Giving Back

Giving Back

Way ahead of myself here, but thinking about my WHYs, all the references to "giving back," and recently watched the video of Joe Polish interviewing Richard Branson (bonus while waiting for books to arrive --- thanks DG & Co.)who was discussing running charities and service projects like businesses.
Also looking at houses and areas driving around, and just read some questions regarding investing in "better" neighborhoods vs. investing in perceived problem areas which had active turnover. I'm looking at areas which could be questionable and considering this:

What about investing in one or more of those homes, doing a clean-up/fix-up yourself or handing it off to an end buyer to do that, and thus having something of a "foot in the door" to that neighborhood?
Then, while in the process of looking at other homes in the area, make it a point to connect with folks in the neighborhood and express an interest in eventually being able to sponsor some type of community event, whatever might help solve their problems --- neighborhood clean-up, community crime watch start-up, help with a local church or school project, or just a block party for neighbors to get out and get to know each other, maybe. It would be another way of "investing," but in the community rather than a particular deal or house.
Seems like it might also open doors to people letting you know about properties that need attention and might come available and build trust and referrals for any future negotiations. Sponsoring or supporting a community event would be a fun way to celebrate your sales when you get to that point and maybe create some positive PR too.

I would like to hear what other DGers might be doing in the "giving back arena," especially any creative ideas which were particularly successful or well-received.
Thanks in advance for any light on this subject!
Jennifer E


Community Garden

A friend and I were discussing this topic, and it reminded me of another possibility --- what about buying and cleaning up a vacant lot and making it available for a community food garden if there was enough interest to support that? I don't know if you would give it to the city with some sort of stipulations or maintain ownership, but it seems like taxes and liabilities would be a long-term concern.

Giving back!!!

Jennifer, thats such a great idea!! Giving back is awesome, and theres nothing better than to help out people who need it.Community food garden sounds great also, with our economy geting worse, and food prices soaring, thats an idea that would be good for all communities...It would also get people working together, and helping eacother out.Keep me/us posted on your progress, and maybe i can be of some help, feel free to PM me, God Bless Mike.

RE Community Services

Another possibility:

While running errands earlier, I stopped by the local animal rights group's weekend pet adoption/yard sale space to drop off old sheets and towels, which I salvage from one of my jobs, for the animal shelter and foster families to use. Timing was such that I was able to help them pack up for the day; in the process, found a flyer for RE buyer's agent, residential and investment, to put in my contact list.

I know from my work with the animal shelter/outreach in NM and my rescues so far here that strays and ferals often become a community problem. Also have been reading about RE agents finding abandoned animals in vacant homes for sale, especially foreclosures, and that the problem increases when the local economy declines.

This agent is advertising that "in addition to her passion for real estate, ____ believes in supporting the local community and has committed to donate a portion of commissions earned to the County Animal Outreach." The volunteers who were working were also discussing the fact that this agent has been actively looking for a piece of land for the group to build a new animal shelter, and seems to have located something that would fit their funding requirements which she found before it went on the market.

Rails to Trails

Maybe a random addition to the list of possibilities, but driving through a nearby chain of small towns now connected by a "Rails to Trails" parkway through the downtown residential areas reminded me of this. The town and the railroad would have negotiated agreements and development for this, but there are homes along the way where someone has privacy fenced and landscaped along their front yard, and they have installed an arbor and a bench facing the trail or made some sort of small "pocket park" addition for public use or enjoyment.

There's also a proposed "Greenway" which is eventually intended to run alongside the creek here and connect various historical sites with public walking/biking trails, but some areas are still blocked with right-of-way issues from individual landowners. The development group has done a really nice job of cleaning up and landscaping pathways along the river, and I know one landowner who gave them easement along one edge of her acreage and says that so far people have been very respectful of her privacy. She also claims that the Greenway development really cleaned up some formerly problematic "hangout" areas behind a shopping center nearby.


it is evident that you have a very sweet spirit and a heart to make a difference and No Doubt that you already have and MUCH more to come! I saw the post on the blog for request to comment here am I blessed you were interested in my opinion.
btw: Joe does great stuff! I also follow Joe and Dean's weekly podcast! amazing knowledge, mindset and truly incredible men.

