Lenders list

Lenders list

Legitimate Lenders List

Academy Mortgage, www.academymortgage.com
info@academymortgage.com, 800-660-8664 or 801-233-3700
Conventional commercial and residential lender in over 20 states

Affinity Credit Union, www.affinitycu.ca
Kevin Pylypow, Kevin.pylypow@affinitycu.ca, 306-657-6652
Canada commercial and residential lender

Allied Funding, www.alliedfundingcorp/com
info@alliedfundingforp.com, Irv Shnidman, 888-801-6680
Commercial bridge lender

Alpha Lending, www.alphalendingllc.com
Steve Vaught, stevev@alphalendingllc.com, 208-854-1122
Idaho Hard Money Lender

AL Financial Lending, www.alfinanciallending.com
Hurol Samuel, apply at company website
Nationwide bridge lender

Alterna Capital Funding,
Albert Friedman, afriedman@alternacap.com, 954-703-2020 ext. 307
Nationwide bridge lender

American Business Lending, Inc. www.ablsba.com
Matt Lilly, Vice President Business Development
1420 W. Mockingbird Ln. Suite 540
Dallas, TX. 75247
Office 214-580-8690 Cell: 469-878-4378
Nationwide. Private money and SBA funding

American National Bank, www.anbbank.com
info@anbbank.com, 1-866-433-0282
Conventional residential and construction lender, Colorado and Wyoming

Arctus Capital, www.arctuscapital.com
Steve Baron, steve@arctuscapital.com, 541-815-3999, 541-382-9800
Nationwide hard money lender

Associated Bank, www.associatedbank.com
Conventional and asset based lending, Illinois and Minnesota

Assurity Financial Services, www.assuritywholesale.com
Residential and FHA lender, lends in over 20 states

Athas Capital www.athascapital.com
John William Hughes
26901 Agoura Road, Suite 250
Calabasas Hills, Ca 91301
877.877.1477 ext 205 Cell: 818.577.9497
E-mail: jhughes@athascapital.com
Nationwide. Private money lender

A10 Capital, www.A10capital.com
Ken Wilson, kwilson@a10capital.com, 877-577-5055, 877-577-5011
Nationwide commercial bridge lender

Bank First, www.bankfirst.com
Paul Ihrig, pihrig@bankfirst.com, 407-622-3193, 407-402-3887
Central Florida, Commercial and SBA lender

Bank of America, www.bankofamerica.com
International lender, Conventional loans for commercial and residential, SBA lender

Bank of the Cascades, www.botc.com
cascades@botc.com, 888-382-7519, 541-382-7500
Conventional commercial and SBA lender, Oregon and Idaho

Bank of the Ozarks
Jeff Thornberry, 469-365-6202, 469-450-7471
Texas hard money

Bank of the west, www.bankofthewest.com
Western United States, Commercial lender

Bank United, www.bankunited.com
Florida, Conventional commercial and residential loans

Banner Bank, www.bannerbank.com
800-272-9933, 509-527-3636
Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Conventional commercial and construction lender

Banterra Bank, www.banterrabank.com
Conventional commercial, residential, and heloc, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana

Bedford Lending, www.bedfordlending.com
Lewis Knapp, lewisk@bedfordlending.com, 603-647-4646
Nationwide, Direct FHA/HUD lender

Benworth Capital, wwwbenworthcapital.com
Florida hard money commercial and residential up to $5 million

Bismark Mortgage, www.bismarkmortgage.com
James Minarsich, loans@bismarkmortgage.com, 425-283-5000 ext 106
Nationwide residential construction lender

Branch Banking and Trust Company, www.bbt.com
Baltimore commercial office: 410-230-1046
International commercial lender

Bridge Capital, www.bccnmi.com
info@bccnmi.com, 670-322-2222
International bridge lender

Bridgelock Capital, www.bridgelockcapital.com
Brent Houston, loansubmit@bridgelockcapital.com or brent.k.houston@****, 877-663-4268
Nationwide hard money lender

Bridgewood Capital www.bridgewoodcap.com
Corporate Headquarters
1440 Broadway, 23rd Floor
New York, NY 10018
Nationwide. Commercial bridge lender

