8.17.10 CALL LIVE talk here as it plays

8.17.10 CALL LIVE talk here as it plays

Hey guys lets share some thoughs as it goes


Gorgeous- How's the success

Gorgeous- How's the success academy working out for you? Is it worth the investment?



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT


I so agree! This is the BEST program out there because Dean ROCKS and is so sincere!


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Michele Grant
4th Day Projects Inc.


You bet! He's the real deal!



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

I love the trueview site

I love the trueview site hopefully this is something in it


Now I just have to make some money and it will all be gravy Smiling so I can teach others and be on the teaching team!!


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Michele Grant
4th Day Projects Inc.


Do you mean TotalView? Or is that something else??


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Michele Grant
4th Day Projects Inc.


I'm hoping this will make it easy as gravy...I need something to push our business over the edge. We have so many things in the works but need to get rolling!



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT

I'm not sure...

that anything will ever be "easy as gravy" - know what I mean? No matter what this ends up being it WILL still require work on our part.
Part 4 - he is just now talking about that....should make it MUCH, MUCH easier but...it will still require us to DO the work.

Know what I mean, Vern?


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman


man i was goin to listen on my phone because i wasn't gonna be home but i couldn't get in... so i had to RUSH !!!!!!!!!! HOME TO GET ON THE COMPUTER..LOL....

yes Total view

yes Total view


Dean gives so much for free... but surely there is a price tag.... I take action every day but do not have money to spend yet....I have to get some deals that go to close unlike the other two deals I have done.

It sounds AMAZING!!!


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Michele Grant
4th Day Projects Inc.

Doing it again

So frustrated.


Just keep at it.... it will happen for you


there will be a price tag.....

RataSan...mine hasn't cut out for about the past 20 minutes...just remember, it will be available for replay - I think immediately - once this call is over. NOt the same thing, I know, but still, you can listen to it then and not miss out completely.


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Order the set for life system




5 easy monthly payments of $299 for a total of $1495.

Too rich for my blood. I already spent $1500 on the success academy and that info was minimal. He should let success academy students get this for free.


Of course it all takes work, but when you enjoy the work you are doing then it isn't WORK... it is FUN! So then it becomes gravy to me!


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Michele Grant
4th Day Projects Inc.

oh come on, Mike!!! Don't

oh come on, Mike!!! Don't squash my dream!! You're right though, if you don't take action, you won't be cashing checks. But so far, the obstacles we are having to overcome will definitely be helped with these tools. Finding cash buyers...I've spent so hours on my county's website researching who owns what to contact them. This is going to help with that, for instance. I'm stoked!



"If God is for us, who can ever be against us?" Romans 8:31 NLT



the acdemy is only 1,500?

the acdemy is only 1,500?


I know you know where my frustration comes from....

Yes. I know it will be available for replay, but you hit it right on the button! It's not the same. Smiling

but or don't buy, just remember....

that you CAN do this even WITHOUT this program -- you MUST believe that!

Again, it was emphasized that this just "jump starts" some things.

Some can, some can't...but, I believe 100% (and even talk about it in my journal) that it IS possible to "do the deal" with just the books and this wonderful site.

Don't feel pressured -- you can hear that Dean is NOT pressuring at all on this ---- cool.


"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

One Hour Sales Pitch

I've been getting emails for some time. I guess I thought there would be some specifics instead of an hour long sales pitch for an expensive program. Don't mean to sound negative. Just being honest. Bought both books and liked them.

wonder if they will split

wonder if they will split the package later on


I am a Success Academy student as well. Maybe there will be a discount for those of us in the Academy. If not... then you really have to decide what is important and what takes precedence to make money and build your business.

Remember... you have to spend money to make money... that is the way business works.


“Action is the foundational key to all success.” ~ Pablo Picasso

Michele Grant
4th Day Projects Inc.

Hey, I like Gravy!!!

Don't get the wrong idea....and, you're right, when you do something you LOVE it is no longer work!

But you guys know as well as anyone that there are people (you see them on the forums everyday) that won't even read the books and want it dropped in their laps.

Gravy....on potatos....YUMMY!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

Yes you do have to spend

Yes you do have to spend money to make money but we have already joined the success academy and spent money. This seems like it will be more beneficial than that but the info in the success academy seems too generic. I just wish this would be included. I believe he said he was going to include this for his success academy students in a video blog a few months ago. I don't know, I may be wrong.

What happened to the call taking?

I was unaware of that.



Spend to Make....

Yes, that is true, but people also have to be careful that they don't spend all of their $$ before they make any $$ --- that's the beauty of the info. in the books...how to do this WITHOUT tying up your own $$.

Can this be helpful? yes, I'm sure it can - but...BUT, I sure wouldn't suggest that you put so much stress on your life by being even more broke than before when you can't afford it. As Dean said on the call - if it's going to take food off of the table it's probably not the time.

Continued success everyone!



"Make it an AWESOME day! (Who else is going to do it for you?)" - Mike Spillman

"As long as there is breath there is hope!" - Mike Spillman

wonder if i can get it lay

wonder if i can get it lay away lol, Love the fact you can pay monthly but 100 a month for a year would have worked alot better for me. $300 is alot but if I can find the money I am in.


Did the academy help you make some deals?



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