I know without a doubt that real estate is my tool that provide me the resources to leave the greatest legacy. I know that I can be of greater use and make massive impacts with wealth than I can without. And with the knowledge that we obtain.

but never loosing sight of the fact "That your true wealth can be measured not by what you have, but by what you are." - Napoleon Hill

Some ask: "Am I am investor?" No, I am a facilitator, I am a problem solver.

But back to the topic of the thread, giving back. To me that is all inclusive. Yes, it can pertain to real estate and me using my knowledge, skills and leverage to solve problems and meet needs. But what about the struggling student that gets my contact info and calls me one evening that is having a challenge figuring something out or getting things moving. That is scared, uncertain or overwhelmed. I listen, and at their request I offer what I would do if it was me scenarios or offer a genuine kind word of encouragement to someone that in all their busyness forgot to notice what they HAD done. Telling someone that they can do it, that you believe in them. Not to appease that person but because of watching their progress, getting updates from their implementation of a suggestion I KNOW they want it, I KNOW they are taking action and I DO sincerely believe that person CAN do it, if they are willing to DO the work.

Or because of the knowledge you've acquired you are able to stop a family from going through a foreclosure. Maybe you're able to offer properties with buyer's assistance program. Going someone a fresh start or a second chance.

Or my project of joining forces with City and County to take on a rehabilitation project to bring up communities that have been neglected or deferred. Working with State and Federal Agencies to capture Grant Awardment to fund projects that will provide Affordable Housing to many. To assist our Veteran's that have fought for us and now it's our turn to fight for them. No matter what class, sector or specific target group, not giving them a free handout, but improving their lives. Providing them with affordable, safe housing. Improving and bring up communities and neighborhoods.

MAKING jobs instead of taking jobs! Whether real estate specific or other business ventures. Growth is growth. Difference is difference.

Helping someone else to see their true potential. Giving someone a glimmer of hope. Being the kindness that so much of this world lacks.

Giving back.... it's not just a luxury.....Its our duty! It's our responsibility.

Doesn't matter if you have $10 or $10M in the bank. You can give back right where you are! Never take lightly how much a word of encouragement might mean to the person receiving it. You never know, it may be all they have.

Our words and actions can be used to build or destroy. Same effort goes into each. It's our choice.

Leave the world better off than you found it!

Great topic Jennifer and if can ever do anything to assist, please do not hesitate to contact me.

God bless,

Operation Free Home

I just ran across this thread about a project of Dean's, and decided to include it for anyone else who hadn't yet seen it in all the information on this site:
Wow! I imagine if you put this out, you'd really need to be prepared for an onslaught of applicants, but it's a wonderful idea.

Hurricane Irene & other disasters

Always amazed at how much stuff people leave behind in houses, especially foreclosures. There's often a lot of trash, but usable items as well. Have watched people dumpster perfectly good clothing, furniture, kids toys, whatever, without a second thought. I clean things up and donate them to a thrift shop if I can't find them a good home myself. I know it takes up time and effort, but I won't put anything someone else might need in a landfill, and there are We Buy Junk services as well as We Buy Houses. Thinking disaster survivors, thrift shops, and shelters could constructively recycle these items back out into the communities, and the investor who's cleaning up could probably take a tax write-off in addition to the satisfaction of helping someone who has lost everything.

Giving back is always a good idea...

It's something we should all try to do, no matter how big or small. Since I have attended lots of free seminars by different people, including Dean's, there did seem to be one topic that somehow always came up within the seminar and that was giving back. It seriously made me think more about it.

That years old statement "Give and you shall receive" was something I didn't really get for a long time and it is becoming more and more clear. It's that good energy thing that needs to keep flowing...that Karma that comes back to you. Whatever religion you believe in or the background you come from, it's the same.

I just sold my first flip and even though I have a ton of debt to pay off, I made sure at least to give a small gift to the neighbor next door who so generously helped me without asking for a thing. (I got to drop that off last night!) It's a first step on a long path.


Thanks Mike ~~~ I'm mostly in the read and research phase right now, trying to stay afloat and keep up with responsibilities, but I'll definitely keep in touch.

Jen ~~~ Sent you a PM. Really impressed with your giving back project list, as well as all your other posts elsewhere. Having had to move all my life so far, I've had to learn to be satified with leaving things better than I found them, and that is another way to continually give back on any scale. Thanks!

