Linda's (from Indiana) Journal

Linda's (from Indiana) Journal

i just enrolled this afternoon in the Success Academy. i'm very excited, yet very scared, to put it mildly. this is a big step for me. i tried it twice before with other people and was not pleased at all, but i've done more homework on the Success Academy and i like what i'm hearing and seeing. i've already worked with some really nice people and i truly believe this is the way to go for me. i am starting this journal so i can track my progress and get input from others as i move along in this journey. i posted a question on this site to see what kind of input i would get on enrolling in the Academy and that went very well. it was nice to hear from other students and know how they feel about the program. as i cruise around the website, i can see how everyone is part of a family, the DG family, and i want to be included in that too. i do not have any encouragement from the people around me right now, so i look forward to getting that from my coach and the DG family as i go along. right now i am working on my goals to send to the administrator i talked to. i'm not too bad with the short-term goals, but farther out is a little harder for me. at least i have some ideas floating around in my head on that. can't wait to receive all my "stuff" in the mail and get started. i have already read "Profit from Real Estate Right Now!" and it was great. I'm almost finished with "Your Town Your Real Estate Profits!" both books are excellent and i have gotten more out of them than i have the stuff i spent hundreds and thousands of dollars on. well, i could go on and on, but i better get back to my goals. have a great weekend.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:


Congrats on getting the nice house back! Boo on the jerk who used you paperwork and leased out his own house. What a loser! Which you knew just working with him.

Things will all work out as they are meant to. Just have faith!



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"


haven't gotten the house back just yet and that will be a deciding factor in moving forward as i pm'd you about. i would like to get it back and get a T/B in there quick. i think it's doable but we will see how it all goes. yes, i knew the guy that probably used my paperwork was not totally trustworthy. it's ok; i'll get over it. Smiling

thanks for your encouragement. i'm working on that faith right now!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Insult or Compliment?

well, today i went to a staffing company to see about some employment and i was very nicely told that i am "unhireable" because i haven't worked in 4 years. i don't know whether to be happy or sad; i guess i'm a little of both. have to have some income coming in one way or another. Smiling Chuck and i are going to look at a good rental property tonight. he really hasn't been interested at all lately, but this one seems to have caught his eye. we went and looked at the outside last night and of course, he goes over to the neighbors and starts talking to them. super nice people who have lived there 40 years. i stayed in the truck because we had a handful of cash and i didn't have my purse with me. i rolled the window down to eavesdrop but all the beautiful flowers they had covered their words up. i could hear voices, but no words. they couldn't see me at all. finally, as i'm wondering how to get Chuck to come back to the truck so we can go because he had an 8pm appointment, i sneeze. the lady neighbor jumped and said "my gosh, what was that"? i had even covered my mouth to try to muffle the noise. that was the only way to get him back to the truck. Eye-wink they told him to come over tonight after we look at the property and bring me along. the property is a 2/1 with detached garage in the back. the kids of the owners are asking $19,900 and offering a bonus of $500 to the agent that brings them a full-price offer. rent would be around $450/month. it does need work and that is what we will be checking out tonight. i think it is still liveable. i talked to the listing agent today and he was supposed to be showing the property 3 times today. if Chuck isn't interested, then i might talk to a couple investors from our little group and see if they are interested. this property is in a good neighborhood by a hospital, several colleges and parks. we could even do a L/O on it. we could offer it for rent or rent to own. i think it would be a great property for college students or for their parents to buy and then they can sell it later. i have known people who do that so their kids don't have to live on campus and those properties always sell. just got a call from the listing agent that there will be 2-3 offers made today on that property. i guess they have shown it 9 times in the last few days and it's a new listing. he wasn't pushy or anything like that, so i appreciate that. we are going to look at it for the practice and if Chuck wants to make an offer, fine; if not, fine. we've been told no before and we're pretty sure the agents never even submitted our offers. the neighbors made an offer and they just laughed in their faces. the neighbor man said the house isn't worth near what they are asking, but i won't be surprised if someone pays full price and does next to nothing on it and rents it out. we've seen worse and that's what a landlord did. it did get my creative juices flowing though and thinking of how to creatively finance it and all. i doubt it will come to that if that many people are looking at it, but it's good for me to exercise those thought processes. Smiling Jared called today and it was wonderful to hear his voice. i forget how slow he speaks and then that delay from the satellite makes everything seem even slower. he is working on his Team Leader certification and they are trying to get that done and get his promotion through before he comes home on leave. he is working with a Lieutenant right now because they are in about the same place on this stuff and he is really enjoying it. he said the LT is a great guy, which is a high compliment from Jared about an officer. Eye-wink his call made my day. i'm having to deal with a lot of other things right now and i'm very overwhelmed and scared, but somehow i will get through it. Laughing out loud


