Well, after returning from "Gain the EDGE" conference, i've finally decided that i starts my journal. I'm not much of a writer, but i feel, in order for me to move on and make some progress in my real estate investing, i need to hold myself accountable for my time and what i do every day. So, starting today, i was up at 5AM. Went to the gym from 5:30 AM to 7:00 AM. I went work from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM. However, at 10:00 AM this morning, i left my office and went to the courthouse for a Tax Sales. I am the boss in the office, so fortunately, i was able to get away from the office for few hours and ran down to the courthouse for Tax Sales.
There were about 30 plus people there all ready to bid on each property. There was approximately 89 properties. I've highlighted the ones that i wanted to bid on, but I didn't get all of them, instead, i've bought two. I wanted to purchase more, but with my budget getting tight up on other renovtions projects, i don't want to overspend and put myself in debt, but the two properties i purchased today are in the great conditions and ready for move in. The only problem i have is i don't own them outright, but i'll poke around and see what can i do to speed up the process instead of waiting for three years.
The properties are being vacant, but i will track down the owners and see if i can offer to purchase their properties for 40%-50% off the appraised values and buy them outright. The tax sales that was held today are for property's taxes that have not been paid. There's a three years redemption, and the owner can redeem their property within three years. However, after three years and the property taxes have not being paid, then the property will be mine and the deed will be under my name or my LLC.
I came back to the office about 2:00 PM and my employees were sitting around doing nothing. They acted like they didn't see me when i puleed in the shop. It's about 4:00 PM now and i want to get this journal started. I'll be closed down in an hour and then from here, i will go over to one of my house being renovating and meet with the plumber for estimates for all the plumbing needs. Until next time, have a great day.
Now go out there and close another deal!
Keep looking, Lloyd, you will find another deal soon enough. You are a do'er and are always taking action which leads to results. I admire your character as well as your work ethic. hope to meet up with you again some day.
What's up buddy! Hope things are going well for you in New Jersey my friend. Things are going well for me, not as fast as i would like to, but its still moving in the right direction. I haven't had any luck with the other properties that i made offers on them, but i will find one sooner than later.
If the worse comes to worse, i will re-submit another offer and get the deal done on the property i mentioned above. You see, the bank is waiting for me to make the move and get this baby close, but i've been holding back because i didn't want the seller to think that he has the best of me. I would like to note that the bank will finance 100% and some money for repairs, so rather than waiting for the right price, i probaby will pull the trigger and get this baby in the bank. Even if i get the property for what he's asking for, which is $5,000 more than i wanted to spend, i can still make a good cash flow or a good profit for a quick flip. I would either make repairs and turn a two bedroom into a three bed room and raise the rent by $100-$250 or sell it for $10K-$15K profit. I haven't pulled the trigger yet because there's other property that i really like, which will be at Sheriff Sale on Wednesday, and if the price is way out of reach, then i will pull the trigger on this property and make it happen.
I don't have to spend any of my own money, so having said that, i will most likely get this baby in the bank if the other property doesn't come through. So, having said that, i'll just keep on rolling my friend and let the chips fall whereever they may be as long as i'm taking directive action. So, remember folks that "Faith without work is dead, and with faith in what you do and with little work on your part, you can go a long way"
I really like what you said, Faith without work is dead. The one thing I have learned is without Actin nothing is going to change and fear will take back over. GOOD LUCK.
Love your plan Lloyd! turn the table on the owner and let him come to you.
Like Randy said, your line of, faith without work is dead. Is so true.
good my friend.
Richie. ( NY
Randy, thanks for stopping by buddy. We never really met up even though i saw you at the EDGE, but i'm one of those quite and reserve kind of guy. Next time i see you, i would make a conscious effort to come up and introduce myself. Thanks again for stopping by and know that i'm very impressed with your progress too. I've heard all the stories and i'm very happy for you and your wife. As far as my motto "Faith without work is dead" It is so true my friend, and no matter how much we know, if we don't put them into actions then none of these really matters. I live by that motto everyday and it's just as the same of getting up and going to work everyday. If i don't get out of bed and get my butt in the car and drive to work, then life will be so meaningless. So, having said that, wish you the best my friend and good luck with your real estate investing!
