Chris' Journey Forward

Chris' Journey Forward

I found this part of the website last night and i read a few of the member journals. It was very encouraging and i have to say inspiring as well!! Everyone here seems to have the same bug that I have had and thanks to Dean I see a way forward!! Thank you DEAN!!!

This is my first entry in a, hopefully, long journey into the real estate investing world. I am very excited to get started applying Dean's methods and sheding some bad habits that have kept me back. I started reading 'Be a Real Estate Millionaire' last night as well. I'm addicted!!

In the past i have not always had the best luck keeping my journals going but I plan on being on this site daily to stay connected and focused!!

If there are any out there with advice, encouragement or even a hello Smiling I would love to connect. Plus, I am in the Central Valley of California area if there are any others from that area interested in networking please feel free to post here!!

I truely hope this journal acts as a marker and tracker for my future success!!

CJ Finch


"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"

Greeting All

Just wanted to make an entry. I purcahsed the Book Be Real Estate Millionaire four months ago and I have to say it's been an important assest to my journey to becoming an investor. I've gotten insight on Real Estate Investing that I had no knowledge exsist.

I have two Realtors and though I haven't purchased a property yet. I'm very close. I think I located a private investor who wants to invest in only properties over 300K and up and I'm really excited about working with them to acquire those properties. I can began my journey to make my dream as an investor come true,

I've been following you guys journal and forums and I have to say that by reading the informations, it has been a tremendous help in my journey to seek out many questions that I have. I'm looking forward to acquiring my first property and I know it will be soon. Keep on keeping on!!

Peace & Happy Investing


Helloooo, and welcome to the DG family! It's great to have you here. Smiling
You are right about your journal being a marker for your success. I look back at mine in amazement on how many obstacles I've overcome since last year (thanks to everyone here!). It's so funny. Sometimes you FORGET how you used to feel/ used to view things.

I look forward to reading your posts, and I wish you all the success in the world as you push forward in your REI!



"Obstacles can slow you down, but they can only stop you with your permission." Dean Graziosi (BARM pg 101)

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

For a little about me, welcome to the site, and a few tips for new DG family members, click on this link:

Day 2

Well its another day in the jouney and I am feeling a little overwhelmed. Before this week started i had never heard of DG or his great amount of information and I was sick of being in one place and never seeing a way out.
This week, though, was probably one of the most, most challaging weeks ever.

It began Sunday with finding out my wife had spent over $400 on a Nintendo Wii (which I really wanted...for the kids of course!! lol) just after we had a flood in our appartment. The flood from the guest bathroom toilet started around 3 am Sunday morning. It ended up being my 5 year old daughter Karleigh who woke me up to show me. By that point 80% of my 1100 sqft appt's carpet was soaked. I freaked and grabbed my carpet cleaner and spent the next 8 hours sucking up as much of the water out of my carpets as i could. >.< Lets just say that i filled up the tube 3 times (black water of course).

Then the landlords come in on Monday morning. (Seriously the nicest people I will ever rent from!!) They fixed the toilet, called the contractor and got a time (Tuesday at 10 am!!) to get the carpet replaced. I had less than 24 hours to move everything out of my home and in doing so I had to rent a storage unit, buy boxes and rent a truck to move it all!! Oh and then I stayed at my parents house for 2 nights. (not so bad)

But alas, I got new carpets for free (minus the moving expenses) and I can move everything back in...or so i had hoped!! My wife came home Thursday with 4 gallons of paint and said since none of the furniture is here I (Me not her) might as well paint the whole place too!!

I am sorry guys just needed to get that off my chest. Now looking back though, and using Dean's view of everything is an opportunity, I find my self in a unique possition!! I have never painted a house before and with my interest in REI I feel I have a need to know!!

I am taking up the challage and plan on letting all of you know how it goes!!

CJ Finch


"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"

Thank you guys!!

Rina and Yasmine thank you for your kind words!! I am still excited and appreciate your encouragement.

And Yasmine you will have to let me know when you seal your first deal!! I am excited for you and your future!! Good Luck!!

CJ Finch


"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"

Day 19

WOW!! Its been way too long since I was active here. I have been tied up in other things recently, due to family and work. I got the house painted and all of the furniture set up.