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Sounds like you have some interesting things going. Looking forward to seeing how they turn out.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Hey, Miss Working Vacation Girl!

glad to see you have time to post and such. that is great. sounds like your trip is going very well. i have some things going and now it's time for something good to happen!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Brighter Today

things are brighter today and i'm doing better about not being so overwhelmed. yesterday the seller of the beautiful house i might get back under contract emailed to let me know they are still working on closing the other house they are moving into. now it looks like it will be next week when they close. the bank is really jerking them around and i hate that. if they say they're gonna do the loan, then just do it. these people were approved months ago. Sad i found out that the SA deactivates your account after a year and you have to call for them to reactivate it. there is no charge, but my opinion is after all the money i have paid to be in the SA, i should never be deactivated. they have my money and i shouldn't have to spend time trying to figure out what is going on and why i can't access my account whenever i want to. i was told it will be deactivated again in November. we did go look at the rental property last night. it was an excellent rental property and liveable right now. it does need about $11,000 worth of work, but if you were renting it, you wouldn't have to do it all at one time. it is only 638 sq.ft. but the builder made great use of such limited space. the realtor called me 3 times yesterday. after we came home he called to see if he was going to submit 4 offers or only 3. for the amount of work needed, we didn't feel we could offer full price. besides, if he has 3 offers, he doesn't need ours too. (i can't believe this, but the electricity shut off for a second and my computer shut down, but when it came back up all the stuff i've been typing came back too. it's a miracle! Smiling ) i found some other possibilities for properties so we'll see if any of them have any chance of interest. i got to talk to Lea for just a few minutes today and we hope to connect tomorrow. gotta have my Lea fix each week. Smiling life has been so challenging and busy too. oh, well, at least it's not boring. i also got to talk to Karen this afternoon and that was very encouraging. i appreciate her taking time out to call during her travels. we hadn't talked for a quite a while and it was good to hear that positive voice again.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Thursday Thinking

the rental property we looked at went pending and i would bet it's going for full price. i almost regret passing that one up. Smiling got to talk to Lea more today and that was a good thing. i see lots of people out in the neighborhood today; i live on a corner so i can see lots of stuff. i'm planning on listening to a webinar tonight (if i can stay awake) on what properties to go after and what properties to stay away from. maybe i just need some reminders. Eye-wink i heard from the seller again on the beautiful property; they are supposed to close next Thursday and then she will contact me. i know she just wants her closing to go well on the house they are moving into. i want it all to go well for them too. i hope to get someone in that house fast! Shocked


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Friday Finally!

i have been so busy with other things besides REI, and i feel guilty about it. Smiling i did get on that webinar last night and it was about what houses to go after and what houses to avoid for rehabbing. had some really good information and i will keep those things in mind now. i worked on a "trial" schedule for myself for starting next week. we'll see how i do with it. i've done a few schedules before and i'd like to be able to stick to this one. have a great weekend!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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2 Days and No Posting