It's always good to hear from you buddy. Just know that i got this baby in the bank now. I'll write more tomorrow because i have an important meeting to go to, but i'll give you an update since i last wrote on here two days ago. Talk to you later bud!
I thought i would stop by and provide a quick update since the last time i wrote on my journal. First of all, i attended a sheriff sale on wednesday and the property that i wanted to bid on was way over my budget. There were two other couple that also wanted to bid on it, but once they found out how much the bank wanted for it, they quitely back out of it. It should be noted that the bank wanted $320K for it, but starting bidding was $285k. Nobody bid on it so now, the property is back to the bank.
I was there for the same property, but i didn't let anyone know that i was interested. Having nobody bid on it, the attorney who represented the bank was kind enough to provide me with the information about the property, the lender's info and their contact numbers. I've looked at the house and it a beautiful house with four bed rooms and three bathroom. It sits right next to the lake with a beautiful and magnificent view. I thought since the bank has been holding on this property for two years, and the more they sit on the more they lose money. I thought i would contact the bank at a later date and offer them 50% of the asking price or the starting bid. The two couple who really interested on this property decided to back out of it. I made my way up to them and introduced my myself. I discovered they were also real estate investors owning more then twenty properties , and they came all the way from another county to bid on this house, but the bank wanted more than what they were willing to pay.
My plan is i will contact the bank within a week or two and make a 50%-60% offer on this same house. I will contact the real estate investor (the couples that i met for another county) and ask them how much they want to pay for it. If they want to pay 30%-40% of the aking price, i will lock up the property for either 60%-50% and either assign it to them or do a double closing. What do i have to lose? The worse i would get from the bank is "No", but i will never know that unless i ask for it. They have held on long enough on that property with no offers, but i guess any offers is better than none.
There was another property at sheriff sale, and again, nobody bid on it except the representative from the bank. Again, i made my way up to her and asked her of whereabout the property is located. She indicated the property needs some work, but i was told i could have it for $43K if i was interested. She went on and told me that the bank owes $58K, but since the property needs about $15K of reparis, i could have it for $43K. Well, since i didn't know where the property was, i followed her to where the property is located after the sale. The property is just a little bit outside of town, but its on a dirt road. It has great potential, but with severals deals i have in hand right now, i'll see if i can make it happen. If i do, i will make another low ball offer and let's say 50% off $43K. Again, i have nothing to lose but a whole lot to gain. This house could easily worth $90K-$100K. Let's say i get for $20K and spend another $15K of the bank's money for repairs, i could easily turn around and sell for for $75K. With closing cost and fees, that about $35K in a matter of two or three months. That's not bad huh!
Aside from these two properties, the last house that i went back and forth with the seller and his agent have finally agreed on the price. The wanted $49K from the begining, but i was not willing to offer them what they wanted. Well, after a long month of negotiating and going back and forth, they finally agreed to sell it to me for $39,500. First, i agreed on $41K, but after i've done the home inspection, i've decided to ask them to lower the price which they reluctantly refused, but after much negotation and using home inspections to my advantages and repairs justficications, they finally gave in...hehehe. The upside of this deal is, the house is listed as two bed room and one bath. Well, when i finised with the repairs and upgrading, the property will become a three bedroom and one bath, not to mention the value of the property will also increase, cool huh! I have a few tenants in mind that i could either turn into a rental property for cash flow, or do a lease options. It should be noted that the house will be 100% financing and the bank will also give me $5,00 for repair costs, cool aye! There's not a better deal than to have the bank finance 100% and then give you more money at closing for repairs. I will use about $3,000 on repirs and the rest goes into my pocket, cool huh! I've done a quite a bit of deals like this and the more the marrier. Ok folks, that's about it for now, but remember that "Faith without work is dead, and with faith in what you do and little work on your part, you can go along way"
That is awesome!! Still working the 100% financing. So cool. Good luck with your future negotiations on the above mentioned properties, love hearing how things are going for you.
Cathy B
Follow my progress at:
Lloyd you are soo cool. I like what your doing. Auctions are pretty cool to attend, but I always have a hard time understanding the guy at the podium lol.
keep going Lloyd and I wish you the best.
