JennyInMalibu's Profile

All About JennyInMalibu

JennyInMalibu's picture
Los Angeles

Topics I've Participated In

How to Attract Investors to Assign to Your Deals Madison4097 years 51 weeks ago
What Is Owner Financing Anitarny1248 years 7 weeks ago
30 Days Quick Cash Formula michellecaseyks18758 years 39 weeks ago
THREAD-O-QUOTES! AngelaK2718 years 40 weeks ago
from darkness into light--missgee's journal missgee64469 years 35 weeks ago

Basic Info

No info provided.

Sites I Visit

Mainly Just This One


Great Buys in San Antonio, TX

texanrei's picture

I have several properties available in my area. Most are 65% or less of FMV. I have a mix of half already rented at current market prices and the others are not, in order to sell to "Buy and Flip" REI's.
San Antonio is one of the most stable economies in the United States.
If interested please let me know.

Great Deals in Central California

Hello Jenny. My name is La Vonna Little. I am a licensed Realtor as well as an investor in the central valley. There are currently thousands of single/muli family homes out here. I welcome the opportunity to assist you in locating deals in this area. Please feel free to contact me at your earliest convenience. Looking forward to hearing from you and potentially working with you in the near future.

houses to flip

annanaavahong's picture

Hi Jenny,please send me info on the houses you have listed, thanks, anna

fla great buy

please pm me and i will let you know , this is a 15 unit all rented on lake , turn key operatation,thanks let me know a.s.a.p


brendanetherland's picture

Hey girl finally got my computer going I am ready to do some deals. Let me know what is on your mind look forward to working with you.


franco02130's picture

Just saying hi..and nice name, I can't wait to move to california.
