Calling all women!
Calling all lady DGers!
I know your out there!
I have had the pleasure of co-instructing several of Dean's Insider EDGE Boots on the Ground events with my best friend and husband, Joe. Many times so many lady investors come up to me to discuss challenges they face and they often seek advice and inspiration from another women investor. I am so happy to help and I realized we may face challenges that others do not face.
Ladies, I would love to hear from you on my journal. As women we face many challenges in our everyday life and when you are in real estate investing, lets face it, it can be a man's world. Let's embrace and share our insight and inspiration with others to help make real estate deals happen.
Some questions you might be asking yourself include:
How do we succeed with real estate?
How do we learn to work the system?
What are the best tasks we can do or if we have a partner what can they do?
How do we divide and conquer these tasks?
I want to explore what is on your mind, challenges we run into and what we can share together along the way as we chase the dream. We can share our fears, our experience, our creative deals or even useful articles.
I look forward to hearing from you on my journal. There are others ou there going though the same thing you are. Lets talk! Let's make it happen! Carpe diem! :0) - Stacey
Believe and Achieve! - Joe and Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
We are having a great time with Dean's Insider Edge Boots on the Ground in Orlando, Florida. We had a great group of students that each day are learning and ready to take action with real estate. I enjoy helping students, answering all their questions and helping them start their real estate journey. They are excited over learning something that may change their life!
We had a caravan of 4 vans to go out and look at properties. My van had all women except one gentleman and the students said they wanted tips that would help them as women. I shared my real estate tips with all the students and the women were so excited over the possibilities of real estate.
Ladies, today is the day to take control of your future and make it happen. Let's hear from others and we can continue to share, learn and grow. Carpe diem! :0)
P.S. - To all my new Florida friends, both ladies and gentlemen, I am very proud of you for taking action and completing Dean's Insider Edge Boots on the Ground course. You can do it and I look forward to hearing about your progress and successful deals on!
P.S.S - To all of my past students and now friends from around the USA from Dean's Boots on the Ground, I hope you are continuing to have success with Real Estate and keep reaching for your goals. It was a pleasure meeting you and I look forward to hearing about your progress and success on
Believe and Achieve!
- Joe and Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Stacey, I love the idea you've posted about your journal!
Someone had recently posted info. here how she had met some women at her REI Club (realtors, investors, title people, etc.)...and how they are meeting once a week for lunch and networking.
This is what had prompted me thinking about women needing to support each other in this REI business.
I'd really like to start a REI Club locally, beginning 2013. I have been traveling far to the REI clubs in my area. So...
thinking about a "Ladies Night" or perhaps an all women's club...
Thanks for the support!
Happy Prospering! ~Kat, Liberty Residential Investment Acquisitions
• "To every thing there is a season, & a time to every purpose..." ~Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
• "Inaction breeds doubt and fear. Action breeds confidence and courage. If you want to conquer fear, do not sit home and think about it. Go out and get busy!" ~Dale Carnegie
• "Begin, be bold, and venture to be wise." ~Horace
• "Never, never, never give up." ~Winston Churchill
• "Whatever you do, or dream you can, begin it. Boldness has genius and power and magic in it." ~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Hey Stacey, thank you for starting this topic. I feel it will be beneficial to a lot of people here to be able to share and offer advice.
It is unfortunate but we must admit that the world will never see men and women as equals. And to a degree that's fine, but it can make succeeding a whole lot harder at times. That's why I am planning on using my "woman strengths" to my advantage. I am a petite, dark blonde who also looks much younger than I am, so I have always been challenged by others who stereotypically think that I am inexperienced, weak and dumb. I've found that I can use this to my advantage by not having to speak up much in the beginning of a conversation (since they think I don't know anything) and I can listen intently. People usually say so much more to try to prove their superiority, and I can then pick up on their weak spots or gain insight on their intentions. In the same respect, when people don't see me as a threat, they'll usually hear me out (which I'm hoping will benefit me with sellers).
Being a woman is so complicated!
I'll be back to add more comments.
Success to all.
Life is full of choices, and these choices become your reality... YOU are in control of your future! YOU decide the direction your life will take. YOU have to make things happen, no one will do it for you!
When opportunity knocks, will you answer?
Love this idea. Though I do post on here, I don't post much anymore, actually gave up many times. But when we started the WINGS group, from our REI club, Women Investors Networking Group, things started to change.
We do meet once a month at the title company, because several women work there and it is on their lunch break. They even bring in some hot sandwiches and dessert for the rest of us. We have just over 40 women. Though we only have an hour, we all sit and talk longer, and it is in their office areas. These offices also have agents and brokers. All in our group.
No fees, all is free.
Networking on here would be great.
Will check this more often to see what develops from it.
I agree Stacey! Today is the day we need to take control of our future! (Whether female or male!
I know you and Joe are having an amazing time teaching!!! I know you guys are changing lives forever for what you are doing!
Going to cast a wide net and speak in general here. Being a single mom with zero support outside of DG, and the only female investor in my area.....I've probably encountered just about 'all roads of toughness' one can travel! lol But you know what....I don't truly feel being a woman in a 'man's world' as most refer to is a disadvantage. WE determine how people treat us. WE command the respect we are given. How we portray ourselves determines the reflection we get. It's like you can't get mad at the neighbor’s dog for using the bathroom on your lawn if you don't have a fence up! You have to set boundaries. People will treat your how you tolerate. We have to put a fence up (NOT a WALL - just boundary)!
