Well, I've made the commitment to become a successful RE Investor in 2010 and I need some help.
Although I am homeless (sleeping in my Focus--cramps my style), without a job (however, I will work as a census taker as soon as they call me), and with a few buck to my name (getting tired of oatmeal and rock soup).
However, I'm thankful I'm healthy, wealthy (in spirit), and alive. Some in Haiti didn't or don't have that option.
I'm looking to partner with a few investors in order to get back on my feet. I'm willing to donate sweat equity if the partner can put up a small deposit. I will share all profits equally once the house is sold.
please email me at homeless_in_MD@live.com if someone wants to partner on a deal. We can then exchange numbers and work out the specifics.
By the way, I did not have a phone for a long while. You don't realize what you have until you are without it.
Thanks in advance.
I will be posting my progress on a weekly basis. Carol inspired me--I hope I can inspire someone else to take action.
I've been told that marketing and financing can make or break any business. I believe this to be very true.
Today will be dedicated to marketing (farming) my targeted areas. I am going to drive the neighborhoods (subdivisions) of choice and determine what I feel to be the best to invested in based on my what & Why (be sure to check out Dean's helpful charts to determine your How, What, Why, and Where's.
I am going to stop and talk with local businesses to determine when there is the highest traffic count in these areas. I will distribute fliers and business cards based on my findings. By the way, I am finding that there may be reason to have many different versions of business cards: one to give professional affiliates such as lawyers, title companies, etc; another to distribute to potential buyers/tenants; and another to hand to potential sellers. I also find that there may well be variations to the latter two. What do you think?
Will keep you abreast of today's results.
Happy Trails to you, until we meet again.
I have come to realize that my marketing efforts have been too broad and that I need to narrow my focus. Therfore, I plan to market to renters who currently rent 3/1+ apartments.
Today, I created a marketing campain geared toward this targeted audience that includes a new web site, 866 number, and fliers. Tomorrow I should finish my ad for Craigslist which I think will stand out and should draw a lot of attention from potential clients.
I will also need to contact several mortgage bankers/brokers and see whom I can get on my team.
Well, enough for today. Time for me time. See ya!
I challenge you to have me put up or shut up.
I CAN FIND PROPERTIES IN YOUR TOWN OR NEARBY in less time than you think.
Are you willing to partner on such deals?
hi md.i'll work with you but i'm needing more help with buyers than sellers.rob
whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.- Henry Ford
keep moving forward, rob
I've accepted 5 or so challenges to begin with today. Man, this is going to be fun. Stay tuned to watch me work.
what I'm about to do can be accomplished by anyone with the right attitude and fortitude. Just do it!!!!
I spoke with homeless in MD earlier this morning; I took him up on his challenge, and emailed him my deal criteria and I know and believe he and I will partner up and make some serious money. I set goals every month. I have exceeded my goals for Feb and have started for the month of March. Reach out to him, form a parntership whether your doing deals, sharing stories, information, or just some words of encouragement. Surround yourself with positive energy. Success breeds success.
Thanks for the encouragement 3cpros. Simply put--we are going to kick some homey butt!!!
I'm still looking forward to your response.
Hey Rob,
I'm not trying to recreate the process of finding buyers. I'm sticking to the model created by Greg Murphy and following it to the tee!!! Posting fliers, putting up bandit signs, handing out business cards, and flapping my gums to everyone I come in contact with.
I'll also plan on creating win-win relationships with professionals related to the field: re lawyers, probate attorneys, contractors, property managers, etc.
It's funny. Everyone wants the prize but they are not willing to do the work to get the prize. You figure.
Things are really getting busy. But That's ok. As A result of the amount of activities I'm now involved with, it's imperative to organize my days better. I will set aside a certain amount of time to answer emails, to market, to exercise, to answer phone calls, to do deals, to contact potential partners, and of course, to chat with my fellow DG members.
Check out the "Daily Ahhaas" and "Locating the Deals" journals to gain some insight on how I am doing my deals. It may help you.
Peace Out!!!
Just to set the stage, I never said I was a newbie. I do have some investing experience. I just made some unwise decisions in the past that cost me a lot.
However, I do have the knowledge, fortitude, consistency, persistence, attitude, swagger, wage (if that's a word), faith, belief, integrity (this comes first of course), um pah, kahunas, and whatever else you may think of to make a rebound.