Just keep on making those low ball offers. The more you make offers the higher of a chance of getting a "Yes". Just keep in mind that as long as you know the value of the property (let's say $100K) and if you are willing to make low ball offers (let's say $40K, $50K or $60K) there a very good chance the bank will do a 100% finance. You have to sell them your business plan and ideas of making money. They are in business of making money, and when you make money, they make money too. You need to meet with them and get to know then and establish a good professional relationship with them. Good luck and thanks for stopping by!
Thanks man and i wish you the best as well. As for the auctions or sheriff sales, i suggest that you go early and get to know the people doing the auctions or the sales. They will be a great asset to your team members if you go to auctions and sheriff sales too. At my local county assessor here, everyone knows me by my name and everytime i go in there to look up something or acquire info about a property, they always willing to help. It also help to take them out to lunch every now and then, and i tell you what, it's the best $20.00 investment you could ever spent...hehe. You tell them what you're looking for and they will go out of their way to find you what you want. Allright my friend, good luck and keep on rocking! Rember, "Faith without work is dead and with faith in what you do and little work on your part, you can go a long way"
Hey Lloyd, I was just browsing your journal looking for the HUD home you purchased. I have one that was on the market for a long time then it was off for a few months and now its back on. I want to try and offer full asking price if they finance it 100% along with repairs. its a 2 family and will cash flow nicely.
any advice would be greatly appreciated.If you have time to talk i will pm you my phone #.
thanks my friend.
Hope i was able to help you this morning per our phone conversation. Just do your due dilligence and make sure the property has adequate equity for you to make money. If you want to buy and hold for cash flow, then do the figures and make sure you have at lease enough equity for the bank to secure their $$. Before you ask for full price, make a low ball offer and work your way up. I rather have them reject your low ball offer and work your way up, then asking for way too much for the property, and have no room for negotation. First, you may want to find a bank that will finance the property for you if you ask for 50% or 60% off the aking price. You may also look into hard money lender, or private funding. You can also ask the realtor who is listing the property if she can get you in contact with the lender and ask them to take less for the property if they finance it for you. If not ask them to finance the full asking price but ask for a very low interest rate. There's a lot of options out there, but you have to find the ones that works for you. When i make offers on any properties, i've always set what my bottom dollars is and the high. Once i have that established, then i do the figures and work my way from there. There's a lot of options out there but i'm only naming a few, but i've always believe that if there's a will, there's a way. Good luck my friend and keep me posted. "Faith without work is dead my friend" Make low ball offers and don't be afraid to ask for what you want! Good luck!
Love these latest entries - so interesting and informative! Thanks so much for taking the time to give us all the details and advice! I am so determined to do a 100% bank finance deal like you. My one question is do you deal with them through the realtor handling the property, or go directly to the bank asset manager? It can be a bit tricky I've found, as once the banks turn them over to a realtor they dont want to talk to you anymore. Again, thanks for sharing my friend! Much alofa
my story:
It is interesting because here i am doing 100% financing with money back at closing, but then again, i've never done an assignment deal or birddogging or what Carol called "Property Locator" It's all good though and i'll take a 100% financing with $$ back at closing anytime over any strategies...hehe. I just love real estate investing!!
Ok Laura, every property is different. One can be a HUD, or REO's, or in this case, the property was listed, well, just about to list with an agent (seller's agent). My agent knows what i'm looking for in terms of property, location, bed room, sq ft, etc, etc. Yeah, you can say he has been well trained allright!...LOL. He was my agent when i first started real estate investing two years ago. He didn't last long but i re-hired him after he fianlly acquired what i was looking for in terms of real estate investing properties..hehe.
He found out about the property before it was listed and he called me and informed me about it, we immediatly went and looked at it and i like it. I made an offer immediately after we looked at it with description of repairs needed. They wanted $49K from the begining given it was a two bed room and one bath. They refused my offer knowing that it has not even been on the market yet, but knowing the area and the comps of two bed room versus three, i know there was a potential there for a three bed room and i made my offer based on two bedroom and one bath. After going back and forth for a little over a month now, we finally agreed on the price and they came down to $39,500. Given the prices on three bed room in the area, this house can easily be sold for $71K, after i convert into three bed room with little upgrading and minor repairs. There are homes in the neighborhood selling from anywhere $79K to $95K. These homes have the same sq ft as this home with three bed room and one or one and half bath. Ok Laura, i know i went on and on, but this is how i got this house, and i will close this baby next week, Tuesday, June 22nd. Yeah baby!! choohoo!!
