I just can't believe were Dean has took this site to and all the new stuff that keeps coming up. I see so many new names on here each day. and I do want to say I am member of the success academy and have done great with it. But I still want everything Dean has to offer. I was just looking at all the post last night and was wondering who was going to be the most successful student from all of this. All I can say is that I do know that it works and a lot of my great friends on here that have succeed used everything Dean has to offer. I must admit know matter how good are bad things get i will always be at the front of the line to get what ever he has to offer. I can't wait to see who his next successful student is going to be. My goal is someday to be his most successful student. I set my goals high. and yes they are reachable. Good luck to all.
Yes you are right, and if it hadn't been for the coaches and success academy I don't think I would have stuck it out to get to were i am at today. and if it hadn't been for them and Dean I would have never made it to the edge and met all my new business associates and great friends,
Yes I do use realtors from time to time. And yes mine are great, But it took a lot of no to get to were I am at.
Hi Randy
I almost have one deal coming, since I buy the book from Dean in two years, It's hard to me get a deal.
Now, I have client want to sell her townhome. I have a lot cash buyer to call in get information. So what kind the form give to seller sign contract and after that Cash buyer want to buy her Town home and what we do next, what kind the form to sign between me and buyer, Please help me out to get a first deal in two years. would you please respond as soon as possible.
Thank you
All you need to do is get the town house under contract and make sure you have the assignment clause in it. Then you turn around and assign it to the end buyer. I actually just did one like this but did a double closing and used o money. Take a little time and talk to a attorney if you are uncomfortable, They will walk you threw it
I don't know if I will make it, but if I don't it will not be from the lack of trying. Their are a lot of people doing amazing things. But my goal is to be the most successful, Guess I will have to Wait and see,
That was a big mistake for me. I did not use this site at all the first year. I still sometimes wonder were I would be today if I had, Man their is so much good info on here.
I set high standards, I consider success when I own the country club'
Hi Randy,
I know if I get one deal - I can get more...but my credit is my concern...and since you shared that you had just filed bankruptcy before getting your first deal (very open of you),
How did you overcome your bankruptcy to secure your first deal? In other words how did you fund your first deal and what is a play-by-play of you completing your first deal? If you already offered this then would you please send a link?
Thank you!
Mary E.
You can read my journal and it goes into detail. Its 1st runner up of Deans send me away contest.
I just can;t believe all the new names. Just stay focused and put in the footwork and stay away from fear and things will come togather.
I just inroled in the sucess academy on monday the 13th so far so good. Learning more and more, going to put my heart and soul into it and make it work. Thanks to dean and all of you, we all will make our dreams comw true.
I wish you the best of luck. And if you do what the coaches say you will succeed.
Thank You Randy
I know I am slow sometimes. But what does this have to do with REI ??????
The web sites out there for foreclosures " pay us just $XX and we give you all the information you need to gat a great deal". Do you think they are any help to us the investors?? Also I will be joining a local investors group here in Florida very soon, I think it will be big step for me. Thank For Your Help
You said you were joining a local Rei group. Check with them to see what is working best in your area.
No watching the news for me for 7 days, a news diet. Like DG suggested.
Glad to see you are taking action. When a person does this, He has half the battle won.