Yes, I've had people not take me seriously, Had to put a few in their place. Nipped a few relationships in the bud. Been knocked down and beat up but you get up, you hit back, you move on, you figure it out. I am PRETTY sure that most ALL have had hurtles to overcome, been rejected, it's hard for everyone in the beginning. Most all aren't taken seriously until you've closed some transactions. So I can't honestly say that I'm exclusive in this or encountered what I've encountered because I have lady parts.
When I first started I thought I had to be 'tough' 'act like a man' well you know what..... boys play mean! lol You want to see tough times, stand back and watch a few men in business. They are hard on each other, cut throat, hit below the belt and can never put down their 'shields'. I found I could be professional, be stern, be aggressive and yet allow/use my femininity to still be true to who I am and get the job done. I can get my nails done and still turn out a smoking flip! lol
How most treat us is in direct reflection of how we truly see ourselves. If we as women feel inferior we will be treated as such. Know YOUR VALUE! Let our actions speak louder than our words. Anything in life is a 'crutch' only if we allow it to be. People will back off when they realize you want back down.
Iron sharpens iron! So roll up your sleeves, dive in, get what you need to get to where you need to be!
See you at the top....that's where the winners hang out! (women or men) lol
God bless,
in any women's field.
Ya know, Rome wasn't built in a day...and it took a lot less time to "create" each and every one of us.
We all have our strengths and weaknesses, but we all have dreams. In the effort of going after mine, I hope all of you reach yours.
Is it a man's world? I don't know for sure, I haven't ever look at it that way and here's why. When I'm writing that check to my mortgage company, or water dept., or insurance pin, nor my check don't know and don't care whether I'm male or female.
When I'm running the numbers to put the deal out's just business to me. BUT, THAT'S JUST ME. That's how I am about it.
My first contract, while trying to do both adverting the property and promote myself, I came across a man from a REI. He was one that I that I called to introduce myself to,and talked with a bit....and sent him a posting of the house that I JUST GOT LOCKED UP. He went behind me, contacted the owner......and owner/seller cancelled with me. He hasn't sold yet. You really do live through these kind of mistake - which I call "my quarters in the bucket", because when u make mistake that cost u learn quickly, not to repeat them.
I love real estate.....and have always had my "WHY" there close to me. I hope all the women here the very best success.
Thank you Stacy for opening the door to this should very helpful and encouraging to others.
But if any of you feel down or stuck while trying to move forward you can't get there.....just P.M. me. I'll do my best to help lift u up.....I love to motivate people, it actually motivates me to motivate you. I'm on here nearly every day if not every other day.
Have a great week, ERSIE
but also agree with Jen that we set boundaries, and if people treat us bad we have to stand our ground or send them packing. No need to take abuse of any kind no matter the severity. Sometimes its' just a little dig, but we can decide if we will deal with that or not.
Will be nice to watch this thread and see the challenges that people OVERCOME! website FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
Thanks for stopping by my journal and for all the additional thoughts. I believe one of the most value sources to help all investors, no matter their level of experience, are real estate investment clubs. I would recommend going to several clubs if possible and seeing which club may be the best fit for you. You may have to do some driving to find a few clubs but it could be worth it.
As you stated, if there are not enough clubs near you, you might need to start your own. I believe you have a great idea that if you can't find a good club near you than start your own. The club will grow over time and it is so great to have like minded investors helping each other along the way, just like right here on Keep up the good work. Looking forward to hearing more about your journey and adventure. Carpe diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Thanks for stopping by my journal. Thanks for sharing such value insight with us. I love the idea about using what may be a perceived weakness as a strength that will benefit you. This is a terrific approach. It is like people under estimating others. Sometimes based on age, gender or experience in a subject matter. Sometimes you can move in stealth mode to find more deals or information.
Keep up the good work. Sometimes if others don't see you as competition they are more willing to help. Then over time they see the value and understand how working together can benefit all parties. Looking forward to hearing and sharing more. Carpe Diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and recent experience. It is great you started your own group. What is the famous quote of "become the change we want to see in life". You are leading by example and that is awesome. It sounds like your group will be growing as you inspire and help others along the way. I look forward to hearing more from you and the adventures in real estate with your group. Have a great week. Carpe diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
What a great idea to have a journal for women investors only. As a university professor and classroom teacher, I mentored young women and was rewarded by their success. Now, I find myself in the position of being mentored by one of my former students. It is uncomfortable and really outside the box for me. Having an objective audience to bounce my feelings off of will help me get going.
Thanks so much,
Thank you for starting this journal... I think it will be good for all of us!
We can help each other by talking about what is going on in our REI lives and how we can overcome obstacles. It could be that you have a problem or an issue that another lady DGer has had and she can tell you how she overcame it. We can feed off each other. It's good to have someone who is supportive of you. I know lots of the ladies on here do not have their partner's support, but we as a DG family can give support to each other. I personally have not had that particular problem. My only obstacle was myself and once I realized that the only thing to fear is fear itself (remember who said that?), I got my behind out the door and started making offers.
Everything works out in the end. If it hasn't worked out, it's not the end.
You have not lived a perfect day, unless you have done something for someone who will never be able to repay you. Ruth Smeltzer
It is what it is 'til you change it.
Thanks for stopping by the journal. You are correct that both men and women need to take control of their financial future. When we are young we often look to our parents for all kinds of support from emotional to financial. As we got older we may turn to a family member, spouse or friend. However, when the rubber hits the road, we are the ones that are truey responsible for our future financial health.