Brinkabar, www.brinkabar.com
Stuart Lewis, slewis@brinkabar.com, 310-300-8463
Nationwide Investment Bankers and Commercial lenders

Capital Lending Foundation, www.capitallendingfoundation.com
Kathryn Sandie, kathryn@capitallendingfoundation.com, 515-221-1962
Nationwide bridge lender

Capwest Commercial, www.capwestcommercial.com
866-280-9378, 913-402-7232
Nationwide small balance commercial lender

Capital Direct Funding
Karla Banuelos, karla@capitaldf.com, 626-796-1680
California hard money

Central National Bank, www.centralnational.com
Midwest United States, Residential and FHA lender

Century Bank of Georgia, www.centurybanknet.com
Saunders Jones, sjones@centurybanknet.com, 678-721-2036
Georgia commercial and SBA lender

Chase, www.chase.com
800-421-9909 General, 800-chase-24 Small Business Group, 212-270-6000 Home Office
Nationwide lender, commercial and residential

Chesterfield Mortgage, www.cmiseattle.com
Stella Scott, ss@cmiseattle.com, 206-464-8770, 206-550-0006
Western United States hard money lender

Citibank Commercial
Joaquin B. Gonzalez, Joaquin.gonzalez@citi.com, 718-748-2689
Nationwide commercial $250,000 to $5 million

CIT Small Business Lending, www.smallbizlending.com
Nationwide SBA lender

Coastal California Funding Group, www.ccfginc.com
Craig@ccfginc.com, 858-866-0212
Commercial and SBA lender

Columbia Bank, www.columbiabank.com
Gregg Ridgeway, 877-305-0056, 206-223-1000 Seattle Branch
Washington state commercial and SBA lender

Commercial Bank and Trust, wwwbankatcommerce.com
Scott Virzi, 508-797-6940
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, Connecticut, Maine. SBA and Development funding

Commercial Lending Capital, www.clcnationwide.com
Brad Easter, 951-715-0084, 909-953-0905
Nationwide commercial and SBA lender

Commercial Capital Group, www.ccg-lending.com
Rob Beeman, rbeeman@ccgsynergy.com, 877-ccg-1080, 215-913-1580
Nationwide small balance commercial lender

Commercial Partners Lending
Walt Trock, Walt.trock@****, 708-367-1055
Nationwide commercial and SBA lender

Compass Bank, www.bbvacompass.com
TX, AL, AZ, CA, FL, CO, NM. Conventional residential and heloc

CNG Capital, www.cngcapital.com
Nicholas George, cngcapital@****, 866-620-8971
International commercial lender

Concept Funding, www.conceptfunding.net
David Littlefield, david@conceptfunding.net, 818-660-9807
California full service conventional and hard money lender

Deutsche Bank, www.db.com
United States Headquarters 212-250-2500
International commercial and residential lender

DJ Mortgage, www.djmortgage.net
Jason Ledbetter, Jason.ledbetter@djmortgage.net, 404-814-1644
Georgia hard money lender

Equity Development Corp, www.equitydevelopmentcorp.com
Midwest and eastern United States hard money lender

Equity Fund Financial, www.equityfundfinancial.com
sales@equityfundfinancial.com, 866-340-3863
Commercial and residential bridge lending

Fahey Banking Company, www.faheybank.com
Travis Sanders, 614-781-9500, 614-578-2268
Ohio commercial bank

Fairport Savings Bank, www.fairportsavingsbank.com
fsb@fairportsavingsbank.com, 585-223-9080
New York residential lender (home loans and heloc)

First Bank of Illinois, www.firstbankillinois.com
Monty Childs, monty.childs@firstbankillinois.com, Jim Clifford, jim.clifford@firstbankillinois.com
847-654-4409, 847-358-6262

Nationwide conventional and low rate commercial lender
First Capital Funding, www.fcapfundusa.com
Aaron Heth, ah@fcapfundusa.com, 512-692-4195
Texas hard money lender

Freedom Mortgage, www.freedomwholesale.com
Nationwide residential mortgage lender

Georgia Capital, LLC
Phone: 404-256-3006
Toll Free: 877-777-4808
Nationwide. Commercial bridge lender

