HGTV's "House Hunters" & "My House is Worth What?"




Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


Good thing we have each other here (and Dean!) to see real-life proof that it DOES work. All one has to do is read the real-time journals from so many DGers and see the proof as it happens. I am absolutely amazed MYSELF to read back over mine. NEVER dreamed I'd be a millionaire. lol. You are so right about it being hard work, but you are also so right about it bringing those HUUUUUGE rewards. All I can say is I guess it's in our favor that there are so many that disbelieve (even though Dean is trying to help EVERYONE have the opportunity by changing their belief systems), because the few of us that DO believe and take action are the ones making the fortune! Oh, well.. On we go. Eye-wink

Thanks for venting here, Cindy. Maybe it will open someone else's eyes. (and sometimes you just gotta scream to get back to the calm. Smiling )

God bless,



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

Yeah there's tons of

Yeah there's tons of negativity around my area too. My friends think I'm insane. My family refuses to support me. I say this to them though. We will see what you have to say once I make my first deal and profit more in a few hours then you do in an entire month, then they in turn laugh and say yes we will see won't we. You wanna talk about motivation. I'm so anxious to get my first deal done. It's insane the amount of potential properties I have within a twenty mile radius of me. I guess it's just time to get that first deal done to basically keep the negative people quiet for a while. Oh and not to mention the fact that I will put a nice chunk of change in my pocket as well. I guess what I'm trying to say here is that if you listen to those people, you will never have a shot at your dream, but if you use them as motivation to get it done, IT WILL GET DONE!!!

You've got to stop giving

You've got to stop giving people who aren't helping you put money in your pockets so much attention.

I understand she's your friend, and don't stop being her friend, but do your thing, and when she sees how happy and loaded you are after time, she'll think twice about saying negative things around you.

Success is the best explanation of happiness(I just made that up)

Some people want life handed to them

Some people just want life handed to them. They some how think they should have it all without any effort. These people are the ones that if they can't get rich by looking at the page, then it must be a scam. So the world is made up of those who want it all and never get it (because they won't work for it) and those that have it because they dig in and get dirty, sweat and learn to work for what they want.

I love the journals they let you know what is happening all over the country, so you know it can happen in your neck of the woods too.

Dean never claims to make you rich, he claims to teach you the skills and the action plan you must take, so you can make you rich.


Love and Laughter make the world a better place.

LOL, I agree,In my opinion a

LOL, I agree,In my opinion a lot of these guru's are scammers and dont give you anything but crumbs to work with after investing 100s or 1000s,which is why i never invested in any programs i saw. Dean came across to me differently and I had a good gut feeling about him.
( Rina knows what i mean Eye-wink )
His book to me was worth the risk for the price I paid, i figured I spend more on dinner Smiling so if it didnt work no big deal. But I was right about Dean and when I found this site I couldnt believe I found a whole new world.
DO the work and you will succeed if you follow Deans steps, not to mention he set this site up for us and it costs NOTHING!, not bad for 24.00. With people like Rina here willing to help you free of charge, this site is priceless in my opinion.
good luck

I agree

I'm here in little old Kansas and I get some strange looks when talking about REI here. I'm having a horrible time finding an agent that would be open to what I'm wanting to do. That's illegal, or our market won't except that low of offers and so on. They can't even find the law saying it's illegal to show me. I'm so sick of it. I'm venting now because your right. It's a very lonely avenue in the beginning. I'm so thankful for this site and all the people pulling for each other. And of course so thankful for Dean. I was just like you. Watching him over the years and wishing I had done something then. But you know what? It might not of been "our time" yet to get involved with it. We are now. That's what counts...

Good luck.


Owen Properties, LLC


It's true, this is difficult but as they say "Anything in life worth having is worth working for"-Andrew Carnegie. Keep on the path you've started just as I intent to and we will both have our success stories to tell just as Rina does (she's a millionaire now, you know!)


Hi Rina,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful note.

It might surprise you to learn that you and all the other students who have found success are "made up" or people lying to get others to order Dean's books. That's ok though, I've never had imaginary friends before. Eye-wink I don't think the majority of the public realizes that the FCC is now holding people who produce testimonials to an exacting standard of honesty.

I'm not naive. Obviously, if it took me 20 years to figure out Dean was for real, I am cautious about who I put my trust in.

Thanks again for taking the time to respond to my post.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


I guess I never thought about someone thinking I was a "scammer". I don't know anything about the FCC, but I can assure everyone, I'm as honest (and transparent) a person as you'd ever find, (which describes almost every DGer I know, as well, including Dean! which is what drew me to him in the first place), and I never say anything but the truth. (I'm hoping it shows, as I've never had anyone accuse me anyway)

ANYWHO, I'm so glad you DID keep going, Cindy, and now to just block out those naysayers.. YOU are on your way to SUCCESS!!! Smiling Woohoo!!!