Margaret ~~~ Congratulations on selling the 1st flip and being able to share your success with your neighbor. And yes, keeping the positive flow going works for everyone. Thank you for sharing!

Lion's Club projects

My mom has been on a waiting list for an apartment closer by, and the manager tells us that the buildings are now managed by another non-profit, but that they are owned and were built by the local Lion's Club. We have since seen the Lion's Club logo on other area apartments being built or added on to, so we're thinking this must be a favored service project for them. What a great way to pool members know-how, areas of expertise, and connections to get a big project like this "off the ground."


I pray that you are able to do all that your mind and heart desire. I believe we are all supposed to give back, however, I also feel their are special people like you in this world that have the spirit to give more than others. It can be very difficult to start up some things like what's listed above without the right resources, but I have a very good feeling that you wil do something amazing. Being an investor and business owner can work very well with what you're talking about and it seems that's where the most effective charities start is from well to do entrepeneurs.


Mark ~~~
Thanks for visiting this thread and adding your thoughts and blessings. I started it one evening when a string of screaming MeMes were going on about $$$, and it was getting to me. Definitely important, but you really can't take it with you. One of the things I appreciate about this community overall, besides the wealth of information, is that the ones who stick it out seem to all have great Heart!
Jennifer E

Giving is truly Living

Thanks Jennifer for starting this thread as you give a compleat picture of what life is all about -- being blessed that we may bless others. What good is your real estate profits if you cannot share it with others. This DG Family is truly special as we have not only like- minded members but also like-hearted individuals. To start off we all know about DG's sincerity and compassion for others. He wants to give back to all of us by sharing his talents and expertise. Following his lead, I believe, is the way to go. Perhaps a joint effort can evolve out of this "giving back" discussion into real estate action plan of giving back to our communities. Your idea is not a bad one. One day it may evolve into that and I'm in! For now, it all starts within the individual- and this thread is heading in the right direction.

God Bless!


Let's go investing at the speed of opportunity!

Giving is truly Living

Thanks Jennifer for starting this thread as you give a compleat picture of what life is all about -- being blessed that we may bless others. What good is your real estate profits if you cannot share it with others. This DG Family is truly special as we have not only like- minded members but also like-hearted individuals. To start off we all know about DG's sincerity and compassion for others. He wants to give back to all of us by sharing his talents and expertise. Following his lead, I believe, is the way to go. Perhaps a joint effort can evolve out of this "giving back" discussion into real estate action plan of giving back to our communities. Your idea is not a bad one. One day it may evolve into that and I'm in! For now, it all starts within the individual- and this thread is heading in the right direction.

God Bless!


Let's go investing at the speed of opportunity!

Dean's Detroit TV Interview

Great TV interview video posted showing how it's possible to invest in a community where everyone profits from the process:
Obviously not for beginners, but certainly something to aspire to!

Time Out in Marion, NC

I have had to take a long time-out here in order to take care of my mom, who just turned 89, keep myself and the rescue animals afloat with my part-time college adjunct job plus a patchwork of other teaching and arts gigs, and maintain my partial trades toward rent here on the grounds of a historic museum.

Now looking at possibly taking SS early retirement around January 2017 in order to supplement the adjunct income and get myself past renting and back into a sweat equity homeowner's situation. They need to repair or replace all kinds of rotten wood and black mold sections on this 1930 cottage, and I cannot live/work here with a home studio and multiple house cats while random non-profit volunteers try to address the old house issues, so it's time!

Would really like to be able to get into RE starting with a roof over my own head, since I'm always too stretched thin and living on the edge without a solid home base to do much else.

Used to live off-grid in NM, prefer well water and a place to organic garden, and more interested in location and good neighbors than the starter building, although it would have to be livable as is to qualify for mortgage with SECU.
Have lived in an old chicken hatchery in NOLA area, converted garage, barn, etc. in the past.

A large part of my reason to push forward with this now is that I know I won't have the Mom-duties much longer and would like to trade out much of the job/commute time for things that feel more creative/regenerative involving RE, fix & flip, home staging, Habitat for Humanity type projects, and our area Hospice Home Store.

How does one go about finding a forever home as a first base when they're 60ish and starting over with basically nothing?