i hate to not post, but sometimes there isn't much to say. i got to talk to Jared again yesterday and that was good. for some reason his slow drawl just gets to me. Smiling i called his girlfriend yesterday and set things up with her in KY so we can take his truck to her the end of this month. that way it'll be there waiting for him when he comes back on leave. she is a really nice person and i can't wait to get to know her better. once he gets into Atlanta and calls to tell me he's on his way, then i will have everything ready to leave the next day for Tulsa. we will be having a very busy "leave time" this year. one of my sons-in-law is buying Jared's truck and i will drive him and the girlfriend back to KY on my way home to IN. we really needed some rain so we finally got some. it lasted maybe 10 minutes with high winds that were rattling the windows. hopefully it soaked us good enough to last until we get some more. we've had very little rain lately. not a whole lot going on with real estate for reasons i cannot go into. i'm dragging my feet a little, yet open to anything that might come along. just not sure what to do right now, but i think i need to get back to L/O work. everything always seems to lead back to L/O's for me, no matter what. i remember years ago thinking that was the best way for me to go, and i still think that. best to follow that from what i can tell. i see L/O's becoming more the norm as time passes and i might as well be in on the ground floor, so to speak. just saw on facebook that my mortgage broker did a flyer/listing for the house i'm supposed to get back under contract after Thursday. at first it really hit me hard, but i don't know that the mortgage broker knows i had that house under contract. right now it's still listed with the cousin/realtor. if i don't get it back under contract, i will feel bad, but it might be for the best in some other situations i'm facing. my oldest daughter, Desiree, called with some good news. she got a temporary part-time job to help supplement their income while she is working on selling insurance. they have been wonderful to her and she loves the job; it pays well and is so convenient. she can work the hours she wants and she is much faster at the job than they expect. anyway, today they asked if she would like to work permanently part-time and she said yes. she is really happy. reminds me that even though we don't always "see" Him at work, God is working in our behalf and anything is possible. Smiling i really did need that reminder. Shocked


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Working on Myself

this may sound weird, but i feel led to work more on myself than anything lately. i know i definitely need it, but it kind of surprises me. the thing is, i think it will open me up to success and all the things i'm looking for in my life. i'm listening to an amazing replay right now on "release" and i'm all ready experiencing some results from it. anyway, we'll see how it all comes together for me. i got an email this morning from the seller of the beautiful house. she said they are confirmed to close on their "new" house next Thursday and then she will contact me about getting the "old" house set up again for rent to own. she has been good to keep in touch and i'm just going with the flow here. this is a big deal for me because i've always believed i have to be in control. if i'm not in control, who will take care of everything (even where God is concerned)? that is a very strong belief i have had for many years and i have to say that it is not a good one. it's one of those things that holds a person back. i've known about it for years, but never knew what to do about it and get things set right. maybe now i can move forward and away from that controlling belief. Smiling it might be amazing what happens as i "release" a lot of junk in my life. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Nothing Much

still not much going on with REI. i still try to post regularly because it's a good habit and it still keeps me accountable. i did get to talk to Lea this morning and that is always a good thing for me. my little investor group may try to get together next week. i know that 2 of them had personal coaching for 3 days last week and that they learned a lot. i am probably going to drop out of the group, but still stay in contact with everyone. i think we all probably need to do our own thing and they are going in a different direction than i am right now. lots of things happening that i can't really go into at this time, but i'm excited to see how everything works out. most of all, i want to keep a good attitude about it all. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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A Little Talk

my investor friend called today and still wants to work something out with me. i hate to admit it, but i've ended up telling him no on everything we've talked about. i just haven't been able to commit to anything because of the intense involvement required. he came up with another idea that might be a little less intense, so we are just kind of feeling our way through this. i definitely would want to work with him because he can teach me so much and he's so good about everything. he's a good businessman and very considerate. hopefully i will know more in a week or so. it would be great to bring in some money and get my feet truly wet in REI. Smiling tomorrow i have my REI club meeting and it's supposed to be about social media. i hope i learn some valuable information without having to buy a course. i am backing off of that for now. i always appreciate a "guru" who shares excellent information that can help you right now without buying their course. only a few do it and they end up being my favorites. tomorrow night is my class reunion. i have never been to one and this is my 35th year. now, you know i graduated at 9 - such a genious! Eye-wink it will be a new experience and i'm a little nervous. but, since i may never go to another one, i might as well make it to this one and have some fun. i hope everyone on here has a great weekend!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Hey Linda

Have fun at the reunion. Igot your message of FB.
We should chat soon I do have some things to share
with you that may work to get things rolling money


Cathy B

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Dealerships and subconscious mind and deactivation