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

In agreement....

If you plan to succeed and approach RE correctly , you will make money ..

Dean's tips and strategies will put you and keep you on the right path , period.

Randy S.
Elkton , MD


Here is how to win any argument about real estate being a scam without ever saying a word....JUST DO DEALS AND PEOPLE WON'T BOTHER YOU ANYMORE!

I had people laugh and make fun of me....notice I said HAD.



You've got to find your obstacles and call them out! Unsheath the sword, and do battle with whatever it is that holds you back!


Hi Cindy,

I dont mean to sound condescending but honestly thats the verbage of an unbeliever; so who cares what they say? Also, its 3 percent of the population that has vision and heart like theres a ton of people out there that dont believe. It takes effort and work to have the minds and hearts that we believe-have vision. THe people that talk like that DO NOT want to put that effort and energy thats required to see and live your vision...also, to see the avenue. The people here at DG are like the founder Dean, WE BELIEVE, WE SEE, WE HAVE VISION, AND ALOT OF GUTS BUT THE RIGHT KIND--WITH INTEGRITY OF HEART--NOT LIKE THE SHARKS OUT THERE that will sell their souls for profit. Anyway, what Im getting at is this: All yr. energy that youve invested in this person and in people like that could rather be used in attaining your vision. I dont argue or try to convince anymore..I even go one step further; I say to them..well you might be right. And leave it drop. Success is the grandist payback and speaks louder then ANY WORDS...All that energy can be used on yr. vision. Also, checking out other websites(possible sharks) WHY BOTHER..WHEN YOU GOT THE GOODS HERE..ALL THAT ENERGY COULD BE USED AT UTILIZING DEANS takes work and energy and passion and vision, and time, and creative resourses so WHY BOTHER INVESTING ANY OF THIS ELSEWHERE..USE IT HERE AT DG AND DOING WHAT DEAN SAYS DO, WHICH IS ALREADY PROVEN EFFECTIVE.






Tomorrow is what you BELIEVE and DO today!

The easy part is ordering the book, the rest is up to the reader

Most of Dean's critics have businesses that are quite frankly, not doing so well. They have websites where they slander people and their endeavors, because they know by the time they're caught, some people are gonna read and believe their lies, and sign up for their site. These people are parasites, and if Dean had 1,000 lawyers scouring the internet, they'd still never find and stop them all. Recognize them for the frauds they are and move on.

Most people you tell about REI won't believe you either. They could never handle the thought of making money bigger or faster than they do now, even IF it might save their marriage, their family, their current life as they know it. It would convince them their life was a waste up until that point, and probably trigger a mid-life crisis in many people. The majority of them are already having a mid-life crisis over their lack of money. They don't want a 2nd one. They will deny, deny, deny everything you say even though they don't have clue one what they're talking about. Recognize their fear and move on.

The loudest, most annoying, and most dishonest critics are usually RE agents who are paid commission by people who buy properties through and from them. They laugh at FSBO sellers, claim that all successful RE investors are just landlords with alot of properties and alot of capital to back them up. They tell you assignments are illegal (THEY ARE NOT), creative financing is for con artists and deadbeats, you have to have 10-50% down to get a house (YOU DON'T), etc., and on and on and on. These people work every minute they're awake, trying to make a sale by any means necessary. Recognize their angle and move on.

You actually need to thank (and then ignore) any critic because if they were doing what you are, that'd be that many more investors in the market, that many more people looking for deals, that much more likely they'd find a deal before you did. If someone is not in your way, let them stay out of the way, wave "bye" politely, and zoom off into your own future. If you have people you care about that you want to take to the top with you, you're gonna have to step out on your own and get a success or 2 under your belt first.

If you saw me put my hand through a brick, you'd think I was either someone special, or the brick was inferior. If I told you I could teach you to do that too, you'd either think I was a liar, or that you weren't smart enough to learn, or strong enough to do it. But if you went forth and did what I said anyways, and after time, training, practice, and effort, you smashed that brick, OTHER people would have those same thoughts about you. REI is no different - so go forth and let people think and say they can't do it. It's just more "bricks" (deals) for you! Begin! Laughing out loud

BTW: I hope you were joking about the FCC. They have as much authority and control over the internet and testimonials as your sheriff does over the price of coffee at your gas station. There is no "truth police" on the internet, just like there is no "dream police" all stuck in your head. You will have to do your own research, ask your own questions, get your own answers, and then choose what you do next. You're a grown-up, so I have faith in your decision. If you're here to verbally slam Dean's efforts, business, books, or his students, you WILL be caught and kicked off the site. If you're here to learn, there are dozens of veterans here willing to help you. You can believe me and be right, or you can be wrong and angry, but you can't be both. It's still a free country, so it's still your choice! Enjoy!


Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."

Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."

i feel cindy was refering to the FCC

about deans testimonials on tv . He says (documented or I couldn’t say it here on tv)

The FCC certainly has everything to do with TV. I feel she was referring to Rina, Greg, Matt, etc… If they were lying about having success with Deans programs and books they and Dean would go to jail. But we all know they are real and have had tremendous success.

As for the naysayers.

I feel it’s what people don’t know that hurts them. they don't realize they are making a choice to not change and get more education and learn so that they can have a better life.

Folks your lot in life is what you make it.

Before I go I have to encourage everyone to go to www dot values dot org its full of great sayings, uplifting and positive quotes etc….. great stuff any dg’er can use.

I hope everyone has a great day and we will see y’all at the top….

And remember

“money ain’t everything but it will suuuuuure get you up there where everything is”


I like Dean Too!

I like Dean too! And I want to believe that his techniques work. That's why I ask are there any DG investors that have had success in the San Diego area with his new techniques from the "Right Now" book? Look, Dean says that 60,000 people per month visit his DG website. That's 2,000 a day. Someone must have had success with these techniques by now. I believe this is a very sensible and reasonable question. So, who's had success with IEE's and Assignments in SAn Diego? Please respond.

Thank you in advance for your help!

!00 $ bills falling from the pages

How many times has dean said that when you open my books hundred dollar bills will NOT start falling out of the pages?
Too many to count!
The person that asks: Why isn't everyone doing it? is the answer to their own question.
Dean also talks about the folks that purchase his books and then feel the need to HIDE them while they are reading them so that no one knows what they are up to.
I find it amusing that the same person that will not spend twenty dollars on a book that could change their life forever will spend twenty-five dollars on lottery tickets.
Money for nothing and your kicks for free
Success is the best revenge

If she was referring to TV, she would have said so (obviously)

As for "documented or I couldn't say it on TV," that standard "boilerplate" language that people use in infomercials. Dean wasn't the first to do it, and he won't be the last. If someone makes a false representation, that phrase doesn't protect them from what the FCC actually does, which is pull the offender from the air immediately and fine them heavily. You can count on 1 hand the amount of people the FCC ever put in jail, and none of them were for TV infomercials. If someone breaks the law that bad, the case is usually shipped over to the FBI, who start an investigation, so they can tack on additional criminal charges. She meant this site and the people on it, which are both 100% legit., if that still means anything.

Dean said more times than any other words (except for the phrase "real estate") in his infomercials that his books don't "spit out hundred dollar bills." People see the ads, order the book, and are still disappointed when it doesn't start printing money. I'm guessing if Dean named his books "This Won't Spit Out Money for You," some would still think it does, then complain when it doesn't. That's the part that truly shocks me. P.S.: Be careful advertising websites and businesses. Spammers are also found and booted from this site. All the best! Laughing out loud


Paul: "I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when my fear is gone I will turn and face fear's path, and only I will remain."

Duke Leto: "I'll miss the sea, but a person needs new experiences. They jar something deep inside, allowing him to grow. Without change something sleeps inside us, and seldom awakens. The sleeper must awaken." - "Dune."


People around me tell me all the time that this doesn't or won't work, but I see it working all around me by real people everyday. So if someone tells you the sky is pink, but you can clearly see how blue it is, who is right? Well, I guess it's like Dean says, Your perception is your reality. Well in my reality the sky is blue and this DOES work. Because I can see it work! Don't listen to those types of people they just hold you back. I'm working so hard to get my feet wet and NOBODY will hold me down!

They can't get your goat if they don't know where it's tied up.~Grampa~

Bottom Line

The proof is in all the succesful students. There are so many, and also there are alot that dont even participate on this site! So I say trying to convince the naysers around you is the biggest waste of energy I can imagine. Put that focus on making a deal instead - then you wont have to say anything at all - just like Matt said.
And anyone who expects rewards from just reading a book or posting on a site WILL be dissapointed - because unless you take what you learn and put it into action you will get nothing in just keep your focus on your goals and dreams and work hard to get where you want to be!!!


Thank you for your comments. If you read my initial post closely, you will see that I am working very hard and not letting anyone distract me from my goal. So there is no need to refocus. I am already extremely focused.

