I'm paying my Bird Dog $2,000 in Cash Today

I'm paying my Bird Dog $2,000 in Cash Today

My bird dog Patrice is a single Mom, she has been driving neighborhood for over a month now and has found several hundred addresses. She confided in me that her family was giving her grief and telling her she was doing all this work for nothing and this guy was going to rip her off.
I will have her fan out the money while I snap a photo to add to my collection of other bird dogs that have also received 2 Grand.
This was a burned out house and a difficult deal, the seller was a Realtor Owner that had lived in the house growing up, She was demanding a 3K earnest deposit, a 10 day escrow and no inspection clause and she refused to allow me to assign it. She took my contract and rewrote it and butchered it all to hell. I had met her husband and when he told me his wife was a frikin Realtor, I almost let loose with a banshee yell and high tailed it out of there.
But I explained to him I've done a lot of deals and they usually go smooth except when a Realtor is involved.
I believe he got involved because after a week of back and forth BS she finally signed my original purchase contract. The purchase price was only $43,000 with an ARV or 120-140K but the interior was gutted and it burned the roof rafters also. It was nice cuz sellers had removed all the debris.
Another wholesaler said he had a buyer so I signed it over to him at 49K, the deal took about 3 weeks and a few days ago it finally closed.
I only made $4,000, the bird dog makes 2 and I don't know what the other wholesaler got, but he had some partners so there were a lot of hands in this fire.
Anyways, it's going to feel great handing this cash over to Patrice and shutting up her negative relatives.
Let's make some Money.....



Bird dog deals

Hi all, I'm starting again, looking to make some quick cash. What's your need? dlg220.dg@****

Quick Cash?

That's the problem with some of my Wholesale deals, it can sometimes take a few months to get paid, finding the owner and negotiating can take a few weeks. Marketing can take a few weeks, Escrow can take 3-6 weeks.
I'm working on deals now that I know I might not see any money for a few months. But the ones I was working on a few months ago are now paying out.
I've had some close in 3 weeks from start to finish, but not many.
So if you want quick cash, I don't think Real Estate is your vehicle.
If you want some good money in 60 days or less, take action & find some distressed properties 30-60% off of full value.
Add 10K to the price and run ads on Craig's List.




First deal

Hi all, this is DP. this will be my first post. yet Im glade to say that I am about to enter into my first deal. Had an associate give me a lead. The guy is a vet that's what drew me besides the fact that I was told as a boy that no one makes money sittin on there behind except a shoe maker. I mite b telling my age with that remark ( smile ). My delima is this the agent for the seller has been given me a ruff time of it not wanting me to do an assignment. So I went on line and found Wat I thought was a repritable company to get a proof of funds letter to do a double closing. Ive got an inspector comin on the 8th of aug with no contract signed .vehicle gone dowm. Do I need to be there for the walk through inspection or can my agent do that with out me being present? That would solve my vehicle problem.The other issue is that my agent claims five years of service yet she acts like she doesn't know what to put on a purchase contract. And is there a certain amount that needs to be put in escrow for earnest money. Foe the closing that I intend to be a bac to bac closing. webuyfixeruppers@**** where do I find completed purchase contracts and assignment contracts.



Bird Dog for Hire Hi

Hi I,m Brett Turner I,m a New Bird Dog I would Love some Work if you Need Help Send me a message Please ? Thankyou By


Brett Stephen Turner ,, I want to be a Real Estate Bird Dog Please , To Start off ? asap Please Help and Guide me to Clients


Contracts are on this site to the left under Student Resources, sub heading Forms and Docs, I thought I had it hard I have a similar situation concering the earnest money deposit. But Im sticking it out and I am get my first deal done this month.


J.W. Springer
But my God shal suply al my needs according to his riches in glory
by Chriat Jesus. Philipians 4:19


i agree rando gotta be patient



Go faster do more! GFDM!

New Bird Dog

I am a new bird dog looking for work. Please message me.


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