Ulgh, last year I had one of those 'automobile repair places' give me a bunch of stuff that needed to be done. I consulted my hubby and he said to fix the stuff. Half of it wasn't even really needed I found out. Turns out the guy I was speaking to was an ex dealer employee and that was their 'standard practice' to say a lot of things that really didn't need to be fixed did. The owner fired the guy and did a lot of other free things for me after that out of guilt

pdqservicesinc wrote:
i haven't been doing much with REI this week. lots of things happening and i still am not up to par like i want to be. today we had to take Jared's truck in for an oil change and to have the brakes looked at. the dealership he bought the truck from in OK told him he needed to have his brakes done really soon and they are just fine. a dealership here did the same thing to me and i have gone another 1.5 years on the same brakes. thank goodness Chuck has a company he trusts and we always take our vehicles there for just about everything. the guy is honest and won't recommend work that doesn't need to be done. Jared's front brakes are at 80% and the back are at 50%, so he has a while before they need done. he'll be happy to hear that and i'll tell him as soon as i can get him on Skype. Eye-wink i hope to get more done with REI tomorrow and get myself rolling again. it would be a very good thing.

Thank you for the info on subconscious mind; mine gets in the way of me a lot too. With my relationship, a lot of negativity is there and I have some self sabotage going on too. MANY paradigms in my life!

HOW do you change them? That is the big question! Any books you can recommend?

pdqservicesinc wrote:
... i am also working on my subconscious mind because it seems to be getting in my way a lot. i was told a long time ago that my conscious and subconscious minds are at war all the time, and i would like to be able to get them in sync. i am working on it because i want to change my mind set, beliefs, paradigms and stop the self-sabotage. i heard a very good definition of what a paradigm is: a multitude of other people's habits. their habits become ingrained in you because your subconscious mind doesn't know any better. those habits come from your parents, siblings, teachers, pastors, friends, etc. now to change them.... hope everyone has a great and prosperous weekend. i need to work on the "prosperous" part! Smiling

Hope you get the house back under contract. NEVER GIVE UP Linda. I *KNOW* how hard it is, and with all the deals that fall through, its tempting to just throw in the towel, but your hard work is going to pay off sooner than later! Don't stop 3 feet short of gold! Eye-wink

I hate banks. Do you know how many times I've been approved, gone through underwriting and told its a done deal and then at the last hour, oh, we can't do your loan because... I'm fed up with it. 6 MONTHS of constant trying, but I have to press on to get out of this HML! If it wasn't for necessity I may just have said forget it by now. I'm very discouraged!

The SA deactivated mine too, and gave me until September and then they start charging a monthly fee for access to it. Hmm.. I thought once a SA student, ALWAYS an SA student. But, I rarely get the chance to get in there any more.

pdqservicesinc wrote:
things are brighter today and i'm doing better about not being so overwhelmed. yesterday the seller of the beautiful house i might get back under contract emailed to let me know they are still working on closing the other house they are moving into. now it looks like it will be next week when they close. the bank is really jerking them around and i hate that. if they say they're gonna do the loan, then just do it. these people were approved months ago. Sad i found out that the SA deactivates your account after a year and you have to call for them to reactivate it. there is no charge, but my opinion is after all the money i have paid to be in the SA, i should never be deactivated. they have my money and i shouldn't have to spend time trying to figure out what is going on and why i can't access my account whenever i want to. i was told it will be deactivated again in November.

Hope Jared is doing well! Keep on keeping on! It is CERTAIN we WILL SUCCEED! Say it EVERYDAY several time to yourself (I DO!)


great to hear from you. can't wait to talk! thanks for thinking of me.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:


hey, girl. you are going great guns! reading your journal and other postings keep me busy! great how that car thing worked out for you. i really work hard to stay calm in these circumstances because when you do, they many times work out nicely in your favor. sounds like that is what happened to you. Smiling