GMC Mortgage Capital, www.gmcmtgcap.com
Mark Schaub, info@gmcmtgcap.com, 704-367-6247, 954-332-3567
Nationwide bridge lender

Greenview Lending, www.greenviewlending.com
Jay Green, jay@greenviewlending.com, 714-714-1919, 800-978-0133, Chris Estrada, 323-514-0777
California hard money lender

Hard Money bankers, wwwhardmoneybankers.com
Chris Haddon, chrishaddon@****, 877-991-1500
Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland hard money lender

Home Banc, www.homebanc.com
Joanne Jolin, jjolin@cfl.rr.com, 407-761-4114
Residential mortgage and SBA direct lender

Home Coast Capital, www.homecoastcapital.com
800-763-3021, info@homecoastcapital.com
Nationwide commercial lender

Hopkins Financial, www.hopkinsfinancial.com
Aaron Van Deraa, aaronv@hopkinsfinancial.com, 208-467-5467
Idaho hard money lender

ING, www.ingloans.com
For an AE, call 866-464-9617 or email accountrep@ingloans.com
Nationwide residential and jumbo home loans

Investors Capital Funding, www.txhardmoneylending.com
Renee Champion, renee@ic-funding.com, 214-377-4799
Texas hard money lender up to $2 million

Iron Bridge Lending, www.ironbridgelending.com
Gerard Stascausky, Gerard@ironbridgelending.com, 503-522-5600
Oregon bridge lender

Kennedy Funding www.kennedyfunding.com
Two University Plaza, Suite 402
Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Jonathan Weiner, Loan Officer
Phone: 800.342.8500
Nationwide. Commercial bridge lender

Key Bank, www.key.com
Patrick Mucci, patrick_j_mucci@keybank.com, 518-257-9405, 518-229-8594
Nationwide commercial and SBA lender

Love Funding, www.lovefunding.com
Dana Zdenek (Dallas) 972-788-8052, (New York) 212-953-0204
Nationwide commercial banker

Meecorp Capital, www.meecorp.com
Howard Meltzer, howard_meltzer@meecorp.com, 201-944-9330
Nationwide commercial hard money lender

Metlife Home Loans, www.tommackinnon.com
Tom Mackinnon, 214-441-7428, 877-339-4391
Texas conventional home loans (this lender is Nationwide. This particular office covers Texas)

Main Street Lender, www.msl.com
Brad Berg, bberg@msl.com, 480-502-7950, 480-247-0529
Commercial SBA lender

Metro Funding, www.metrofundingcorp.com,
Joe Adler, joeadler@****, 866-302-6360
Nationwide hard money lender

Metro Mortgage Investments, www.hardmoneymi.com
Trent Dalrymple, info@metro-mi.com, 877-854-0602, 248-547-3006
Michigan hard money lender

Manhattan Financial Group, www.manhattanfinancialgroup.com
info@manhattanfinancialgroup.com, 619-298-3803
Commercial and residential lender, including residential FHA

Mercury Capital www.mercurycapital.com
380 Lexington Avenue
Suite 1721
New York, NY 10168
Tel: 212.661.8700 Email: info@mercurycapital.com
Nationwide. Commercial bridge lender

Ocean Capital
Daniel Murphy, dmurphy@oceancapitalonline.com, 800-223-1700
Nationwide small balance commercial lender

PB Financial Group, www.pbfinancialgrp.com
Pouyan Broukhim, pbroukhim@pbfinancialgrp.com, 310-289-0900 ext 102
California hard money lender

Pacific Private Money Loans
Mark Hanf, mark@pacificprivatemoney.com, 800-605-8050, 415-850-5555
California hard money lender

Palisades Financial, www.palfi.net
James Calvano, jcalvano@palfi.net or Mark Zurlini, mzurlini@palfi.net, 201-894-5000
Nationwide bridge, equity, and mezzanine lender

Paradigm Capital Funding www.paradigmcf.com
380 Lexington Avenue, Suite 2020
New York, New York 10168
Phone: (212) 661-0858 info@paradigmcf.com
Nationwide. Private money lender

Peach Stone Capital, www.peachstonecapital.com
wade@atlantahardmoneyloans.com, 404-421-5578
Georgia hard money lender

