What was your biggest challenge?

What was your biggest challenge?

As an investor starting out, I keep running into challenges both technical and personal, and sometimes it's hard to always see the way forward and stay positive and keep working. So I wanted to know, what was YOUR biggest challenge when you were starting out or in your entire Real Estate journey? What challenges did you overcome and which do you keep facing and how did you or do you go about overcoming your challenges. How did you overcome fear and create the life you've always wanted to live?


Not Reinventing the wheel.

I spent way to much time in the beginning trying to reinvent the wheel of REI. I over analyzed everything and often was to conservative when running the numbers to make a deal worthwhile, so consequently what was a great deal to an investor I did not see. I spent a lot of time over researching.

Find out exactly what your investor needs in a deal, run the numbers exactly as they would so as not to waste their time when you put something under contract you know it is going to move fast if you wholesaling.

Everything you learn in here is exactly as you need to do it, for the finer details that are particular to your state and county go straight to the professionals for clarification.

Do the work and results will follow.


Quad City Real Estate Investors Association


Here is the proof of getting a loan to buy a deal with a 585 Credit Score.


Look me up on Facebook, put in a message when Friend Requesting or be denied. http://www.facebook.com/people/James-Greer/100000908311950

My Biggest Challenge

Other than physical disabilities, my biggest challenge has been a lack of funding. I know that many say that real estate investing can be done with no money, but I disagree, except for in very rare circumstances. Investing is always easier with money. So, I would have to say that my biggest challenge has been a lack of financing.


Rick Allison, Realtor
Amarillo, Texas USA

Find comps, private lenders and cash buyers nationwide: www.TheRealEstate.PRO

Foreclosure and pre-foreclosure search engine: http://tinyurl.com/b6w7h6o

The People Helping People Movement: www.greatEPXsite.NET


Working full time, being a mother, a wife, having three dogs, and trying to do real estate investing, has been very challenging to say the least!

You have to love doing it, otherwise it will not happen... you get to a point where you don't mind staying up late at night, or on weekends...
and when you feel like you need some motivation to keep going, you come to this site!




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...

I'm with Valerie

Trying to juggle being a mom of 4 and homeschool teacher, plus take care of the animals, keep house, run the business and get the investing done is the biggest challenge. Learning to live on 4-6 hours of sleep and still stay sane at the end of the day; and taking the kids everywhere I go as I don't have anyone to help with the kids.(still) Trying to get things done when you are interrupted every 3 minutes is very distracting and difficult to say the least; its so important to keep track of what I'm doing because interruptions are just a part of my life and business. Smiling

Also, talking on the phone is usually quite a noisy event; I don't have anywhere the kids can't figure out to get to me while I'm on the phone, hence there is always the background noise. That is pretty intimidating when you are trying to be a professional. It kept me from making many calls early in my program!

Also, the constant put downs and naysayers with their negativity; always a damper and tough to stick through, but perseverance is always a must no matter how much stands in your way. NEVER GIVE UP!

paying for training

Once we got over not wanting to pay for training it helped us a lot. Once we joined the academy and used the training it helped get us over the challenges. Also the edge DVDs realy helped us understand what we needed to do to be better RE investors. Read the book Totally Fulfilled by Dean.



I have always been a very lazy person by nature. If I don't get up in the morning and dive straight into work, it's most likely never going to get done that day because I convince myself that there's always tomorrow. So often times I feel like as long as there's a tomorrow, it's never going to get done.

My habits have gotten better but it's still a struggle. I just gotta keep the big picture in mind.



"You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you stop and look fear in the face. Do the things you think you cannot do. Tough times never last, but tough people do"


I think mine is myself. I get in my own way of my successes. I do have a lot of fear and some naysayers but I usually ignore them. It's the doubts that creep in my head and makes me stumble a lot. BUt I have to keep going and learning.


When you trust in yourself, you are trusting in the wisdom that created you.

Thanks for all the feedback!

I think my biggest challenge is overcoming personal obstacles. My mother is a real estate agent and broker, and my father and her invested heavily during the market boom and lost it all during the market crash. As a result rather than picking themselves back up, they've become very opposed to real estate, and while a great source of information, my mom is indeed a nay sayer, and it really shorts my motivation to take risks when there's a constant buzz saying that it can't be done. Likewise, everyone else in my day to day life hear about REI, it's met with a lot of negativity, and some people just blatantly put the idea down with the consistent negativity.

I'm just very glad to have a very supportive girlfriend who actively learns with me and we dream about creating wealth and freedom together, and also that I always have the DG family for support and to know that it can be done based on the success people have had here on the site.

It really is difficult to tune out all the negativity and rise above the majority.

Needing more cash to do deals

I think the building of business credit is my biggest issue, even after doing some deals, investors are skeptical because I have been doing this only for six months, banks will not even look at me, while all this is going on my bills still staring at me asking me to to pay them off.

I know this will eventually change, plus i got some very valuable advise from the lady who owns "Zion properties" but it is the patience and tireless effort that makes it hard some days.

It is tough but I will keep fighting to get those deals done


Wanted Properties from FSBO's/ renter for
Buying, selling, lease options

-Yes money does grow on trees, you just need the right fertilizer


What is your facebook page name?

JGREER wrote:
I spent way to much time in the beginning trying to reinvent the wheel of REI. I over analyzed everything and often was to conservative when running the numbers to make a deal worthwhile, so consequently what was a great deal to an investor I did not see. I spent a lot of time over researching.

Find out exactly what your investor needs in a deal, run the numbers exactly as they would so as not to waste their time when you put something under contract you know it is going to move fast if you wholesaling.

Everything you learn in here is exactly as you need to do it, for the finer details that are particular to your state and county go straight to the professionals for clarification.

Do the work and results will follow.