regarding the subconscious mind, i'm going to tell you what i am doing and hopefully you won't think i'm off my rocker. Eye-wink an REI/attorney/guru in TX has been doing a spirituality series for weeks and i get his emails every day. most of them i have had no interest in, but Tuesday one caught my eye. i thought i would listen to it while i did other stuff, but 20 minutes in i was convinced i needed to start it over and pay attention. i took pages of notes and participated in the exercises. it had a profound immediate effect on me. i had someone tell me this is New Age and it is not. it's been around since the 50's, so if anything, it's old age. Laughing out loud it has nothing to do with religion, just being love and loving. i'm pretty careful what i get into, and this works for me. i use it every day and right now i barely know how to do it, but it is working. you can go to and check it out. it's releasing all the negative feelings we've been acquiring over the years and it affects our subconscious and holds us back. i've used it for pain, relationship, frustration, etc. i've been noticing a huge difference. i did order the course because i want to be in excellent "shape" when i get that house back. i really feel that it will help me move forward. they even have some recordings you can follow on the website and my daughter has been doing that to check it out. on top of that, my REI club meeting yesterday dealt a lot with mindset, which was awesome too. God is answering my prayers about this and i feel the release technique is the miracle i've been praying for.

i refuse to give up, but now i hope i can get out of my own way! if you use the release technique, i would bet that you will find a good bank to work with. just my opinion. Eye-wink

finding that out about the SA is very discouraging. after all the money you pay to be a part of that, you should have lifetime access. i wonder if Dean knows about that. i can't see him condoning that.

Jared is doing well and ready to come home on leave. we're all ready to see him! thanks for asking.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Sunny, Hot and Humid

isn't it funny how when you are seeking after something, all of a sudden everything seems to point you in that direction. i love it! i have been diligently praying and seeking for help and direction to deal with my lovely subconscious mind. all of a sudden it's coming at me fast and furious. as mentioned in the post above to Tammy, i found out about the release technique and am using it to overcome and it's working. i love it and it's easy. (i need easy! Smiling ) yesterday i went to my REI club meeting, thinking it's on social media and i need to learn it, but i hope i'm not bored out of my mind. well, i wasn't. an investor friend of mine sat by me and she has been going through a really tough time. she's been so down and upset, and it really showed on her face. i told her about the release technique and we did a lot of talking before the meeting. she was excited to hear about something that would help her because she, like so many people, knew that she needed help to deal with her feelings and emotions, but how? then the meeting started and i was ornery and teasing 2 of the top investors in our group. we're all laughing and having a good time. then the speaker gets up and talks about social media. lots of good, interesting and timely information with a NH accent. he also talked about mindset and making a plan and working that plan. he mentioned the book, "The Compound Effect" by Darrin Hardy. it talks about how all the little things you do each day add up. i have to get that book! anyway, then he told a story about someone i thought was a student of his. here is what i remember of that story: this kid had black and brown teeth. in school he was put in the back of the room with a coloring book and crayons because they thought he was retarded. no one knew that his parents beat him every day. in high school he went to school then worked 55 hours per week. in the summer he worked 70-100 hours per week. at age 46 he retired a millionaire. that story was about our speaker. it broke my heart because i have worked with kids like that. he told about how he talks to his daughters and how they have the right mindset and how things work for them in life. to say the least, i was very impressed. i told my friend we were supposed to be at that meeting and she agreed. i don't think she had any intention of coming, but i had texted her and asked if she was. then some things happened and she decided to come. we both bought 2 of his books, one on social media and the other on mindset. she walked out of the meeting with her shoulders back and her face was brighter than i had seen it in ages. sorry to be so long-winded but i thought this was really important. i talked to Jared for a while before my meeting yesterday and he is working hard on getting his Team Leader certification. they want to get him promoted by August 01st. he has more patience than i do. Smiling i went to my 35th class reunion last night. i was very uncomfortable but it was very nice. when i went to school there, the population was 5000. i started my freshman year, but most of them went to school together their entire lives. i also lived out in the country, so i didn't go into town much except for school. it was fun to see how everyone turned out as adults and how nice and loving they were. hopefully some of us will stay in touch and get together more. a good friend of mine has MS and he's had it a long time, and also had part of a lung removed recently because of cancer but still keeps hanging in there. i played matchmaker for him and his wife in high school. another friend has stage 4 cancer and couldn't make it. it's funny how some haven't changed in looks at all and others you wouldn't know until someone told you who they are. a few of us met at a restaurant to get reacquainted before the reunion and a tall lady sat next me. i couldn't really see her very well and had no clue who she was. i was like "who are you"? once she said the name i remembered. duh! another lady asked me if she knew me. i said no, i came freshman year and she had left right before freshman year. just funny little things and it was nice. i'm tired today though, so i am just doing what i want to and enjoying some rest time. Happy Sunday! one thing i want to leave you with from the REI meeting: be very careful about self talk - how you talk to yourself. be good to yourself!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Busy Bee