People's Bank, www.peoples.com
Anne Johnson, johnsonfamily38@msn.com, 800-894-0300
Connecticut, Vermont, NH, Main, Massachusetts, NY (Commercial and SBA lender)

Pilot Bank, www.pilotbank.com
863-513-1200 or 813-342-4780
Florida conventional and equity lender

Placer Funding, www.mrlend.com
Tony Peric, tony@mrlend.com, 916-630-5401
Nationwide commercial lender

PNC Bank, www.pnc.com
Nationwide equity and mezzanine lender

Porter Capital Group www.theportercapitalgroup.com
Jeff Latham
2112 First Avenue North
Birmingham, AL 35203 Tele: 205-322-5442
Eastern United States. Private money lender

Proficio Bank www.proficiobank.com
420 East South Temple. Suite 520
Salt Lake City, UT 84111
Main: 866-404-4111
Nationwide. Low rate commercial bank. Great for home builders.

Raymond C. Green, Inc
Justin Murphy, jmurphy@raygreen.com, 617-947-8070 or 617-859-4599
Mass, RI, NH, ME, CT construction and bridge lender

Redwood Mortgage, www.redmortgage.com
Tim Burwell, tim@redwoodmortgage.com, 310-792-7479
California commercial hard money lender

Regal Bank
Monte Ehrenkranz, monte@regalbanknj.com, 973-716-0600, 908-721-6671
New Jersey lender, commercial loans up to $1.7 million

Regions Bank
Marie Pszonek, marie.pszonek@regions.com, 813-657-4862
Commercial lender

Revere Capital, www.reverecapital.com
Sloan Saunders, ssaunders@reverecapital.com, 917-683-1302
Texas and Northeastern states, Bridge lender up to $5 million

Revita Lending, www.revitalending.com
info@revitalending.com, 888-9-REVITA
Washington DC, Virginia, Maryland hard money lender

Roma Bank, www.romabank.com
Peter Ogden, peter.ogden@romabank.com, 609-223-8234
New Jersey and Pennsylvania commercial lander

Ronan Investment Group, www.groupronan.com
Howard Long, hklong@groupronan.com, 215-496-0375
Pennsylvania hard money lender

Royal Capital Group, www.royalcapitalgroup.com
Leron Levy, leron@royalcapitalgroup.com, 786-269-4744
Florida and the Northeastern United States, Conventional commercial lender

SDC Capital Funding, www.sdccapitalfunding.com
info@sdccapitalfunding.com, 818-933-5935
California and Arizona hard money lender

Seattle Funding Group, www.sfgfunds.com
John Odegard, jodegard@sfgfunds.com, 425-455-1733 or 888-734-3863
Western United States bridge lender

Security National Capital www.sncloans.com
800.760.3384. loans@sncloans.com
Nationwide. Commercial bridge lender

Serinova Financial, www.serinova.net
Corey Schwartz, cschwartz@serinova.net, 602-652-9414
Arizona, Florida, New York bridge lender

South Coastal Bank, www.southcoastalbank.com
781-878-5252 or 781-545-5500
Massachusetts commercial and SBA lender

Specialty Lending Group, www.speclendgroup.com
Jeff Levin, info@speclendgroup.com, 202-222-5550
Washington DC, Maryland, Virginia hard money lender

Sterling Bank, www.banksterling.com
Texas: info@banksterling.com, 713-466-8300, International: Raymond.desola@banksterling.com, 713-507-7182
SBA, commercial, and international banking

Stewart Sachs and Associates, www.stewartsachs.com
Stewart Sachs, info@stewartsachs.com
Northeastern states commercial hard money lender

Strategic Lending Solutions, www.strategiclendingsolutions.net
Mike Linton, mlinton@strategiclendingsolutions.net, 847-854-3187
Nationwide commercial bridge lender

Streamline Funding, www.streamlinefunding.com
Romney Navarro, rnavarro@streamlinefunding.com, 877-250-8787 or 512-250-8575
Texas hard money

TCF National Bank, www.tcfbank.com
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Colorado, Arizona, South Dakota, and Minnesota. Conventional commercial and SBA lender

TCRM Commercial Corp www.tcrmcommercial.com
515 Madison Avenue, 5th Floor
New York, NY 10022 Phone: (212) 371-3933
All types of lending, including private money real estate

