Well, I've made the commitment to become a successful RE Investor in 2010 and I need some help.
Although I am homeless (sleeping in my Focus--cramps my style), without a job (however, I will work as a census taker as soon as they call me), and with a few buck to my name (getting tired of oatmeal and rock soup).
However, I'm thankful I'm healthy, wealthy (in spirit), and alive. Some in Haiti didn't or don't have that option.
I'm looking to partner with a few investors in order to get back on my feet. I'm willing to donate sweat equity if the partner can put up a small deposit. I will share all profits equally once the house is sold.
please email me at homeless_in_MD@live.com if someone wants to partner on a deal. We can then exchange numbers and work out the specifics.
By the way, I did not have a phone for a long while. You don't realize what you have until you are without it.
Thanks in advance.
I will be posting my progress on a weekly basis. Carol inspired me--I hope I can inspire someone else to take action.
One of the REIA is having a meeting this morning and I am excited. Networking shall provide me with many new partners. Stories will be told in which I will learn new strategies. New resources will be acquired. I will learn of areas in which others are investing. I will be surrounded with positive, like minded individuals whose goals are congruent with mine--help others achieve their dreams and goals.
Wish everyone a blessed and prosperous day.
Sorry for the lack of posts lately. I've been busy trying to secure 23 contracts. I've discovered something that is mind blowing, revolutionary, and all mine.
I promise to share this once these deals are signed and delivered.
no BS. yes, 23 deals. even if only 10 are secured, I will still have a new way of securing the deals in bulk.
Don't get me wrong. It's taking a lot of time and problem solving to get this far. It's not easy but doable if you put in the effort.
It's raining cats and dogs here. But guess what, it doesn't matter. I'm like the old post office workers--neither rain, snow, sleet or hail will stop me from delivering the goods.
I have 16 new leads I have to check, NOW!!!!
Time for a road trip. See Ya!!!!
It's been awhile since I posted anything because I've been busy hitting the pavement and making things happen.
It took awhile and things are finally starting to gel. I'm waiting for two sellers to sign a purchase agreement and I have several appointments with other sellers.
My 2-1 strategy will soon be in play and I will duplicate my efforts every month until I reach my 1 Year goal.
Love to see your progress and glad you are back and reporting to us! Ahh!!! I have missed this place and catching up with people. I thank you for your previous words in my journal, and I am thrilled for you that you have so many fires going. Glad your appointments are going well! WHOO HOO! Thanks for the update and I look forward to hearing more of your success and learning from you as well! Will keep those good thoughts coming for those two sellers to sign!! Cheers to all that hitting the pavement!
Current Journal on Dean's site: The Second Chapter: http://tinyurl.com/p986al3
First Journal on Dean's Site: From the Beginning: http://bit.ly/ocv10
Yes, I'm back and rearing to kick butt. Sorry for the short absence but I had some issues to deal with. You know the kind. Negative BS from friends and relatives trying to keep me down and out.
No more. I placed them on the burner for the moment.
I am in the process of making many more offers and counter/counter offers and hope to close on a deal soon. Some people hate to admit that we are still in a declining market here until you show them the cold hard facts. Some still want to bet on the market turning soon, but we know that we make decisions based on the here and now and we do not and will not prophetess.
Wish everyone the best. Let's do it!!!
I think your progress and inspiration is fantastic!! May God keep his good hand upon you, guide you, and continue to open doors for you.
Glad to see you doing well. Keep up the good work and don't let the negative BS get you down. Look forward to seeing your next post. Tammy
Love and Laughter make the world a better place.
Glad to hear the great news. Looking forward to the details of the deals in progress. God Bless.
"You can never get to the top, if you are not willing to climb. Do not look at the difficulty of the climb, only anticipate the view from the top."
"Can't even walk without you holding my hand." (Song)
"Is anything too hard for the Lord ..." Genesis 19:14
"In all things, wait on the Lord."
"Think not of your own deliverance, but trust in God who will give in abundance."
"When you are down to nothing, God is up to something." Unknown
"Our lives begin to end, the day we become silent about those things that really matters." Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
Hey, I'm back.
Sorry for the delay. I had some issues to take care of, both mental and family issues.
Anyhow, I'm back ready to resume again.
Hope all is well and everyone is doing GREAT!!!!
Check out Brain Farts for another one of my ahas and let me know what you think. I appreciate it.
Peace and love.
I admire your courage and determination here! We need more people with your spirit in this world! We are all here to help each other and I wish you all the luck and a prosperous future! I just know one day soon, you'll be posting "Hey I went from living in my car, to living financially secure!"
Together we can be successful!
Together, we can be successful!
Thanks for the encouraging words. You're right,we all can and will succeed.
It’s time for me to get my assets back in the game! Those aware of my situation know that I was living in my car after losing my house. Now my car has died and I am forced to selling it to a car flipper. You know the guys who put up bandit signs that say “I will buy your Junker for up to $300 cash.” Well, I contacted several of these guys to pick up my car and I was offered $200 max for my 2003 Ford Focus that had 230K miles on the odometer. Well, before I gave in, I goggled online and found that Kelly Blue Book would buy my “Clunker” for $400. I just made $200 bucks to reinvest in ????
I now have the option to buy another clunker to get about in or to take the dough and invest in real estate. Guess what? I’ve decided to take the money and invest in RE. Check back with me on a daily basis and see how I am able to leverage this small amount into …. The sky’s the limit.
If anyone has any other suggestions, please hit me up with your thoughts. But for now, investing has my vote.
Wishing everyone the best.
I know that this doesn't pertain to you, but who do you know that wants to make 10-40% ROI on their investments in 6 months or less, and the investment is secured by real estate?
Please have them PM me. If we agree that we have a fit, I will provide them a copy of the purchase agreement, contractor estimates, project plan as well as a link to recent photos/video of the subject project.
Please note that general partnerships will project specific and the expected ROI is dependent on said project and investment amount.
Thanks and please forward to anyone interested.
Remember to have all general partners to PM me and I will either call them, email them, or PM them in return.
Hey Homeless, find me some pre foreclosures, homeowners that are in distress and may be behind a few payments or even current. I will show u how to do these deals. I'll walk u thru them and split the profits. Its the easiest way to start making money and its fast too. U can get these deals everywhere. U ready to make some money? PM me. Rando1
Submitted as contract on a house yesterday and out of curiosity, I went to see the property prior to having my offer accepted. Usually i dont see every property I submit an offer on, but this property was in near perfect condition and the owners didn't want that much for it. I was curious why it was listed so low.
I arrived at the property late (about 7:30 PM) and too my surprise I almost stepped on a RAT walking up to the house. As I approached the house I saw at least 10 addition RATS going through the trash neighbors left outside, uncovered. I quickly got inside the house and noted that it was in really nice condition as advertised.
The problem is that the neighborhood, which is located in one of the richest counties in the country, is infested with RATS and people still live there as if nothing is wrong. They pay a HOA fee every month which has not taken care of the problem. Neighbors walk around and accept the fact that they are living among RATS. Unbelieveable.
My next step is to contact the county to see if they can cure the problem or to see if they condemn the area.
Any thoughts????
Leon J.
LJ, I would call the county and see what they say. I enjoy reading your journal and wish you the best! You sure do go after what you want. Tammy
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
I came across this site with Joe Polish and his 25KGroup. To my surprise, I saw this little Italian guy in the background, and guess what? This is the first time I saw this guy relaxed and not all revved up. Just joking...wnated to share to all DGers. Cut and paste the link below.