took my car in first thing this morning to have the brakes done and an oil change. Chuck took me to breakfast, we had to go to one of his job sites twice and i ended up 3 hours behind. whaaaaaat? we saw our HVAC/investor friend at breakfast and visited with him until his appointment arrived. when i got home i called my daughter, Danelle, because we talk every day. (yesterday she and i talked about the Women's World Cup Soccer finale on the phone and both of us were talking to Jared on Skype. they both were soccer players in their younger days. i won't get started on talking about that because this would be a huge post, but i sure do miss watching them play.) i re-did an interactive lesson on SA because it showed i had not done it. i have that come up all the time and emailed my coach to please fix the other ones. i have 4 more lessons to take and i need to get it done. that is a priority since now i know that they lock you out, despite all the money you have paid to join. that is a bummer, i'm sorry to say. maybe if someone who can make a difference reads this post, that will change. i am trying to cancel my guaranteed insurance because it's basically nothing and i'm paying almost $400/month for it. who needs it? i spend way less than that for medical care throughout the year. my sister went to visit my Dad's relatives in Evansville, IN to see if she could find out more information about his family. she has done tons of research and it's almost as if his family doesn't exist. they all are very wealthy and own their own businesses. she asked why they were wealthy and we are just average. i told her it's all in the mind and what we were taught was obviously very different from what they were taught. lucky us. Smiling anyway, it really is something to think about. what really disappointed me is that she is totally willing to accept that she can't do much better than she is all ready doing. what a sad state of affairs. i hope that i can show her a better way and that she will be asking me about it soon. that is basically what we were taught and when she told me she doesn't believe in all that stuff that i was telling her about, i could hear my dead mother's voice in that statement. let me tell you, she died in a sad state of affairs. my dad is the same way. obviously, i am adopted and glad i am. not really, but i tell everyone i am. Shocked there have been several things that if i hadn't gotten into them, my family never would have known about them. i know that sounds strange, but i'm such a seeker of information and a better life. i've never been one to just accept things and just plod along through life. i guess i'm the black sheep of the family and proud of it, as well as thankful. i will never stop learning! long-winded again. Eye-wink


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Rain, Where Are You?

we are so desperate for rain. we had to pick up my car today because we didn't get a chance to last night. we went to breakfast, then got my car. i got some groceries and walked out to the car, slammed in the face with such heavy air. it was unreal. i'm praying for rain to come, no matter what the weather reports say. Smiling i faxed over the paper to cancel my health insurance and it is a huge weight off my mind. wasting $400/month for barely any coverage was not working for me. i feel great relief. the woman i've been working with there has been wonderful and very understanding. i emailed to cancel a continuity program i was forced into when i bought a tax lien course. hopefully i will hear from them tomorrow. i wouldn't have bought the course, but it was a good deal and i went through with it. plus, the course is guaranteed for a year. don't see that very often. i see that Tammy (Zion Properties) got her SA refund and that is wonderful. i wish i would have been able to be more focused on that when i had my year, but other things got in the way. you can't lose your focus! i also read in Jen's (Bama Girl) journal that she never says anything negative, so i'm working on how to do that even when i have a story to tell. Puzzled i like that mind set and i want to be like that. because i ended up 4 hours behind today, i am not getting much done except for the really important stuff. hopefully tomorrow will go better, although i will have to be gone about an hour or so. i need several days to stay home and really work. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
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Good DG Conversations

i feel very fortunate today. i got to talk to Lea this morning and Cathy this afternoon. it still surprises me how much fellow DGers love to help and encourage others. thank you all from the bottom of my heart! i have some new ideas to work on and one could bring in money fairly quickly. i love REI but i think i've let some other things get in my way and i feel encouraged to move forward again. part of my hesitation has been that Jared will be home (OK) and i have to leave for 2-3 weeks. it's not fair to expect sellers to hang tight with me while i'm off for that period of time. i just feel a very strong sense of responsibility. anyway, some new things might go quicker for me and i will have to try them out. it can't hurt. the heat and humidity here are really bad and it makes me think about that beautiful house a few streets down that is an REO. what condition will it be in by the end of this summer? if i were able to, i would buy it and L/O it out, if i couldn't just sell it outright. one of these days i'll be able to do that. Smiling