Wanted Properties from FSBO's/ renter for
Buying, selling, lease options

-Yes money does grow on trees, you just need the right fertilizer

To stay focused on goals and

To stay focused on goals and not get distracted in everyday events.

like minded

get around like minded folks in a local REI club, stay on this site, remind yourself... No GUTs no GLORY.... and don't think too much.... DO!
I can think myself out of moving so get up and go...is the best way to overcome. Make the call, go to the meeting, talk to someone about real estate.
Just do...

best wishes!


Jill Holden | San Diego
Investor Services
Team Development

Working Full Time Job Out of Town

Working out of town now for a little over a year to pay the bills. I went back to inspection auditing on large pipe line projects and it's normally 7 days a week. My other major challenge is the overwhelming fear of failure by adding risk on top of a lot of outstanding debt. I have been investing for many years with very little succsess mostly due to poor tenants and poor manager skills or both. Then convincing my loving wife of 18 years that REI is my only way back home to help raise my 4 children. She has seen the good and bad of my investments and has helped me in the beginning, but now just trying to hang on. I believe that Dean's system is my way home and to financial freedom. So I keep reading everyday and learning as much as possible. Believing in yourself and your abilities are most important in these difficult times. I'm currently trying to combine 3 rentals we have into a corporation and pull cash out of the equity to pay off bad debt. I'm hoping this will work and I can get home a little quicker. I thank all of you for your posts it has been my source of motivation. Keep the Faith


You shouldn't be worried what'll happen if you DO take action.
Instead, worry about what will happen if you DON'T take action.

Three words: Persistence, Persistence, & Persistence.

If you fall behind today, just pick up where you left off & keep moving forward. Make sure you do at least one "REI-related" action each day, whether its reading, visiting this website, calling buyers/sellers, talking to fellow investors, etc.

Don't. Stop. Moving.

Good luck.



"If you STAY ready, then you ain't got to GET ready". -Will Smith-


I would have to say

I would have to say Today...looking at my boys and begging the Lord silently
to keep our family together. I look into my sons eyes and I can hear him saying "Mom, Dad, are you sure you know what your doin?" Although all he says is "Mom how are we going to wash our clothes? Dad where are we putting our food? Where will we move to?....Being stable financilly...then one day...slowing loosing it all. Even the roof over our heads.Having to sale all of our personal belongings just to keep afloat..Now being evicted and no money to move...... Our situation now has been a series of unforseen misfortunate events. Trying to keep it together for the sake of the family. Through all of this though...we will continue to move forward in our REI studies. With god guiding our path we have our first under contract...and I know it will be assigned to someone soon. Its just the darts that are thrown
our direction consently make it that much harder to see the other side.
To see the beauty of REI and to know with every inch of your mind, body and soul. That this is our future. To see yourself in that place where you know this will take you.... I can see our future, know the today facts...But having to live and survive in the NOW....WOW what a Challenge...I tell a bit of our situation, not for pity.. But with hope to inspire the ones who belieive that lifes actions will stop you from taking action for yourself and your family..Do what it takes to make it happen in the REI. Done right it can change anyones life..Take that Leap of Faith!!!!!!!


Thanks for sharing your experience with us, yes we have to keep fight and pushing on what ever comes our way, if this was easy everyone on the planet would be doing it, well for me at least it is not easy.

Hang in there and do not give up.

michelle1 wrote:
I would have to say Today...looking at my boys and begging the Lord silently
to keep our family together. I look into my sons eyes and I can hear him saying "Mom, Dad, are you sure you know what your doin?" Although all he says is "Mom how are we going to wash our clothes? Dad where are we putting our food? Where will we move to?....Being stable financilly...then one day...slowing loosing it all. Even the roof over our heads.Having to sale all of our personal belongings just to keep afloat..Now being evicted and no money to move...... Our situation now has been a series of unforseen misfortunate events. Trying to keep it together for the sake of the family. Through all of this though...we will continue to move forward in our REI studies. With god guiding our path we have our first under contract...and I know it will be assigned to someone soon. Its just the darts that are thrown
our direction consently make it that much harder to see the other side.
To see the beauty of REI and to know with every inch of your mind, body and soul. That this is our future. To see yourself in that place where you know this will take you.... I can see our future, know the today facts...But having to live and survive in the NOW....WOW what a Challenge...I tell a bit of our situation, not for pity.. But with hope to inspire the ones who belieive that lifes actions will stop you from taking action for yourself and your family..Do what it takes to make it happen in the REI. Done right it can change anyones life..Take that Leap of Faith!!!!!!!


Wanted Properties from FSBO's/ renter for
Buying, selling, lease options

-Yes money does grow on trees, you just need the right fertilizer


Those words do not exsist in my world....Thanx
Cant wait to shake your hand at the top....
See you there soon


biggest challenge

for me was learning to FUND the deal. I didn't know about OPM or assignments.

Finding deals came easy and I love numbers, so I knew a deal when I saw one.

Once you learn the market values in your area you'll see deals. Lock them up and assign them and go to the next one.


https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/renvestr/ Free tools

hard time

realtors!!!! they dont seem to like to submit low offers on REO's. Its been a challenge for me but im pressing on!


Esmirna Maloon


Please let us know if there is anything we can help you with, we are all in this thing together.

michelle1 wrote:
Those words do not exsist in my world....Thanx
Cant wait to shake your hand at the top....
See you there soon



Wanted Properties from FSBO's/ renter for
Buying, selling, lease options

-Yes money does grow on trees, you just need the right fertilizer


thank you for sharing your story and trying to inspire others with it; I pray too that everyone has a roof over their heads that they can call home, and that there is food on their table that they can call dinner, and that all children have caring parents who can provide them with love.

wishing everyone success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal: http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/59110/...