Cashflow's Journal

Cashflow's Journal

I been up almost 24hrs. I just have been so excited about what this summer has for me. I will be for the next 3 months a full time real estate investor until end of august that when i go back to work if i go back. It feels good to finaly start my journal!!!


Stop thinking just DO IT!

South Florida

Did it work?

Did posting for a real estate agent on Cragslist work for you? How did you decide to screen them and what worked best while doing so (if any?).




Thank you for your question. Craglist did not worked for me I got mostly spamers selling me products. What did work was calling the individual agents offices and asking for their fax number and then sending the letter in page 178 of PFRERN. Hope that help.


Stop thinking just DO IT!

Great motivational journal!

Great motivational journal! You seem to be hustling every day - awesome! Hopefully that first deal isn't too far away.

Good Luck!

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