Terrace Capital, www.terracecapital.com
Anthony Zavala, 212-671-1044
Nationwide bridge lender

Tremont Realty Capital, www.tremontcapital.com
David Ross, 617-867-0700 Boston 949-219-0400 Newport Beach, CA.
Nationwide bridge lender

Topdot Mortgage, www.topdot.com
877-738-5363, FHA: 800-408-6100
Most states (check website) conventional and FHA lender

Union Bank, www.unionbank.com
CA, OR, WA, TX direct commercial lender

United General Mortgage Corp, www.ugmc.net
888-919-UGMC or 610-332-1079

US Bank, www.usbank.com, SBA: www.usbank.com/sba
Steve Lasiewicz, Stephen.lasiewicz@usbank.com, 847-517-6325
Nationwide commercial and SBA lender

US Lending Centre, www.uslendingcentre.com
Nationwide conventional commercial lender, $3 million and up

Vantex Capital, www.californiamortgageapproval.com
Walter Payne, wapayne@vantexmortgage.com, 760-448-4664
CA, AZ, CO. NV hard money lender

Washington Federal Savings, www.washingtonfederal.com
Downtownseattle.office@washingtonfederal.com, 800-324-9375
Western United states residential and construction lender

Washington Trust Bank, www.watrust.com
Washington and Idaho conventional commercial lender

Wedbush Bank
customersupport@wedbushbank.com, 866-933-2874
Conventional commercial SBA lender

Wells Fargo, www.wellsfargo.com
Asset based lending: 877-770-1222, SBA: 877-650-4849
International residential, commercial, and SBA lender

3009 Investments
Geoff Ball, 480-556-1387, 480-688-8686, 3009investments@cox.net
Arizona hard money lender


Awesome Info!

Thanks B.C. I hope some of these will work for us.



Hi BC,

WOW great list. Thank for taking the time to do this for list.
Thanks you!!!!!Smiling




May each day get better

Your more than welcome.

Your more than welcome. These lenders are from a group I belong to and should all be legit because I believe the site manager screens them. But do your due dillegence anyway.
I hope this helps someone.


This qualifies you for top

This qualifies you for top honors in this months "Atta boy" club!

Thanks Richie


Thank you so much. What a big help!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at http://www.deangraziosi.com/real-estate-forums/investing-journals/45351/...
Fear equals:

If anyone has success with

If anyone has success with any of these lenders please post it back here so others can benefit from it. Feed back from your conversation with the lenders would be great also.



I thought id repost this for

I thought id repost this for anyone who hasnt seen it. please let us know if you work with one of these companys so you may help others.
Like I said, these lenders are pre-screened by a guy who runs a site that I pay for. SO I think they are for real lenders, but it would be interesting to kow what their criteria is.
best of luck to all.



Thanks you for posting the list. I am familiar with some of these from doing research.

Some of them call themselves hard money lenders but really are not, in the truest sense of what a hard money lender is.

Most real hard money lenders never check credit and do not ask for anything that enables them to check credit at all as they care about the deal only.

When a hard money lender says that you need a fico score of 680 and asks for a 1003 mortgage application, it is a dead giveaway that they are not a hard money lender.

Thank you and I am certain many will work for most people here.

Yes some are actual

Yes some are actual conventional lenders looking for leads. Atleast that is my take also. But they are legit lenders as well as the real HML that are on the list also.
Like I said, do your due dillegence regardless.
best of luck

Thank you for this!!

Thank you for this!!

lenders list

Wow! you are a blessing for sharing!


Enjoy your day!

"I feel alive when I'm being creative." "I want to use my talents in a way that will be fun, fulfilling, and really profitable."

Add another great lender in california

Please add this direct mortgage hard money lender in california to this list. http://hardmoneyloans.org

Thank you


http://HMLINVESTMENTS.COM California hard money lenders

Thanks for the valuable information!

I just made a list of Lenders, through your valuable information here. So, excited now, what to do next?
Do I call them to find out what are their criteria on the loans they will lend? This way I will be ready when I
have properties ready for the loan process? Thank you and God bless!


God Bless you all, in Jesus' Name I pray. Nancy as #1 Sunshine*