i enroll into the deans success academy a week ago and im more confuse that i was when i was reading his book. maybe is a lack of me not trying hard enough or just the system dont fit me at all...... it in the success academy or was i need a lil help
Hey Greg,
Take a deep breath. It is a lot of information. Take it one step at a time. Go through each lesson at your own steady pace. You should have been assigned a coach. Call them! They will not know you are struggling unless you make them aware. One regret I do have with being a part of the Success Academy as dumb as it may sound....I didn't use them to their full capacity. I would hesitate to call as if I was bugging them or something. That was MY fault not theirs. Please don't take that mindset. You paid for it, get your money worth! It's an incredible program and will skyrocket you to another level. Just don't get overwhelmed with how much information is offered.
I would suggest calling your coach, tell him exactly what you posted in this thread and what is it your struggling with. Get a game plan that will allow you progress, absorb and understand the information. If it's one lession a week or two weeks, better than shying away from something because we don't understand.
Best wishes,
thank u JEN i appreciated u taking time to write n encourage me to continue. i would take my time and try a little harded to get where i wanna be. but the thing is my coach haven't contact me yet.every time i called the success academy they always telling to call the advisory hot line if have any question. i just wanna talk to my coach "mentor" so he or she can help me step by step
o.k. maybe they changed things a bit. At least when I started I dealt with the 'consult/selling' dept for setup and payment. Then upon processing, we booked an appointment from an appointment with a date and time for my initial consult with my coach. In that 30-45 min window my coach obtained from me my immediate goals/needs. Which will either be a fast cash strategy or a cashflow strategy. Depending upon your path chosen will determine the lession plans you are issued access to through PMI and sent an email from your coach with step-by-step access/setup of your lesson plans. Through PMI site it has a link on the left side that you can chat/submit questions to the coaching team. I was also given a 1800# (also on PMI site) that I could call the advisory line to get questions answered. When I had a 1-on-1 issues to address and/or plans with my coach and wanted to speak with him about a certain approach we were already working on, I'd call and leave a message for my coach to call me back when available. But at anytime throughout business hours you can call in and ask questions about deals, techniques, strategies or whatever and get the 'next available' coach to answer your specific questions.
Stay persistant. Call the advisory line and find out who your designated coach is, leave a message for them to return your call. Then get things squared away so you can be one step closer to your desired outcome!
thank you i would try that
You can just call the advisory line and strategize with whatever coach answers. All of them are qualified, some you will like better than others. I was never assigned a particular mentor, but called for help all the time. Tell whoever you talk to that you need a plan and help setting goals and specific activities. You can make arrangements to call in a certain time every week, but don't expect them to chase after you.
You have to make the system work for you and do not worry about sounding dumb! We all started in the same place.
Blessings & Favor,
Follow my Blog: www.genahoriatis.com
I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Phil 4:13
Psalm 1:1-3
So Steinway is right they will not know you are struggling if you do not call. It is kind of like going to the emergency room; all of them are qualified and you will get who ever is on duty. hahaha can you tell where I work!
They will not chase you around. YOu have to call. and I think most of us feel dumb but that is what we paid for CALL Them. Stay positive.
"Don't tell me I can't, Tell me how I can."
Greg – We as coaches do not know that you are struggling unless you call the advisory line for help. I understand that this is new and can be overwhelming. Take a deep breath, you’ve taken that first step by coming aboard – Congratulations! You have just joined an amazing program that has helped hundreds of students, like yourself, change their lives financially. Just like the real estate industry, this is a very “proactive” program. Part of being proactive is calling us with questions or concerns that you might have as well as real estate related questions. It is very easy to feel overwhelmed or a little lost in the beginning, it's completely normal and that's why we are here for you. You have some of the greatest tools at your fingertips. The “on-demand” online courses with video lessons, guides, workbooks, phone seminars and especially access to the “Advisory Line” – to name a few. Give us a call, any coach can help you get you focused on a path and take it step by step. Together we’ll help you make it happen! Your success is our success!
"If it is important to you, you will find a way. If not, you'll find an excuse."
If you would like the chance to work with me or one of my fellow real estate investor coaches and our advanced training programs, give us a call anytime to see if Dean's Real Estate Success Academy and our customized curriculum is a fit for you. Call us at 1-877-219-1474 ext. 125