SFL Products to be shipped!!!

SFL Products to be shipped!!!




yes, i've got the enpowering

yes, i've got the enpowering conversations & last years edge home study course all shipped to me efficiently by fedx although i didn't order the SFL because after receiving the edge course all i need is the last 2 modules from SFL to fully automate my RE business & SFL is only a package deal



Clarify your SFL order...

I wanted to try and address a lot of the questions that have been posted throughout dg.com. Please let me know if you still have questions and/or concerns.

If you ordered the SFL system prior to Thursday, your Smart Automation accounts have been activated and are ready to go. Please check your spam folders for the activation email with subject line: 'Your SFL Smart Automation is now active. (Log-in info.)'. If for some reason, you still cannot locate this, you will still be able to access your account by going to https://app.sflautomation.com and entering the email address you used at the time of purchase as your user ID. You can then click on the send button where it says: Forgot your password? Enter your User ID and we'll email it to you. This will email you your password.

If you ordered the SFL system on Friday or Saturday, your Smart Automation accounts are NOT yet active. We will get these accounts activated on Monday and Tuesday of this week. You will receive an activation email that will include your login details. (subject: "Your SFL Smart Automation is now active. (Log-in info.)"

For all SFL system owners: Immediately after purchase, you received an email from Dean with the subject of 'Thank you [name], you're almost "Set for Life"...' This email included a link to a video from Dean which you can view here: www.sflsystem.com/thankyou. This email also included a link to your SFL back office: www.sflquickstart.com. This site is password protected, so you can only access it by using the logins that were provided to you after your purchase was complete.

Your SFL back office is where you will find the following:
1. Get started guide
2. EDGE10 welcome letter which will also be included in your EDGE home study course. This has been shipped to you and you should receive this soon.
3. EDGE10 workbook which will also be included in your EDGE home study course. This has been shipped to you and you should receive this soon.
4. Done for you Marketing materials
5. TotalView RealEstate link for easy access
6. 4 pages to Real Estate Profits
7. 4 Pages to Real Estate Profits – Supplemental documents
8. Make $ in 30 Days (Calendar)
9. Make $ in 30 Days (Checklist)
10. Fast Cash Flowchart
11. ABCs of Fast Cash
12. Forms and Docs Download
13. Mike Koenigs Empowering Conversations Video
14. BONUS: Your 90 Day Traffic Geyser Bonus

Once your Smart Automation account is activated and you are able to login, you will be able to access your SFL back office directly from within this site.

The only thing being shipped to you is the EDGE 2010 home study course, which will complete your Set for Life system.

If you opted for the EDGE 2011 live event, we will notify you shortly and give you access to our EDGE event website where you will have the ability to view the details for this one of a kind event. Ie. Venue, Location, agenda, directions, etc.

Here is a video for you to watch if you haven't done so yet: https://deanenterprisesllc.com/tests/sites/welcome/. From here, you will be able to watch a Smart Automation walkthrough video from Greg Clement. This will have some valuable information about your system.

We will be holding an SFL orientation call this coming Wednesday, August 25 at 6:00 p.m. PST (9:00 p.m. EST). Your call details will be emailed to you from Dean if they have not already. Following this orientation call, we will be holding webinars to further assist, teach and hold your hand along the way. These webinars will be a great tool for you and help you feel at ease and understand the ins and out of the Smart Automation system.

Our SFL customer service email address is edge10@nmrdirect.com If you have emailed them already and not received a response, I apologize. Please bare with them as they will need some time to catch up. Please be assured, we are here to assist in any way we can.

Thank you all for being such loyal clients. We appreciate each and every one of you and look forward to your success.


yes ive ordered and received but when i look for buyers in area 1 shows how am i supposed to do this with 1 cash buyer think ill be sending mine back ill go the book route seems thats my best option.

Not Yet...

I have the system just waiting for the dvd's


Set a goal to achieve something that is so big, so exhilarating that it excites you and scares you at the same time. It must be a goal that is so appealing, so much in line with your spiritual core that you can't get it out of your mind. If you do not get chills when you set a goal, you're not setting big enough goals." (BO Sundberg)

Vicky Diaz


Hi Dean & family I have not yet received my SFL kit.
It's been over 4 days seens I ordered the kit.
Does it take longer then this or did something happen with my crdit card that I still have not receivrd it. Please let me know. I can't what to see the vidio of the edge. Again thank you.Please help me put with this matter.
Fern. thank you again


I have made a mistake in the counties that I would like to use.I would like them to be reset.thanks.


alesia hightower

tuesday call

tuesday call was one the best call Ive seen yet.keep up the good work.


alesia hightower