New online source for lenders

New online source for lenders

I recently came across a website where you can post your financing needs and find what loans are offered in an area. It is a new website that is up and coming, infact, I have seen that only a few states have postings right now. However, I do feel that in the near future it will be a great way to post your needs and find investors. The website is


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I am still searching for Funding wiht no money and no credit, Very interesting.

Interested in the results ....

Would be glad to hear about anyone's experience with .

I will be checking them out myself ??

Do they have requirements about credit scores ??

Happy Investing !

Randy S.
Elkton, MD

Another Source

Another fantastic free resource is my site (how modest of me) which currently lists private money and hard money lenders:


I will have to check out the site and see if they have anything in my area...



Bobby Wert
Creative Properties Group, Inc.


Nice info on the moohlah site. Have you ever tried posting there for funding and what success have you had?


Added info to research. I did put in my zip code on lendpost and they say they lend up to $20K. However, it is always difficult to provide personal information, when you have no idea if the sites are legit or not. God Bless.



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"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
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