Ok, as for the REO's and helping you with your question, yes, most of the time once the property is listed with a realtor, the bank don't want to deal with you. That's why they pay the realtor to sell their properties for them. You see, this is why its so important you have a good relationship with bankers, bank's president or vice president. Who would you rather deal with when it comes to REO's? I would rather deal with the bank president or VP more so than the asset manager. You invite them for luch and pick his/her brain out and tell them what properties you're interested in. Most of the time, the person in charge can easily make that call, and you get the property you want, and sometime probably a lot less than what the realtor is listed for. I think i've done enough deals now with three of my local community banks that i can just call anytime to talk to the bank president or vp, and they would direct me to them. I'm not bragging by any means, but bank president and vp are the ones that make bank decisions, and the more you know them, the better chances of doing business with them. I hope this help my friend and now go out there and make it happen. Don't be scare!!...hehe..and remember "Faith without work is dead, and with faith in what you do and little work on your part, you can go a long way:
Looks like you have quite the following!
We must have missed each other at the EDGE, wasn't it awesome. So many ideas and tools to put in the tool box. Don't know if I ever need them all, but I have it if I need it!
Keep up all the great work!
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Yeah, sorry i missed meeting you too Chris, but that was an awesome training. I guess i'm kind of a bashful and reserve guy, but wish we could have met. I didn't meet too many people there other than Cathy, Richie, Carol, Louisa & her husband and a few more that i don't remember their names, but i've known Rina and Laura from last year's EDGE. I don't know if you remember or not, but i was the guy that Jeff Jensen pulled up on stage and announced to the world that i was Karl Malone's personal trainer....He caught me off guard, and i was a little embarassed by that...hehe.
Yeah, that's the beauty of Dean's system is having all the tools in the tool box, because you never know when you're going to need them...hehe. Ok Chris, thanks for stopping by my friend, and best wishes to you and all your real estate investing!
Congrats on the closing date Lloyd. you really are amazin in how your doing these deals. Your system is awsome with the bank financing you 100% on each deal. It was really good to talk to you again last week. I enjoyed listening to what you had to say. You are very wise with the way you think things out and let them play out.
keep up the hard work my friend.
Wishing you much more success in the near future.
Ok, it's been a good week so far with another closing scheduled for next week Tuesday, June 22nd. I've also called and follwed up on two properties that was at the sheriff's sale last week, but unable to get in touch with the person in charge. I was told that she was on vacation, but the lender directed me to talk someone else. I informed them of the property that was on sheriff sale, and provided them the file number and the property address. She will look into the matter and call me back. As of yesterday, i haven't heard anything, but i will follow up with them next week. The other property is still available, but after much thoughts and consideration, i've decided that i will pass on this one. It just has too many problems, not house alone, but having to deal with trees and bushes, the dirt road, as not too many people are fond of the dirt road especially when it rain, and the repairs cost factors. I will put this probably on hold as i have few i'm working on at the moment, but i will keep it under my radar. Who knows, maybe after two or three months and can't find any great deals, then i may resort back to that property and make a very low ball offer.
Aside from that, i will be meeting with another Realtor from HUD today at 2:00 PM and look at another HUD property. It's located in Grambling Louisiana, which its home of the Grambling State University, where Coach Robinson has made a name for himself for creating good football players and developed GSU as a great football program. It's a little bit outside of my area but when i know its a great deal, and an area which is right next to a univerity campus, you can't go wrong with deal like this...hehe. It's a three bed room, and two bathroom with 1,400 sq ft according to property description. I don't know how much work repairs is required, but after looking at it yesterday, the outside of the house looks good, but don't know about the inside. I will take my clip board and make notes as we walk through inside the house. The property is currently offerd back to the owner occupy, but after this weekend, the property will be available for investor friendly, and i want to be the first one to look at it and submit a cash offer. Having said that, i've already prepared my docements, copy of cashier for $500 and bank letter to ensure there funds in the bank for purchase. Wish me luck and hopefully put this baby in the bank...hehe. Ok, having said that, life is blessing and that because i've lived by my what i say and what i do "Faith without work is dead, and with faith in what your do (Real Estate Investing) and little work (research, looking at properties, making offers, negotiation, etc, etc) on your part, you can go a long way"....choohoo!