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

They are Trying to do a Short Sale

i sent an email to the sellers of that house i had hoped to get back under contract, telling them i hope their closing today goes well. she emailed me back and said HUD had filed an extension and they are now supposed to close next Tuesday. she also said they finally got an offer on their house and have decided to accept it because it's the only one they have received. i'm wondering if they kind of got pushed into that??? the thing is, doesn't the seller need to be behind at least 3 months worth of payments and be able to show hardship for a short sale? they are getting a new loan on another house, so i don't see how they could be behind. here is what i emailed her:

"i'm sorry to hear that you are trying to do a short sale, but you have to do what you think is best for you. i'm sure your realtor mentioned all this, but here is what i know about them:

1. unless you can show hardship (usually at least 3 months behind in payments) they usually will not accept a short sale
2. if they do a short sale, they can come after you for the remainder of what was owed, so you need to ask for a statement that says they forgive the entire debt
3. the IRS will tax you for the difference because they consider it to be income. i have heard that there is a form on the IRS website to ask forgiveness of that, so you might want to check that out or even call the IRS if your realtor is not familiar with it
4. short sales usually can take a long time to do and they can come back to you at anytime and not do it (the lender)
just want you to be aware. hopefully it will all go well.

i hope everything works out great for you. if i can help you, let me know. if you know someone who can use my help, please give them my contact information. thanks!"

am i off on any of this? i just feel like they are not getting good advice so i am trying to help as much as i can.

well i must get back to work. i certainly have plenty to do.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Hi Linda!

I am back home and hard at work on my mailing. Just got the last of my address stickers on my almost 2,000 brochures. It is 2am, so I am hard at it!

I am hoping to get them into the post office later today. This will be my first bulk mailing. I went to the class several weeks ago and the lady was not very good at explaining how it all worked. Hopefully, I have figured it out fairly well on my own. I am thinking I have paid the PO a LOT of money in fees for my bulk license, so if it isn't right they can just show me what to do when I get there!!!

Hopefully, we will get a chance to talk again soon. Would like to hear what is new with you.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

Welcome Home!

sounds like you had a great trip. i'll be interested to know how the mailing works out. yes, i would love to talk again soon. i really enjoyed and appreciated our last conversation.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Quick Friday

hopefully rain is headed our way. i am in the house and can smell the rain. Smiling i heard that Chicago dropped down to 73 degrees and i would love that! brown is our main color right now. Eye-wink i have a duplex to look at, but it seems way over-priced. it doesn't even have air conditioning and with baseboard heat, that makes it more expensive to put air in. a realtor in his 70's is sending his duplexes to me as he gets them listed, but if they're all over-priced like that, i'm not interested. one of the things i like that he did on the listing was give an accounting of the income and expenses. there may be more information to look at, but it was nice to see that in the MLS listing. he also seems to be a good guy and who doesn't think their property is worth a bundle? have a great weekend!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Restful Weekend

not doing much outside of the house. the heat and humidity are still high, but we did get a little rain Friday. i pray we get some more. Chuck might have had some sun poisoning or something. he's been so exhausted and yesterday he finally had to just stay home and rest. he didn't feel well, was hot, but didn't have a fever. since he's a GC, he's in and out of the air conditioning and heat all day long, then he does other things in the evenings. his body just couldn't take any more. he's out and about this morning, but hopefully will be back to rest early afternoon. i'll be working more toward getting back into the swing of REI starting tomorrow. of course, i still have to keep in mind that i am planning on heading to OK mid-August. i can't believe it's this close. time moves by so fast!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Hi Linda

I just read your post about the house where the owners are now contemplating accepting an offer for a short sale... I believe a bank will accept a short sale even if owner is not behind in payments 3 months, but they will most likely have to show/prove their hardship...