As Joe and I help teach Dean's Insider Edge Boots on the Ground, I am amazed at the energy and passion of people around the USA and Canada that want something more out of their life. They choose the training to get on the fast track of real estate investing. I know many people out there want something more our of their job, heck even more out of life. Real estate investing can be the answer for so many.
When we work together and share insight, inspiration and information, all
real estate investors can benefit tremedendously. Thanks for contributing to this journal thread. You write with such energy and passion. I am sure you will continue to succeed with real estate investing. You offer valuable insight. If we continue to push forward and persist we can achieve whatever we strive to. Sometimes people just want to see if we really want it bad enough to keep moving forward.
Often we learn lessons from the good that happens and the bad we run into. The next time we become smarter and stronger. We do have to be positive, professsional and polite and never burn bridges. I do believe in carma. Looking forward to hearing more insight. Carpe Diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Thanks for stopping by and sharing your insite and inspiration. That is terrible about that other investor but as they say what goes around comes around. Carma has a weird way of workin things out. Each time in real estate we do something we learn a lesson.
As you stated you learned a lesson on this deal about maybe how to do things differently and you learned about the creditibility of another indiviual. Sometimes it is hard but its great you made lemonade from this other lemon head. Keep the positive vibes flowing and succes will continue to bless your efforts. Looking forward to hearing more great insight. Carpe Diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Thanks for stopping by the journal and providing additional insight. The key is to stand our ground as you stated and not let others seem like they can influence us. Whether it be another investor, seller or contractor, we set the tone the first time we meet someone. Like they say you never get a second chance to make that first impression.
I remember several contractors that gave me a bid to do a rehab or part of a rehab. Most were surprised I got more than 1 bid and insisted on detailed bids for every job they were going to do. Set the tone with people in the beginning and the future will be a little easier. Looking forward to your future insight. Carpe Diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Welcome to the journal and thank you for your thoughts. I know sometimes it can feel strange to have mentors that are younger than us but it is all about experience and sharing knowledge. You gave so much as a college professor to shape young minds. I believe teachers and professors are so valuable and can sometimes it can appear they are unappreciated professions. howver, these dedicated individuals are so valuable for our children's future. Thank you! It is awesome that it is full circle when the student becomes the teacher.
Joe and I feel the same way with real estate. We were young, new to it all and did not know where to start. Thanks to Dean's programs, books and events, we too went from student to teacher. But we realize we will always cotninue to learn each day and cotninue to expand our knowledge with every new challenge we face. Looking forward to hearing more of your insight. Carpe diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Welcome and thanks for stopping by the journal. Its so true that fear sometimes can hold us back from things in real estate and even things in every day life. Once we ask oursleves what are we afraid of, it does not seem as bad anymore.
Often ask what would happen if we did do it and take action and what would happen if we did nothing. Often action sparks so much other action. Thanks for sharing and I look forward to reading your future insight. Carpe Diem! :0)
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
4 tips for single, female homebuyers
By Marilyn Kennedy Melia
- Single women account for 21 percent of all home purchases.
- Women receive an outsized share of subprime mortgages.
- It may be a mistake to borrow as much money as a lender approves.
Buying a home today takes a certain confidence -- in the market and in your own financial strength. A lot of single, female homebuyers are taking that bold step in high heels, with no one at their side.
Nationally, single women accounted for 21 percent of all home purchases in the year ended this past June, while single men accounted for just 10 perceExperts say female homebuyers share characteristics and concerns that set them apart from male buyers. Following are four tips single, female buyers should keep in mind when purchasing a home.
Buy with confidence
A variety of factors -- such as a greater likelihood of working at jobs that offer paltry retirement and other benefits -- keep single women from achieving their financial goals, says Mariko Chang, a consultant who recently completed a report on the wealth gap for women for the Insight Center for Community Economic Development in Oakland, Calif.
Although the nation has witnessed a housing bust, homes should still climb in value over the long haul, leaving longtime owners with a valuable asset, Chang says.
Chicago-based Certified Financial Planner Leisa Aiken says it is a mistake to expect a quick run-up in property values, especially since there's still an abundant supply. Still, Aiken agrees with Chang that owning a home can help women enter a more secure retirement if they pay down their loan balance over time.
"You shouldn't think of a home as an investment that will make you rich," Aiken says. "But if you buy a home that you can afford to pay off, maintain and live in over a long period of time, you'll have a low-cost place to live in retirement."
Don't stretch your budget too far
Mortgage lenders may approve borrowers with good credit and other favorable factors for a home mortgage that -- combined with their other regularly occurring debts -- takes up one-third or more of the borrower's gross pay.
However, experts caution it could be a mistake to borrow as big a home loan as a lender will approve.
A woman who earns $50,500, makes a 10 percent down payment on a $149,000 house and carries a mortgage loan for the rest at 5.375 percent would have a monthly home loan payment around $750.
On the surface, that's well below one-third of gross income, says Jeri Lynn Fox, but that payment amount covers only the principal and interest. The buyer would also have other home-related expenses, including property taxes, homeowners insurance and private mortgage insurance.
Add in other debts -- such as a car loan and credit card payments -- and the homeowner could find herself pushing against the upper limit on a prudent monthly debt load. Annette Simon, a Bethesda, Md.-based Certified Financial Planner, says it's a mistake for single women to overextend when making a purchase. "Diversification is the cardinal rule," she says. "You should not have a mortgage that's so big you still don't put at least 10 percent of your income in a retirement plan."