Ok, I vaguely remember Jeff pulling you up on stage. I will certainly remember when I get the video. Looks like you are on fire. How are you getting these 100% financing deals?
... Verses: 35 "but those who hope in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; They will run and not grow weary, They will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:31 ...
Thanks for stopping by again my friend. I don't have time as i have an hour drive to look at the property i just mentioned above in Grambling, but all my deals have been purchased on 100% financing except one. There's no secret to it other than having the right combination of the proerty location, the FMV, property description, negotiation, etc, etc. When i make offers, i sturctured my deals where the bank sees that their investment is completely secured. Which mean Alway Buy Low and Sell High. Here's an example, when you look at the property i've stated above, and how i structured the deal with the bank who's doing the 100% financing, it's a two bed room with one bath. Most two bed room, one bath in the area sells from anywhwer $45K-$59K ready move in. Three bed rooms are from anywhere $75K-$100K. The offer was based on a two bed room with one bath. Now after evaluating the property, do my due dilligence and knows there's a potential three bed room, and i've brought that to the bank's attention. They had to go look at for themself and once they saw the house and what i've pointed out to them, BINGO! They're in! I see something that the seller and their agent didn't see. Not only that, i also provided the bank with homes in the area currently listing on the market with three bed room, one or two bath, and approximately the same amout of sq ft, which proved my analysis and market condition is to their advantage. So basically Chris, you do your homework and research, and structured the deal where it's a WIN/WIN situation. I always set my lows and high on each proprty and everything else fall in between...haha. Hope this help buddy and good luck with your investing business!
Thanks for sharing all your inside scoop on your deals! Great stuff. Congrats on all the things happening for you. It wasnt too many posts ago you were saying you couldnt find any deals! Persistence! Its what gets us to the top

Have a great week my friend
my story:
I try to share as much information on each of my deal with hope that some of our friendly investors would benefit from it. Yes, it was just a few weeks ago that i couldn't find a deal, but with persistence and perserverence, anything can happen through dedication and hard work. Thanks for stopping by my friend as it's always good to hear from you. Good luck and best wishes!
Well, the weekend has come and gone and hope all of you fathers had a Happy Father's Day! I haven't experienced that priviledge of being a father yet, but that's something i look forward to when that time comes..yeah right...hehe. Anyhow, just a quick update since Saturday when i went looked at potential property.
It's a HUD propery which is located at Grambling Louisiana, which is about an hour drive from where i live (Farmerville). The house is right on the main st which is called Martin Luther King Jr Ave. It's a three bed room with two bath, and about 1,600 heated sq ft. The house need little work outsdie, but inside required a lot more work, especially in the kitchen and both bathroom. The bedrooms just needs a new carpet and touch up paint and with new ligh fixtures, they will look brand new. The house will definitely a new HVAC. I couldn't tell if there was any plumbing problem due to the water being turned off. I couldn't tell much about electricity either since the power was not turned off as well. I thanked the agent for her time and informed her that i will contact her later that day.
Given the information i discovered during my home and visual inspection, i took to an account the repairs cost and what they were asking for. It should be noted that HUD was asking $35K for house and take it "AS IS". Having seen the house, i've decided that i would drive around the neighborhood and look for any "Home for Sale" sings. I found two homes that currently listing on the market. I've called both of them and i asked the agent's questions, such as how many bed room, bath, sq ft, the asking price, etc, etc. The two homes being listed in the area were asking for $95K and the other one was $175K. The first house asking for $175K which is three houses down on the same streed where HUD's property is located on MLK. That house has three bed room, three bath, and about 2,800 heated sq ft, two fire places, with a much bigger lot. The other one that i called about, i was told by the agent that the house is now under contract and the sale is pending. I asked him how much the house was listed for and he said $95K, but it's sold for $89K and sell it "AS IS". This house located two street down from HUD property and has approximately the same bed rooms, bathroom and sq ft. Given this information, i came home Saturday gathered my document, LLC information and copy of cashier check and called the agent and fax everything to her.