I would just move on, and look for other deals; you don't want to put too much time into a maybe deal; think of all the other opportunities that are out there just waiting for you to find them. As you stated, time moves so fast!

Stay focused on your rei goals and you will succeed.

Wishing you success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:


so nice of you to drop by. yes, i agree that there is no reason to pursue that house any longer. i feel they have gotten bad advice from their realtor, but that is not my concern. i did my best and there are others that can use my help. thank you for the encouragement.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

In Motion Monday

well, i feel like i'm getting some things done, despite only a couple hours of sleep. we did get a little more rain yesterday, which i'm thankful for. hopefully we will get more in a few days. i just finished a lesson in the SA on an overview of foreclosures. i am determined to finish those lessons rather than just waste them. that would be silly to do. the next one will be on foreclosures also and go into more detail. over the weekend i cleaned out over 1000 old emails sitting in my account. i always intend to go back to them and never do. i still have over 1000 in my account now, but i'm way under what i had. i have also started unsubscribing to everything i can. i love to stay up on information and i have a lot of it coming into my email. it's too much to keep up with so i'm also narrowing that down as i go. i'm also clearing out some other things in my life because it's just getting too cluttered. it's hard to concentrate and focus when you have so many things you are trying to do and you're getting very little done. today i have managed to get more done than i have in weeks, things i wanted to get done. that tells me i'm on the right track. i just found out that Jared has one last thing to do for his Team Leader certification; he's finished the other 99 and i'm serious about that number. he is at the Command Post, wherever that is, until he goes before the Promotion Board on August 02nd, so we probably won't hear from him. he has waited for this promotion for a couple years now. he was supposed to get it on his 2nd tour in Iraq, but he turned it down because he couldn't go to EOD school at the higher rank. it is finally coming to him and i'm really proud of what he has accomplished. i would love to see it happen, but i'm not very good at "roughing it". Smiling Jared is truly someone who is focused and nothing can get in his way. he has no Plan B because he knows Plan A will work out. he never plans to fail, only to win. that's how i want to be!


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Moving Right Along

another busy day where i feel like i'm accomplishing something. it's warm but the humidity is a little lower. my morning walk was more pleasant without that high humidity today. i did another course on foreclosures with PMI/SA, so i am close to being done. i think i have 2 more lessons to go. i have some stuff showing incomplete and i tried the live chat to get it fixed, but she was no help. i emailed a woman with PMI that said she was the one to go to if i had any problems, so we will see if i get any help. i also asked why we are locked out after one year when we have paid all that money to have access to the materials. if i don't get a satisfactory response, i will try one more person. to me, this is a big deal. i'm listening to a webinar on rentals right now and then i have a teleseminar to catch up on afterward. Chuck is out golfing with a vendor and it sounds like they are treating the guys right. Smiling he will be home later tonight and hopefully not totally exhausted. Eye-wink i know he's having a great time. vendors usually know how to treat their customers. it is a great feeling to feel like i'm getting things done on my to-do list. i think i will keep it up. Laughing out loud


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

Thanks Linda!

I am going to look into that release technique program; I think it will help me tremendously. No matter how hard I try to get some things out of my mind they have a terrible way of creeping back in latently.

I have actually heard about The Compound Effect from Patrick Riddle, and I had forgotten about it. I think I will do an Amazon order for the book. Smiling

On the short sale advice, it varies by state. Here in CA all the debt is forgiven; and any second is wiped out w/o any recourse due to a new law. (What this equates to is absolutely NO 2nds here in the state of CA Sad )

Glad your REI meeting was so productive and useful. I have found a babysitter! YEAHHHH! So, I will start going to some REIC, we have them all over out here, so I am so GLAD to have found a sitter; at least for the summer!

And, I hear what you said about Jen (Bamagirl) being so positive and needing to emulate that. I tend to have to unload the negative because I have no one to talk to about it; otherwise it builds and builds if I don't just get it off my mind.

Have you thought about using a HML or PML to purchase the REO, or partnering with someone on it?