Shop aggressively for financing
A Consumer Federation of America study in 2006 found that women received an outsized share of subprime mortgages, says Barry Zigas, director of housing policy for the Washington, D.C.-based CFA.
Zigas worries that mortgage lenders may not provide women with all loan information and options because of stereotypes about women's alleged lack of financial sophistication. "Have the loan officer lay out all the options," he says.
Check rates with several mortgage lenders, and don't simply select a lender based on a recommendation from a friend, adds Zhenguo Lin, assistant professor of real estate at Mississippi State University. Lin co-authored a recent study that found women head of households pay 40 basis points -- nearly 0.5 percent -- more on home mortgages than other borrowers.
When controlled for income, credit score and other factors, that difference dropped to 8 basis points. But that's still significant, says Lin, who believes the cost variance is due to the fact that 41 percent of women say they relied on a recommendation, while only 25 percent of men did.
Try to get seller concessions
One of the most misunderstood aspects of ownership is how much money is needed to maintain the home. "You can expect anywhere from about 1 (percent) to 3 percent of the home's value" paid out each year to cover fixes and projects, says Durham, N.C.-based Certified Financial Planner Jennifer Lazarus.
Today, many buyers are able to get concessions from sellers upfront to fix any imminent problem an inspection turns up. That helps cut maintenance, at least in the near term, says Benjamin Clark, president of the National Association of Exclusive Buyers Agents in Avondale, Ariz.
Moreover, buyers frequently ask for one-year warranties that cover repairs on appliances and major systems, and sellers are providing and paying for these policies, Clark says.
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
10 Things Your Real Estate Agent Won’t Tell You
Discover how to get the best deal on a home, whether you’re buying or selling
Woman's Day
By Sarah Stebbins
In an ideal world, your real estate agent serves as an advocate, confidant and maybe even a marriage counselor, guiding you through one of the biggest (and often fraught) financial decisions of your life. In reality, he’s a salesperson who earns a commission based on what a house sells for. This means brokers have an incentive for buyers to pay more, and in some cases, may also be tempted to gloss over details that could sour a deal. And those are just two potential conflicts. “Real estate agents provide an important service, and the top ones have your best interests at heart, but you should be aware of the practices that go on to protect yourself,” says Eric Tyson co-author of the Home Buying Kit for Dummies. Since your broker may not be willing to tip his hand, we’ll clue you into the secrets he may be keeping from you.
An agent who wants to make a quick sale might not share information a buyer could find unappealing about the neighborhood, like an office building going up on the street, or a registered sex offender who lives a few houses down. But these are things he’s supposed to disclose, says Tyson. Guard against this by thoroughly vetting your agent in the first place. Moe Veissi, president of the National Association of Realtors and a broker in Miami, suggests asking realtors about area schools, crime statistics, parks, hospitals and whatever else is important to you (he should be well-versed in all of these topics) and learning how many years he’s been in business (longevity is usually a good sign). Also check that he’s a member of a local, state or national realtor board, which holds members to a code of ethics. A respectable agent knows repeat business and referrals are his lifeblood, so it benefits him to be honest with you, says Veissi. Still, it’s a good idea to ask directly about upcoming construction projects and the proximity of sex offenders before closing a deal.
“You can negotiate a lower commission.”
On average, 5.4% of each home sale price goes to brokers’ commissions, according to real estate research firm Real Trends. But the rate varies depending on your area. You probably know that the commission comes out of the seller’s proceeds from the sale and is split evenly between the buyer’s and seller’s agents. What you may not know is that commission isn’t a fixed rate, says Veissi. When you’re selling, interview a few brokers to get an idea of the going rate in your area, then, before you commit to one realtor, see if any will lower their fees, says Tyson. Typically, the higher the value of the property, the more bargaining power you’ll have, but it never hurts to ask. Just be sure a broker offering you a low commission rate isn’t planning to dock the commission paid to the buyer’s agent. “If your broker advertises a fee less than what buyers’ agents normally get, buyers’ agents are less likely to show your house,” says Tyson.
“Everything else in the contract is negotiable too.”
In addition to the commission, there are other parts of a seller’s contract with an agent that are up for discussion. Check out the length of the listing agreement. Typically it’s six months, but Tyson advises pushing for 90 days so you can get out of the contract sooner if you’re unhappy with the agent’s progress selling your home. Another thing to look for: “transaction fees.” A growing number of brokerages are adding charges of up to $400 to each seller’s contract as a way to increase their bottom line, says Samuel Tamkin, a Chicago-based real estate attorney and contributor to, a personal finance and real estate website. “A good broker will tell you about the fees upfront, but others may just include them in the boilerplate contract, where you might not notice them,” he says. It’s a good policy to always ask about any hidden fees.
“I make more when you buy or sell within my brokerage firm.”
Brokerages offer agents a bigger cut of the commission if they sell in-house listings, says Tyson. Since a broker stands to make more from selling homes that their coworkers represent, he may bring buyers to more homes listed with his agency than properties the buyers actually want to see. If you’re looking to buy, consider signing on with an exclusive buyer’s broker—an agent who doesn’t sell property and has no ties to sellers’ brokers. Find one at, the National Association of Exclusive Buyer Agents.
“Before I list your house, I’m going to tip off some of my friends.”