However, today about an hour ago, the agent just called me and informed me that the house is now under contract by an owner occupants. Given this information, i was disappointed, but this is part of real estate business and doing business with HUD. My plan for that house was that i was going to purchase it, fix it and then flip it, which that would be a great profit, but that's not going to happen now....hehe. Having said that, life is a still beautiful thing, i still have another closing today at 3:00 PM. I will leave here in 30 min and do my last walk through before i sign that dotted line. The house i'm closing on today, i'm buying it and hold it for cash flow. I will do some minor repairs and have tenant move in within two weeks. That it for now until next time, have a great day and remember that "Faith without work is dead, and with faith is what we do and little work on your part, you can go a long way"
Ok, i have to run and do my last walk through before closing. Before i do that, i wanted to let you know that i just received a phone call from the bank (Vice President) and indicated that the appraisal has come back and the house was appraised at $65K. I think i've mentioned above on one of my post that i could sell this house for $71K given the market analysis and homes currently listed on the market. I was not that far off, but this was before the appraisal has taken place. It's a matter of knowing your market and the area. I purchased the house at $39,500 of which the bank is financing 100% with money back at closing which i can use it for repairs. There is NO better WAY out ther then to have the bank finance 100% of your deal and get another check at closing, cool huh! The point i'm making here is this, "Do your research and due delligence and then make comparison the market analysis and then make an offer" Ok folks, i gotta bounce, gotta do my last walk through and then close this baby and then get my check, yeah baby!....choohoo!!
You make it sound too easy Lloyd lol. You put a lot of hard work into building your REI machine and its paying off big time.
Glad to hear your closing and bringing home a check to boot!
Keep up the hard work my friend.
Well, i never say it was easy, but i can only say it's worth it. The time and research you put into it makes it worth while if you do your due dilligence. I'm just lucky and fortunate enough to have the type of relationship that i have with my banks to do these deals with me. You just have to be persistence and be creative with you submit your offers. Ok buddy, thanks for stopping by and good luck with your deals and upcoming closing. I'm so happy for you and wish you all the best!
It's been about a week since i last wrote on my journal, but a lot has happened since then. First i closed on a property last week, and then flew out to LA for my nephew eagle scout celebration, and for my aunty birthday party all on the same weekend. It's been a long and exhausted weekend, but it was worth it. Family means the world to me and anytime i have the opportunity to go out and visit with them, i make a conscious effort to do that and spend quality time with them, and this past weekend was not any different. Not only that we got to celebrate my nephew eagle scout with the luau style, but my aunty birthday was just important to me. Since my mother passed away nine years ago, my aunty has been like a mother figure to me and it was great seen her this weekend and spent some quality time with the whole family.
Aside from my family celebration and spending time with them, i have managed to drive up to Lancaster and met up with Anita Wilson (one of Dean successful student) over the weekend. I've had seen the success she has experienced over the years and she keeping going and going. She is such an amazing lady and anytime i'm around her, she motivates me to work even harder. She inspires me and i'm greatful and fortunate enough to be her friend. She has shown me some of the properties in Palmdale and Lancaster areas that are amazingly beautiful. I'm talking about $300K-$500K homes and she was able to get some of those properties for $95K to $115K. I don't know how she managed to pull those numbers off, but i tell you what, not only the properties are humongous but beautiful. I've picked her brain a little bit while we drived around and seen the growth in that area. I'm talking about new businesses going on, a brand new hospital, hotels, super walmart, lowes, and the list goes on and on. The area has grown since the last time i was there last year, and i think Anita is sitting on the goldmine. I wouldn't mind do a few deals with her, but then again, i have so much on my plate too. Having said that, it was a great weekend and looking forward to make this week and next week a great week. I've also been able to get a list of REO's that i will be sending out to Carol and Andrea for their buyers list. Until next time, "Faith without work is dead, and with faith in what you do and little work on your part, you can go a long way"
Great week for you Lloyd, I was hoping to meet Anita when she came to NY, but she never let me know when she wa here. I promised her I would buy her lunch.
Laura,Lorina, Anita.
She is an amazin woman and a incredible business lady. We know some really outragously savy business ladies dont we
I will talk to ya soon my friend.
Oh yes Richie! These ladies are amazingly hard working people and have become millionaires in their own ways. Anita has had a lot of medical problems, but she has overcome them and she looks great. I'm very blessed to have known these beautiful women and i'm blessed to be their friend. Good to hear from you bro and keep that fire buring! Burn baby burn...hehe!