For all the doubting Thomas's all I have to say is watch us work our magic (there's nothing really magical about what we are doing but it does require active engagement on your part and lots of it at first in order to build a solid foundation).
Peace out!!!
I will post a message under Daily Ahhaas today showing how I use business cards I made to market to investors. I am also marketing to private lenders using this same technique.
Check out the examples in DAILY AHHAAS after 3pm EST
Wait until you see my fliers...Killers.
There has been an increase in business activity. Why? Because I've spent the time to build my foundation--goals and analysis. One goal was to develop a procedure that could be put on auto pilot, once established. I'm not looking for occasional deals, but deals that will keep coming.
You can do the same, if you so desire.
Follow me on my journey and be sure to check out the "BRAIN FARTS" journal. You may pick up a tip or two that will make all the difference in your investment career.
Dear Successful in MD
You are an amazing encouragement! I love the "I do have the knowledge, fortitude, consistency, persistence, attitude, swagger, wage (if that's a word), faith, belief, integrity (this comes first of course), um pah, kahunas, and whatever else you may think of to make a rebound." You go boy!
Do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God.I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand. Isaiah 41:10
http://realwholesaling.com FREE wholesaling tips and resources!
To your success,
Carol Stinson
My mamma always told me to use your GOD given talents and always, always treat people with dignity and respect.
You get what you give and you have because you screwed up somewhere. However, it's not over until it's over, laid 6 feet under, that is. Down with that "Black Gold." Oil that is. Texas "T".
Homless, I got your PM and I'm ready. I do have a question that maybe you can help me with? Its dealing with a pre foreclosure I'm dealing with. It is currently being rented out, tenant does not know the status , however tenant wants to do a least to own option because there least is up and they don't want to lose the property nor do they want to move. The property is in the rear for about 6k Tenant is willing to sign a contract putting a down payment of 6k. Moortgage copy willing to accept payment but deal must be done in 30 days. Property does need some TLC.so yhe price will have to be a bit more in order to make it a good deal for all involved. What am I missing,does this direction seem correct ?
I look forward to your responce.
SME Investment Properties LLC.
Where's the current owner? Where does the tenant send his rent payments? You need to get ahold of the owner and start from there. Send me a PM. Don't fret yet. You stated you have thirty days. Actually, you have until a minute before the auction to prevent foreclosure. However you want to get things rolling to prevent further charges such as lawyer fees, etc.
Send me a PM.
End of the month is upon us. Question-did you complete all the tasks you wanted to complete for the month? Are you moving toward your IMMEDIATE, written, short term goal(s)? Are these goals aligned with your written long term goal, vision, and mission? Have you written your prioritized goals for the next month?
Well, yes and no. I know what I've done and what I have to accomplish these next, few days.
Today, I will be hosting the first conference call (re: "Volunteers Needed in Several States" journal.) Daily memo has been posted. (re: "BRAIN FARTS" journal.)
I will also analyze a minimum of 100 suspects and submit at least 25 deals.(recurring task each and every week)
Today, I will also cruise my targeted neighborhood, looking for suspects and potential partners.
I mention these things not to impress you, but to remind you that you must have written plans; (2)take consistent and persistent action toward achieving your desired goal; and (3) hold YOURSELF accountable for your success.
No new concepts here. They are all spelled out in Dean's book. If you find that you are missing an ingredient that will move you toward your desired goals, take the take to revisit DGs material, both online and in the books.
Also, make it a point to check out the journal entitled, "Volunteers Needed in Several States," as well as the journal "BRAIN FARTS." You may learn a new ingredient to add to your personal "COOK BOOK."
Until tomorrow,
Much success in 2010.
gI spoke to you this morning by phone. Thank you for your encouraging words. I will be checking things out. Also, thank you DG family.
Just returned from checking my next sub-division. While driving around in the neighborhood, one of my tires blew. People who stopped to see if I was alright probably thought I was crazy.
After I discovered my tire blew and was unrepairable, I broke out into a continuous laugh. You know, the type where you laugh so hard, tears begin to roll down your checks.
Reason being, a couple of hours earlier I was on the beltway (fast and furious interstate surrounding the DC/VA/MD area) doing about 65-70 MPH. If the tire had blown while I was traveling, I may have caused a serious accident or even worse.
Point noted. Someone is looking after me. Also, the positives always out way the negatives.