It’s common for a listing agent to let other brokers at his firm know about a “hot new property” before posting it in the multiple listing service (a.k.a. “MLS”)—the database agents use to share information about a home, says Ulrich Salzgeber, president of the NAEBA and a broker in Steamboat Springs, CO. The reason? “He gets a better commission split if he lines up an in-house agent.” This practice doesn’t typically harm the seller, so long as the house is exposed to a wide audience soon after. But sometimes the broker’s colleague brings in a buyer who makes an offer right away and the sellers are so delighted that they accept it, says Tamkin. This could be a mistake because the only way to know if you’re getting the best possible price for your home is to let everyone see it.
“Your secrets may not be safe with me.”
You spot a cute house with a For Sale sign out front and decide to call the broker listed on the sign—this is how many people happen upon an agent. He’s more than happy to show you the place, but in the process, you let slip how much you’re willing to pay or when you need to move. In other words, you forget you’re talking to someone else’s broker. In many states, that broker is legally obligated to tell his sellers any info that can help them get the best price for their home, says Tamkin. The reverse is also true for buyers’ brokers, who are supposed to relay anything that could help their clients get a better deal. So whether you’re buying or selling, stay buttoned up about these details around other realtors.
“If you want to sell this place for the best price, you need to make some changes.”
You might assume that your broker will tell you what to do to make your home more marketable, but some don’t bother. “I see many houses for sale that are cluttered or have a dead bush out front or peeling paint in the bathroom,” says Tyson. “Unfortunately, some agents think it’s better to get a house on the market, and maybe sell it for less, than to risk offending clients with constructive criticism.” Bottom line: If your broker doesn’t initiate this conversation, you should—and you should be receptive to his suggestions. Even if your house is in great shape, there are probably small things you can do to improve it. If your realtor doesn’t have any thoughts on the topic, or you feel he just doesn’t care, it might be time to get a new agent.
“Selling your home isn’t the only goal of hosting an open house.”
An open house can be a great way to get a lot of people to see your home. But only 11% of homes are actually sold through these events, according to a National Association of Realtors study. Some agents like to have open houses simply to generate new business for themselves, says Tyson. And since not everyone who shows up to these events is a serious buyer—some people go to get an idea of how to price their own homes, while others just want to see what’s out there—there are plenty of potential clients. That’s fine, especially if you like your broker and want him to be successful. But if you don’t want to host an open house because it’s a hassle or you’re worried about theft (both legitimate concerns), don’t let your agent push you.
“That deck you’re dreaming of? It might not happen.”
“Real estate agents tend to be positive, rather than naysayers and deal-killers,” says Tyson. So if you tell your broker a house would be perfect if only you could add a deck, garage or pool, he’s probably going to say those are great ideas—and may even make some suggestions of his own. But a good agent will advise you to check with the local zoning office to make sure those alterations are allowed before you make an offer. Don’t trust a broker who tells you he knows for a fact that you can make a major structural change.
“The home inspector you hired basically works for me.”
Buyers’ agents typically provide their clients with a list of recommended home inspectors who will look over the place before closing on the sale. In many cases, these inspectors are true pros; in others, they’re people who will rubberstamp a house in return for repeat business from the broker. “If you picked a good agent, you should get high-quality referrals,” says Tyson. Still, you shouldn’t just take the broker’s word for it. Interview a few inspectors and find out about their training and background. Check that they’re members of the American Society of Home Inspectors (ASHI), or another regulatory body, and ask to see a sample inspection report. It should be a clear, narrative-style document or multi-page, annotated checklist, not something simplistic. Also, ask how long the inspection will take—most last three to four hours—and if you can be there when it happens, says Salzgeber. If the guy says he’ll be in and out in an hour, that’s a red flag.
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
For starting this thread, especially because there are many women investors out there, some very successful, some a little successful, and some not very successful. The ones who are not very successful can often give up prematurely, without giving themselves the opportunity to fail a few times and believe in themselves to overcome those failures and see them as only obstacles in their path to success. We don't like to fail; as soon as we do, we immediately think that we are not good at doing that certain task, and give up. We can be our harshest critics, so having other women as a support group to encourage us and to share the struggles that we all have encountered and have overcome, can be of immeasurable value.
Learning and progressing every day,
“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss
"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown
My journal:
I would love to talk to you, but since I found my DG journal on display under my name when I goggled myself I don't feel comfortable. Do you have an email?
I am so glad you like this journal, my goal is to have a journal where all the women can go and share, encourage and support each other. It isn't easy when you fail, but so many people before have failed and thank goodness they didn't give up.
Sometimes people feel that when they failed this failure defies who you are- Ladies, it does not!
You will face small set backs as you go through this journey, find a way to make it happen. Many times I was faced with a challenge and I found out how to solve the challenge and learned so much along the way.
So what I want to say to you ladies, you will get up and know we are out here to help you.
Carpe Diem :0) Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Please feel free to email ("PM") me on I look forward to hearing from you. :0) - Stacey
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Hire a Reliable Home Repair Person: Learn how to find the right specialist—from plumber to roofer––and get the best results
Woman's Day
By Arianne Cohen
You suddenly have a spewing toilet, a major termite infestation or water leaking through your wall. No one you know has the expertise to help, so you…do what? Instead of taking your chances on the phone book—and potentially spending a ton of unnecessary money—read on to learn how to prepare yourself, so that you’ll know just whom to call when you need to make it all better.