My reason for posting was this...I needed to vent, I needed to share, so I came to the place where I knew people would understand. I do have ways of steering conversations in another direction if they enter negative territory regarding what I'm working to achieve. I just wasn't ready for someone to email "proof" that I don't know what I'm doing. I felt quite frustrated by the fact that so many people simply cannot think outside the box and are unwilling to accept all the possibilities life has to offer, unwilling to accept those possibilities even exist. I've seen other people write about this problem and I think it helps us all to know that having supportive family/friends is the exception rather than the rule, sad as that is. We know that others have made it over this hump, but while we're still working our way up, it would be nice to have someone in your life you could share your excitement and ideas with (yes, I do have a team, but that's not quite the same as someone you have a personal relationship with). As I said, it gets lonely. That's why I posted. No need to shout.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


Hi Matt,

Thanks for your post. Needless to say, you are one of the people on this site that I greatly admire and whose success I am hoping to emulate.

"Had". What a beautiful word. Can hardly wait to start using it.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

Dave, the blue-eyed daddy

Hi Dave,

Thank you for your comments. You're right, once I have a few deals under my belt, the naysayers will start coming around. Until then, I have plenty to do without spending time dwelling on their negativity.

Regarding the FCC (or maybe it's the FTC?), I do believe there has been some kind of requirement put into effect that if you are going to offer up testimonials when presenting your product, that you now must have evidence that everything stated in those testimonials is the truth. I first read this somewhere, then heard it from an investor giving a tax lien workshop who mentioned it before he ran his video with students giving testimonials, and then I believe I heard it again from a speaker at one of my REICs. Anyway, I think that's absolutely fabulous because as far as I can tell, Dean will be the only RE guru out there who can still run testimonials in his TV shows.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


Sometimes it is important to know how others think. The investigators could investigate. We have nothing to hide, only legal documents to show. You have to distance yourself from people who will take you nowhere. Since my activities on this site, I have distanced myself from many negative individuals, because they are not contributing anything positive towards my success. Dean does not promise a "get rich quick scheme," only gives us the opportunity to challenge ourselves into success in real estate. Who cares what they say, "let them go jump in a lake." God Bless.



"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.


Hi Walt,

“money ain’t everything but it will suuuuuure get you up there where everything is”
Love that quote!

I think you're right, it is the FCC (not FTC). The "documented, or I couldn't say it" is basically the same thing the tax lien investor said. It will be interesting to see going forward how some of the people will handle this on their infomercials.

Honesty is such a lovely thing.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

Thanks everyone! "See" you on the call.

I so appreciate your posts. Thank you so much for taking the time to write replies. I hope everyone else who has posted on the topic of being frustrated by naysayers reads them all and feels as uplifted as I do. And now to top off a pretty darn good day, in 22 minutes I'll be on the call with Dean, Greg and the others.

Have a great evening everyone!



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard


Hi Sandra,

I'm so glad to hear from you. Hope all is going well...really, really, well.

You are so right, and quite frankly, it is something I could/should bring up if I get stuck in a negative conversation. Dean does not promise to make us rich. What he promises is to give us the tools we need to get there ourselves and it is up to us to use those tools. He tells us it's going to be hard work, it won't be easy, it won't happen overnight, but it can be done. As he says, if you just put the book down on the table it is not going to start spitting hundred dollar bills out for you.



Life isn’t about waiting for the storm to pass…
It’s about learning to dance in the rain.

The most difficult thing is the decision to act, the rest is merely tenacity. The fears are paper tigers. You can do anything you decide to do. You can act to change and control your life; and the procedure, the process is its own reward. - Amelia Earhart

"The greatest mistake you can make in life is to continually be afraid you will make one." - Elbert Hubbard

"Fcc " don't count on them

TV Broadcast is the business I been in for about 40 years. I do maintance within the business. I wouldn't count on the FCC for anything. If you want to talk about deceiving and only caring for money this business would give you a great starting point. Many time stations knows there is something not quite right with an ad or infomercial(sp?) but will run it for the money, ie Let the buyer beware. Of course as with most some station have a much better record. I been sorta thinking about doing some more real estate ( I have four single family rentals(80k to 130k which I own less than 20k total) and that why I am here. Very little support from my wife however she just wants all the money now to spend on the house we live in and other things. Now I finally have some money to play with if I wish. Yes I know one does not have to take much money but it open a lot of things and there is a certain peace of mind having some money). I intend to pull money out , buy some more and if I can flip that fine but if I can't then that fine too. The market will go back up and then then even buying and holding(renting till) will work. One of the first signs that should make one caution is simply the amount of money spent on a "course". I have taken two different courses under others. I will say I learn something from both but I not sure it was worth the money. I have also taken a tax liens course and a judical settlement course along the way. The most expensive was well over 5k. If I had tons of money I would probably take all the courses I could find becuase each builds knowledge. Are they necessary, no , there is suffient knowledge in the books by DG to handle most things.