Running someones Credit

Running someones Credit

How do I run someones credit?


Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

Credit check

There are some companies that you can use. You have to pay for the initial setup, and then fees every time you pull up somebody's credit. Just google them. I use instantbackgroundchecks. This is the reason landlords charge people for application fee.


At the risk of sounding stupid, which happens. don't forget to get the release to run their credit check. In my REI club, an investor tried to run credit check on new renters without their permission, well let's say a war started.....Just an FYI to a pro..........Jan

Running Credit Checks

There are several ways you can run credit:

1. Through your realtor;
2. Got to;
3. Have applicants sign up for and have them login and print your their reports - these are 3-in-1 reports. I use it for myself to keep an eye on my credit - I'm paranoid about identity theft and I also have

Also, make sure you get the release to do so or you could be in a whole lotta trouble if their credit stinks, you deny them based on their reports and you don't have a signed release.

Good luck!


Jan...good point...thanks!

Jenny - I like the Realtor one...I will ask him....thanks!


Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

release form

I looked under forms and Docs on the site for a release form to run someones credit. there wasn't one, does anyone have one they could email?



Don't Wish the Past, Create the Future! - DH

credit check release form

I have found rentals for many of my clients on MLS. They have never signed a release to check credit. I would think that if they write a check to cover the credit check, they are authorizing the credit check. (did I use the word "check" enough times in this post)



Watch your thoughts; They become words,
Watch your words; They become actions,
Watch your actions; They become habits,
Watch your habits; They become character,
Watch your character, it becomes your destiny.

Frank Outlaw

United SBS and Just Called Me

I just received a call from United SBS and they wanted to use Credit Check Total ( with me. They want you to give them your social security number, and then your username and password to that site so that they can log in as you! They specifically said Dean Graziosi gave them my information.

Also, United SBS refuses to become a BBB Accredited Business, but has had several complaints with the BBB.

I would say stay away from this.



Eugene O'Brien
Freehold Affiliates LLC

Best new tool out there

Now, this has the benefit of only one of the bureaus, but I used it for the first time last June when I secured another tenant for my property. Its What is great about it is you can run credit and background check and you can have the tenant pay for it instead of collecting an application fee up front. The background check simply says 'no records found' if no records are found. Check it out!

The other site I've used since 1997 is They have very thorough reports for you, and their background checks include all the neighbors names and family members info.