Finding the Right Pro
Before you begin, know that not all repair companies are created equal. Pretty much anyone can place an “AA Handyman” listing in the phone book; due to the widely varying licensing and accreditation requirements from state to state, having a license doesn’t necessarily indicate skill. What you need is a list of trusted professionals at your fingertips: referrals from people you trust who have worked with the contractor repeatedly. See the box at right to get the best recommendations in town.
Keeping a List
It’s best to have on hand a list of two or three of each sort of professional. That way, if you need to gather estimates, you’ll know whom to call. Also, contractors often take on multi-day jobs and are unavailable at your moment of need. Example: I had a plumbing leak over the Christmas holiday, and had to call four plumbers before finding someone available. Prepare for the worst. Even if you have only one tree in your yard, it could fall, so find tree guys as well as the following specialists:
• Appliance installer/repair-person
• Electrician
• Exterminator
• General contractor (carpentry, etc.)
• Handyman
• Heating/cooling (furnace) technician
• Landscaper
• Locksmith
• Painter
• Plumber
• Roofer or exterior specialist
• Sewer contractor
When You Need a Recommendation, Ask... Who Why The Key Question Your famously fussy neighbor. She always demands the best. Anyone she recommends likely does a highquality, affordable job. “Which contractors have you used and liked?” A contractor that you’ve used and liked
Repair people tend to know each other, and have often worked together on big projects. Thus, the electrician probably knows a good plumber. “Who do you use at your home?” Your real estate agent Through her job, she interacts with dozens of contractors, so she knows who’s good and who’s not. “Who do you like? Who should I avoid?” OK, it’s not a person per se, but the $5-a-month service (higher in some areas) gives you access to ratings and reviews of thousands of local contractors—and all the reviews are by real, not-anonymous clients. Search the database for a contractor someone else referred you to. Check his ratings, type of work, prices and level of professionalism. (Tip: Avoid businesses with no street address. Many scam artists, particularly **** locksmiths, list PO boxes only.)
Uh-Oh…It’s Broken!
First off, is it an emergency? If your problem involves any of the following, act accordingly:
1. Smoke. Leave your home and call 911. It doesn’t matter if the smoke is from an appliance, outlet or something bigger—make the call!
2. Water leaking near electrical outlets. Turn off the house’s main power shutoff (usually located where the circuit breakers are or under the electric meter outside) and the main water shutoff (it’s usually where the water meter is), which will end the immediate danger. (If you know where the water is coming from, you can turn off the water supply only to that area of the house.) Then call the plumber. And call the electrician if water got into the outlets.
3. Gas. Leave your home and call the fire department and the gas company. Damage to a gas line inside your home or outside (common when cars roll into gas meters) is also grounds for leaving and calling 911. You’re not overreacting: Gas can result in sudden explosions and fires, and a police officer or fire personnel will come right over.
4. Flickering lights. If power is fluctuating in one area of the house, flip off the breaker or unscrew the fuse for that area, and call the electrician and your power company.
5. Power loss. Call the power company. Loss of power to the whole house usually indicates an outside utility problem. If it’s not an emergency but you’re still not sure which professional handles your problem, consider asking a handy friend or neighbor to take a look to narrow down whom to call. If you have existing relationships with contractors, you can also call them and ask. Having a general picture of what broke and why makes it easier to explain what you need when you call a pro. Once you’re on the phone, you’ll need to explain:
• What is broken
• Why it is broken (“I stepped on it,” “There’s a crack in it,” etc.)
• What repair you think needs to be made
• What you would like the repairperson to do (which, if it’s not an emergency, is give an estimate)
• Any history of problems involving the same item. (This last point gives relevant information and is code for “I’ve been through this before, I understand what’s going on and I have a rough idea of how much this should cost.”)
On the phone, mention who referred you—a contractor will often give better treatment to referrals than to people who call in a panic out of the blue—and be as nice as possible, since you need help immediately. You also want to make sure that the repairperson is both insured (which means that if he injures himself on the job, you’re not responsible) and bonded (meaning that if he makes the repair improperly, his company has to fix it). Some states also require contractors and repairmen to be licensed. Ask to see proof of all in person.
All About Estimates
For common, small jobs, many contractors will give a rough estimate over the phone. If you suspect that you’re in for a major repair, call multiple contractors and ask each of them to come over and give an estimate. You always want an estimate in writing, on some form of official company paper. This way, if you’re charged an egregious amount, you have written proof that the agreed-upon price was lower. Most important: Save the estimate—you’ll need it so you can compare it to the final bill. An estimate should include:
• What is being fixed
• Hourly labor rate
• Approximate time frame of the repair
• Estimated costs of tools, products and materials
• Terms of payment
Once you’re comfortable with the price, ask for a contract if the job exceeds about $250. It should include material costs, permits or licensing, describe how a change in the project will be addressed, and authorize the contractor to do the work.
What to Expect from an Estimate
What to Look For
Electrician - Flat fee or hourly
A very detailed, typed estimate, letting you know exactly what they plan to install. Electrician estimates are easy to compare to each other, because they list the prices and details of the circuits and panels that they plan to install or repair (as opposed to a plumber, who will say “replace toilet”). It’s OK to get three or more, and then call back and ask questions.
Plumber - Typically hourly
If a basic repair turns out to be more complicated than planned, talk to the plumber as soon as that’s apparent and negotiate. Say, “I know this is taking you a while, but I can’t spend $500 on my shower leak. Can we set a price now?”
Heating/cooling technician - Flat fee or hourly
The furnace, air conditioning and water heating are the most complex systems in our home, and repair mistakes are very expensive to fix, so choose wisely. Look for an experienced contractor and make sure you have multiple referrals.
