Getting Started

Getting Started

I think I posted here a few months ago. I am your typical person trying to get started. Working a full and part-time job (Blockbuster Video), no money to invest in property, filed bankruptcy last spring, mounting healthcare bills for my family.

I am encouraged everytime I read one of the books Dean has published, but it seems like everyone who has succeeded was in the Success Academy. I don't have that kind of money, but fortunately, I met a guy on this forum who has been through it. He supports it, but he said he will help me. He has been a great asset and comforting.

Now that my 2nd part-time job, football officiating season is over, I have some time to spend learning and looking at properties. I spent $15 to get my business name. I probably need to get a website and business cards. I keep reading about what Matt and Greg did. Matt's approach seems the most logical for me to begin with.

My goal is to be able to leave BBV by April / May 2011. I want this income to replace the $600 monthly I earn there for working over 90 hrs a month. It would be nice to stop working there now and spend those 90 hrs doing real estate, but the fear I have is the steady income it helps me pay some bills. I think some of you would probably encourage me to stop working at BBV as well. I am tempted, but my wife (who doesn't work) won't understand what I am trying to do. She is one of those I will have to prove this to.

I know there is a better way of life out there. I believe in what Dean writes. I am proud of myself today for making the trip to establish my business name. I just need to figure this stuff out. Any advice you have will be well received.

Thanks for reading, Joe in Denton, TX.



Joe don't quit your job you need all the money you can make for your family.
I think you can set up a free website on google or one of them, you can do free email also,just check it all out. Start reading more of the forum topic there is so much information there and IT'S ALL FREE. Good Luck.

Jim Kendrick


I agree with James. Some advice for you
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