As far as any REI goes, I got a call from one of the coaching team members and was asked to join the coaching program. I am soooooo excited to do just that.....except for the $$$. I am below negative in any funds but I am determined.

I set myself a goal of 35 days from the call, which was abou 12 days ago >.<, to make a deal or atleast be close to making $$$ from a deal. At which point, Brian (the coach) will call me back and I will start the program.

It took me til today for the storms in my life to thin enough to see that I had been letting my fear of failure and uncertainty take over my vision. As a boy I started a fake company at school and sold candy during break to makke side money. The name I gave that company was Eagle Vision Enterprises, or EVE. I am an Eagle Scout through BSA and a Marine now, but at the time I chose the eagle because it has soem of the best vision out of almost all animals. The second reason is that it is a bird of prey!! It sees what it wants and does not take its vision off of its prey until the eagle is eating.

I am going this week to start my first business, Eagle Vision Enterprises, LLC, by which my rei will be handled. I will not fail in my goal of one deal by March 6th!! Wish me luck!!

Eagle Vision Enterprises, LLC


"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"

Hey CJ

I am new as well and former military. I just joined the academy yesterday. I wish you all the best and hope you do make a deal by my b-day, march 6th.



Don't forget to play hard after you work hard!!!

Why team building is important, "You can't know it all. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education, no matter how wide ranging your experience, there is simply no way to acquire all the wisdom you need to make your business thrive." DONALD TRUMP

Even more reson!!

Thank you Lonnie!! Now i have even more reason to make my goal!! lol

Good luck to you on joining the academy!!

God Bless


"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"

Day 25

OK! Awsome WEEK!! I used the information in the first few chapters of BAREM and what a whirlwind!! I started the week with a few sites that I was looking through for houses and next thing i know i have 6 homes i have walked through, made 2 offers and have 2 investors, maybe a third, that are looking at those and 2 others!! I am soooo excited!! is where i found my investors. I had to place a bunch of calls, leave a bunch of messages but in the end I wound up with a local guy who has been active in REI for 15 years offering to possibly mentor and assist me, and another gentleman from up north who does national REO investing sending me his referal info packet and states his company has a rough 7 day turn around on properties i send them!!!

I tell all of you who are afraid of what the industry might be, but it is nothing like what i feared!! I hate disapointing others, yes even those i may never see or even the one time meetings. I dont like wasting their time either. But I said to hell with it!! I found 15 houses i wanted to look at online, drove by them myself and that cut it down to bout 10. Ive walked through 6 of those and im planing on making 2 offers of my own and turning 4 over to my 2 investors.

Dean is right when he says once you start it is easier the next time!! Im already online tonight looking for more to walk through!!

OH! Also I found an extra!! I mean to say, I was looking at one house and when I went to leave I took another of Dean's suggestions to look at the street im on and judge the houses there. Find the one house that looks 'run down' or not as well taken care of. Find the owner and make an offer. Well for me it was even simpler and more exciting!! I looked across the street and saw a house that had a fence fallen and no blinds with overgrown lawn. I ran over and the notice for cannceled water was there!! I called my RE agent and gave her the address. Low and behold it was a reo that has not hit the market yet!! I found 3 like that this week and there are hundreds in my area!!! I am going to hunt them down and make my fortune!!

good luck and God Bless to all of you who read this!!



"To those unseen and those unheard, my deed may never show; But by once command I call myself to hone my future in!!"

Well done CJ

Sounds like you are on a roll, keep it up. Can't wait to hear more about those deals!



Don't forget to play hard after you work hard!!!

Why team building is important, "You can't know it all. No matter how smart you are, no matter how comprehensive your education, no matter how wide ranging your experience, there is simply no way to acquire all the wisdom you need to make your business thrive." DONALD TRUMP


Helo, Chris it so amazing how fast you are going I only wish I have the same energy as you. I recently join the site after buying the BARN book and sign up for Deans' academy. I also would like to invest in the central valley Kern to be specific. Hey, how is the Eagle Vision Enterprises, LLC venture going? Who did you use to incorporate?


Stop thinking just DO IT!

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