General Contractor - Hourly
Check references, ask for examples of their work and be sure to ask for a written estimate, including timing and materials. If all looks good, ask for a contract, then follow along carefully as the project ensues.
Exterminator - Service Agreement
The service agreement will indicate how the exterminator will treat a pest problem. They will honor the terms of the agreement, whether it takes days or weeks to fix what’s wrong. Get several estimates and compare.
Ding-Dong, the Repairperson’s Here
Hooray, the repairperson has arrived. His or her presence is your opportunity to learn how to perform repairs yourself, so don’t leave the room and make phone calls for an hour. Instead, stay put, watch what the repairperson is doing and feel free to ask about it. By watching carefully, you will not only educate yourself, but you’ll also be sure that the repairperson is being diligent. Good questions to ask:
• “How does that work? How’s it powered?”
• “What’s that knob/pipe/control and what does it do?”
• “Should I be performing any maintenance on that?”
• “What should I do if it breaks again?”
“How do I turn off the electrical [or gas] lines that power that?”
• “How can I keep this problem from happening again?”
If a job becomes more complicated than planned mid-repair and the contractor has given you an estimate, he should show you the complications and ask what you’d like to do. Ask how the change affects the price, and be sure to get a revised estimate.
Fix-It Etiquette While 99 percent of repair professionals are good people, keep in mind that you are letting a complete stranger into your house. What to offer them and what they can use in your home depends on whether your contractor is there to give an estimate (rarely more than 40 minutes) or to do a repair.
Your cheat sheet: Subject
Here for an Estimate Here for a RepairShoes Yes, you can politely ask him to remove his shoes. The contractor gets to keep his or her shoes on. You can, however, politely ask that he stamp them off well and avoid the nice carpets. A drink It’s always polite to offer, especially if it’s hot or cold out. Offer water, tea or coffee. Bathroom No need to offer. Point out the one you’d prefer him to use, and pull up any bath mats you don’t want muddied. Kitchen No need to offer. If a contractor will be there through lunchtime, it’s polite to offer your microwave and put out any utensils you’d like him to use. Valuables When in doubt, shut doors to any rooms holding valuables, or have the contractor enter through a side door. Remember—you’re basically giving a tour of your home. Hide away any items that you’re worried might disappear. Multiple workers may have key access to your house, so rather than risking it, slip valuables in drawers. Access You should let him in, and be there during the entire visit. Be home if you can; if not, try to avoid giving out your home key. If you must leave, let the contractors in, and ask them to lock themselves out on the way out.
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
12 reliable real estate tips for 2012
By Steve McLinden
To buy or sell in 2012, what with Armageddon coming and all? Absent any ancient Mayan wisdom on real estate strategies, let's just hope the real cataclysmic event in the real estate market already has passed, even if the rubble from the bubble remains.
A stubborn overstock of households with loans higher than their value will continue to restrain prices and create some major obstacles for sellers in 2012, a year that's shaping up to be another homebuyer's market. In fact, recent studies indicate that more than 20 percent of all residential properties with a mortgage are still underwater, hinting that many foreclosures and workouts are still to come.
However, even the most conservative forecasts call for growth in home sales in 2012, with some select pockets around the country already busting out where there are competitive offers on new listings. More than one-third of home resales were made to first-time buyers in 2011 -- another good sign.
Meanwhile, here are 12 tips for 2012, aimed largely at the group that needs the most help -- home sellers.
1. Price it right from the get-go
The old-school strategy of real estate sellers crossing their arms and holding out for a better offer will be brushed off by most homebuyers. Consider that of the homes that took four months or more to sell in the past year, almost half of their owners accepted less than 90 percent of the asking price, according to the National Association of Realtors. For a gauge, have your agent produce the latest comparable sales including short sales and foreclosures as well as a recent summary of sales prices versus original list prices. But be wary that such information doesn't reflect the homes that failed to sell.
2. Put your best footage forward
Prep, paint, stage, scrub, improve, repeat. Efforts can include caulking, plastering, planting flowers, adding potted plants, making the windows spotless, pressure washing that oily driveway, edging the walks, trimming the bushes and trees, and mending the fences. None of these is excessively capital-intensive, but when applied en masse, they say "buy me."
3. Be flexible
I'm not saying bend over backward to accommodate real estate buyers. Bend forward and sideways, too. Be ready to negotiate and offer extras such as closing costs, paid property taxes, remodeling work (or a cash credit), appliances, paid condo association/homeowner association dues, a few months of mortgage payments or even seller financing. Home sellers who've been on the sidelines and who advised their agents to ignore offers by lowballers don't have that luxury now. Instruct your agent to listen intently to prospective homebuyers' misgivings about the home and adjust accordingly and immediately.
4. Trump your techno-fears
Hire a listing agent steeped in mobile platforms. Sellers and buyers are routinely using Facebook and other social media to sell and seek, not to mention dozens of online selling sites. Some owners are even making YouTube videos to showcase their homes, making it easier to quickly link to potential buyers via email. There's also an abundance of smartphone apps cropping up to review real estate listings and refine searches.
5. Don't fall prey
Fraudsters are targeting distressed homeowners with "deals" that can sound perfectly legit. Some offer loan modifications for upfront fees while others offer fee-based "help" in navigating government housing assistance programs, sometimes claiming they're attorneys.