The reason I was laughing so hard was because I was not ready to give in. Flat tires or near incidents are but a drop in the bucket. Go ahead. Is that all you got?
I'm here to stay and I'm here to WIN IN 2010!
Your welcome to join me. Visit my journals "Volunteers needed in Several States" and "Brain Farts."
I promise you'll be entertained as well as pick up an "ingredient" or two for your cook book.
Each day marks new beginnings. we wake to a new day, new hurdles to overcome, new people to meet, new tasks to accomplish while keeping our immediate goals in mind. Today I WILL get another tire (see yesterday's post), Today I WILL create and send a survey to the members who attended last nights call, Today I WILL MEET and Talk with at least one new real estate agent/broker, Today I will approach people I know who can benefit from my services and/or products and I WILL find out what their immediate wants and desires are. Today,... the list goes on. Now Prioritize that list and make it yours. what's not accomplished today will be added to tomorrows list and given a higher priority.
I will be flexible in my decisions. Stuff handles that I have no control over.
Most important, I will treat everyone with respect and dignity, regardless. No exceptions.
Peace and have a wonderful day.
sat in on the webinar of homeless in MD. It was great I need to say focus on getting that first deal done. short and long goals are set. finding 2 realtor to work with and learning the area that I am going to make my deals in. just stay focus. thanks steve
Loved the webinar good stuff.Today i looked up a few agents to contact in case the one i have bails out on me.I sent him an email explaining what i intend to do and some strategy's,now we will see if he is what he said he was or if i need to keep looking.Just about finished with deans new book
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
Man, I was so tired last night that I couldn't focus. When I can't focus, critical priorities fell by the wayside.
This reminds me of conditions that occurred in the past that resulted in burn out. Trying to accomplish too much, too soon.
What's the remedy? Slow down. Take some ME time and reflect on what I want to accomplish. My being sick or losing focus will only hinder my progress.
Be true to thyself. More important, balance your activities: work, family, spirit, finances, and whatever else you deem necessary
"Life is a journey not a race," and "The tortoise beat the hare..." are all stories we are familiar with. Heed this wise words and live to see your family grow old.
Yes take your own advise.Slow down..just keep it dead ahead steady as she goes.You still have to live a little and relax when you can,or your brain will short circuit
"Every failure brings with it the seed of an equivalent success"
Napoleon Hill
Busy day in store.
Yesterday, my real estate agent put up a road block by refusing to submit some offers I had submitted. I was puzzled why all of a sudden she refused to submit them. I asked her and she simply refuses to answer my phone calls of emails. I don't know if it's because of the long negotiations or what.
Oh well, life goes on. As you have it, I always go into a plan with multiple backup. While testing a new business card, I met several other real estate agents/brokers who expressed interest in working with me. I will put them to the test this weekend.
I have to finish doing due diligence on three properties today so I can present them to several investors at tomorrows REIA meeting. I also need to create new fliers to hand out to other investors. I will introduce myself to all attendees. My intent is to let the world know who I am, what I am looking for, and what product or services I provide. I will let no stone go unturned.
I am homeless_in_md and I will succeed in 2010. Help me, help you in any way I can.
I to got turn down by some realtors this week but I will contract some more. still moving foward and staying focus, it is easy to get off coures and to get down ,but then I read your stuff and it help me stay focus again.
steve g
Never let someone steal your dreams. No one. You dictate what you want and when you are going to get it.
No one.
hey MD. just whened for a ride to study the area round perry again got 12 more fsbo houses numbers going to call on sat. also going to call some more realitors not stopping now I am doing what you said staying focus can I call you if I run into something that I do not have an answer for? pm me
You are making it happen. I always tell everyone to notice what they notice. There's a lot going on that you fail to notice. Slow down and open your eyes as well as your mind. By this I mean you can't find the deals (well there are ways to virtual search), I mean the truly great deals, until you go search for them.
By taking road trips and learning your area you will be amazed at what you find. I purposely explore areas on the weekends because that is when there is the most traffic and exposure. Realtor's hold their open houses, for sale by owner signs are up, investors put their bandit signs out, etc. Your very likely to find some suspects that may later become prospects.
Also, I am able to notice how traffic is flowing on the major routes. I take note of how crowded shopping centers are, etc. I may be able to market to these prospects using fliers, business cards, or direct mail such as letters and post cards.