There are also con-artist "investors" compelling desperate owners to sign over their homes with quitclaim deeds in return for a typically empty promise to remain there indefinitely. Others are telling former owners they can get their homes back for a lump sum. Be forewarned: Never sign blank documents or documents with blank lines.
If you're unsure of an offer, have an attorney or other trusted adviser look it over. Keep in mind that a law barring firms -- except attorneys -- from charging upfront fees for mortgage relief or mortgage modification took effect in 2011. It's called the Mortgage Assistance Relief Services Rule.
6. Finance 101
Realize it's harder to qualify for loans these days. Credit records are under greater scrutiny, and lenders are often demanding a 20 percent down payment and some pricing flexibility from the sellers, especially if the lender's appraisal doesn't reach the asking price.
Consider cash offers, even if they're not the highest. Reject too-low offers from homebuyers gently and with encouragement, telling them they're oh-so-close. You don't want to give away the farm, but you don't want to give it back to the bank either. These days, meeting halfway usually means meeting buyers on their half.
7. Be your own spokesperson
Agents once advised home sellers to retreat from view during showings, lest they disclose something unsavory or otherwise botch the deal. That's changed. If you can control your ego and emotions and come off as an earnest, flexible seller, you can serve as your best spokesperson. Be ready to answer would-be buyers' questions about the neighborhood and area schools. Be careful about making verbal promises!
8. Flight to quality
Worried about durability? Buyers who place a heavier focus on brick or concrete-and-steel housing may find they're more enduring, safer and quieter.
Are you worried about sustaining value? Buy near a prestigious hospital, university, large government employer or newly vibrant central business district. These entities typically aren't going away, and the demand for good housing around them won't either.
9. Expand your buying universe
There's still an overabundance of well-priced inventory out there, which means you needn't immediately narrow your search to the first house you fancy. That's especially the case with short sale homes, which can be a nightmare to close in a timely manner. There are some for-sale gems that need only a little polishing.
Shop around. Don't dismiss foreclosures and other bank properties, pre-foreclosures, auction homes, for-sale-by-owner or lease-to-own homes. Pick at least three favorites and work from there.
10. 'Site unseen' equals shortsightedness
Are you perplexed by the home valuation you did on your place on the website of a large, seemingly reputable real estate organization? Puzzled how that valuation can be 25 percent or more above or below a firsthand appraisal you've had done? Well, value estimates on these sites can vary widely, sometimes by hundreds of thousands of dollars, even by the admission of the companies themselves. There are way too many variables in the valuation game to give too much credence to blind, algorithm-based estimates that are impersonally calculated. Nothing beats a nuanced firsthand professional appraisal.
11. Expand your buyer's due diligence
Aside from the financial details, contracts, disclosures and protections you typically tend to as you prep to buy a home, add these to the list:
•Hire a title company to check the house for liens and tax arrearages.
•Hire you own inspector. Don't use the seller's!
•Have the inspector check for unpermitted work such as illegal room additions and garage conversions.
•Consider the overall energy efficiency of the home with an energy audit.
•Be sure property lines are accurate. If there's any question, hire a land surveyor to research the original deed and to stake out the property's lines and your neighbors' property lines to avoid future disputes.
12. Make a quality-of-life due-diligence checklist
•Go to the National Sex Offender Public Website at to search for neighborhood predators.
•Spend some time around the neighborhood and briefly interview neighbors. Determine if there are noisy neighbors, signs of gang activity, nocturnal barking dogs, indigent lingerers, frequent loud parties and/or suspicious nighttime visits. Are there lots of rental homes? Is the block a cut-through point during rush hour? Does the school bus go past the block? Is there a restrictive homeowners association?
•Determine what types of buildings can be constructed on vacant lots adjacent to the neighborhood. This helps avoid unpleasant future surprises. Is there constant noise from a nearby highway or busy street? Are there odors from nearby industrial plants?
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow Joe on his You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
Just finished up boot on the ground onsite training with amazing people like Joe and Stracy, and we are loving the still doing work. I personally gave up my years long manager position into this I have nothing about DG family real estate business, I have to say it, it's fearful and out of my comfort zone for sure. We are super happy about this investment,following up with all the want to know if this still apply to our market today with 25 houses and making off 25-50% less then what they asking for. we are put all our saving to this, so far it's hard to see result, everyone is telling us the houses are going offer full price and even here in cases. What can we so that this point. Anyone help us. ^_^ please.
Be happy and go healthy ^_^
Ling and/or Dustin
Welcome to the DG family and congratulations for taking action with education to benefit your real estate future. What city did you take the Boots on the Ground training? What part of the country are you looking at starting your real estate investing in? Based on this information, I would be happy to leave additional feedback and hopefully offer more useful insight and advice. Believe and Achieve!
- Joe
YOU TUBE CHANNEL - Follow me on my You Tube Channel at Joe Jurek Real Estate Investing Adventures
TWITTER - Follow me on Twitter at Joe Jurek CPA
Joe Jurek CPA
We just starting this, need some motivating, we can't make any sellers.
Be happy and go healthy ^_^
Ling and/or Dustin
Hello Mr. Joe, Dustin and I (Ling) just finished up with you on Orlando Florida area at Orange county boots on the ground training, we did went to Lowe's again to check up with price and actually talked with couple great people and get a lot information and all. get our first business cards super awesome. and ready to fly, We need push and point what to find motivating sell and I don't know what else, but we have so much Realtor email us houses and how to pick out good one and making actually offers? thanks for support.
Be happy and go healthy ^_^
Ling and/or Dustin