well here i am--sticking my feet into the water known as REI!! to say that i am scared would be considered an understatement at best--i am terrified!! but i also know that i will never get anywhere unless i just get out there and get things underway.
just a brief refresher on me: i am 46, single mother of 5 (and grandmother of 5), now unemployed for a little over six months, i have a very disfunctional relationship with my boyfriend (i love him but i hate some of his negative mindset), and I am determined to prove him wrong. He does not know that I am doing this and I know if I say anything he will have something to say that is not only negative but will attempt to cut me to the quick.
i am re-reading the Profit from Real Estate book again (just started) and am waiting to see if any of Dean's other books will be on sale this coming Friday--but i have been drawn to abandoned houses or houses that apparently need a lot of work done to them in one way or another. I also would like to be able to pick up at least 1 (possibly 2) HUD houses with at least one of them for me to live in.
Well this is day 1 of my journal--I can't do much on weekends (at the boyfriend's house) but I am looking forward to hearing from everyone on here. I know I have been a member here for awhile and have not done much but I feel that I really need to get out there and make my presence known.
So...here I am!!!
You've got a lot of catching up to do, but if this is what you want then go fo it.
read posts
ask questions....Jan
...thank you for the advice--once i pick up the other books and really throw myself into them I hope to be OK. I have asked some questions on here in different subject areas but did not get much of a reply so hopefully if I put my questions/concerns on here i will fare much better.
Take care and God Bless!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
As Jan stated, read. Read Dean's books and then start reading the journals of the top users found on the upper left side of this site when you're logged in. Everybody started somewhere, and the top users/posters here have given priceless info that they learned already. You don't have to make some of their mistakes.
Good luck!
Thanks to all who have thus far stopped by to post here in my journal and give me some positive feedback. Believe me you will never know how much the encouragement means to me. i know that Friday is "slack Friday" here but unfortunately i have to let opportunity pass me by. Reason (in a word): m-o-n-e-y ($$). Sad as it is to say, I live in a motel room paying $175/wk and only getting $188/wk for unemployment. And even though I AM helping out here at the motel working the front desk, by the time I would've gotten the cash and gotten the funds into my account, the event would most likely be over. So I will just purchase the books that I wanted to get next week and just pay regular price for them. It's not the 1st time that I have missed out on a good deal--besides you never know about these types of things.
I didn't get to do a awful lot on Thursday afternoon BUT in the course of my travels I did see what looks to be a FSBO in a fairly decent neighborhood--it has been FS for quite a long time (over 90 days at least) so I may have to look into that one, along with another house that is right down the road from it.
Question: is it better to work with a realtor who is with a large realty company or one who is out of a smaller firm? Or should that even be a consideration?
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
greetings to everyone--I had planned to write in my journal yesterday morning but somehow I forgot to (sorry!! will do better next go round!). I have just a couple of questions for this entry but one is a repeat from my previous entry: is it better to work with a realtor who is with a large realty company or one who is out of a smaller firm? Or should that even be taken into consideration? I have been going back thru Dean's video blogs (starting from the beginning), re-reading PFRE and trying to skim thru others journals on the site and jotting down things as I come across things that are good or that may be workable for me.
I cannot remember if I mentioned this last week or not but I have seen a lot of properties that are abandoned or in need of some extensive TLC--I (for some unknown reason) seem to be drawn to these types of properties so I am also curious: should I attempt to work something with these right off the bat or try my hand with FSBO's?
I have never been much of a "goal oriented" person in the past and I have never been much good with setting goals or even getting excited about having a dream. It is really a foreign concept to me--I can fantasize about things but I can't dream about stuff. It's just SO difficult for me...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...that I WILL one day see! Back when I was in high school, the quote that my best friend and I used and changed around ended with "... that we will never see..."--however I am working at being more positive in my day-to-day dealings. At this time, I am doing the majority of my reading and online research while working 3rd shift as a desk clerk at a "mom & pop" motel. Not much business comes to rent a room after 11 PM so it gives me the opportunity to get some schooling in five days a week (Sat & Sun being devoted to God, my boyfriend, and sleeping--but sometimes the bf comes last!!
After paying my room rent later today, I found out that my checking account balance will be $17!! UGH!!
And I wonder at times what really keeps me afloat from day to day...but I know that it's God that is keeping me rooted and grounded. Just having a irritated moment, that's all. It means that I have to push back getting my books another week, that's all. I think that's what is referred to as "temporary discomfort" or something to that effect...LOL
I have been reading some of the more successful REI members on here and gaining some much needed advice, encouragement, and necessary venting outlets. I will try NOT to be too rough on anyone on here but it depends on the negative boyfriend. I love him very much but if there was ever a "Bad Luck Schleprock" (Flintstones reference) or "Killjoy", he would be in the running as a worthy candidate.
Yesterday was my "running around" day--legal papers to copy, buying money orders & stamps, groceries...all this after getting maybe four hours of sleep!! BLEAH! Thus the need for me to do my studying at night--no interruptions or major distractions.
Tomorrow night's entry will consist of working on goals for 2011, a positive affirmation message to end my journaling with (I was greatly inspired by Tammy from Zion Properties--been reading her journal entries), and working out the kinks of getting my books!! Wish me much luck--i CAN do this!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
I had hoped to get a little bit more done tonight--unfortunately things were a bit more busy overnight than usual!! I only managed to do some light reading and finally finished reading Tammy's journal (Zion Properties)--WOW!! She has been thru a lot!! Reminds me of me somewhat!
I had said that I was going to work on my goals for 2011, develop my 1st positive affirmation and work out the kinks of getting my other books--I think I have at least one positive affirmation (possibly two)...as for my goals: short term I want to get all my nagging bills paid off, especially the ones that I accrued since losing my job back in June. Long term goals to come tonight as I am rather sleepy right now. Still trying to do as much "busy work" as necessary.
As for my books--if everything lines up properly, I will purchase them next week and they will be my belated Christmas present to myself!!
Cool beans!!
Oh yes my 1st Long term goal is after get my five deals done to treat myself in some way--maybe a shopping spree (once the bills are paid of course) or a mini vacation!!
HOLD UP--Getting ahead of myself here!! Getting a bit carried away here...sorry. First things first--reading and getting familiar with all the terminology!! YUCK! But it has to be done!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...going to spend the weekend with the boyfriend so I won't be doing any posting until Sunday nite/Monday morning when I go back to work. I will be checking out two or three properties over the weekend and get some "formal" contact info so i can get my calls in come Monday morning.
I also did a property search of HUD homes online--there were some good looking possibilities that I saw but there was one that I had huge interest in but when I tried to look at the area online, I was given a geographic map that put the property as being located IN WATER!!
I sure hope that was an error of some sort. Question: what does the term "repair escrow" mean? I realize that many here are more experienced than me on this but if you could help clue me in, I'd greatly appreciate it.
Still feel like I am spinning my wheels but that is because I am still learning (I guess)...trying to get myself familiar with all the abbreviations and terms--to the average person (such as myself) it all looks a lot like "alphabet soup"
!! But I also know in due time things will be MUCH clearer!
Hope everyone has a great weekend--remember that it's the last shopping weekend before Christmas...stay away from the malls!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...and time to start another week of planting seeds for a better 2011 than 2010!! This week (and next) will be a bit challenging since they are holiday weeks and everyone is doing all that last minute stuff and scrambling to get things taken care of. I would include myself in that group except I am steadily doing my reading and preparing myself for when I get my books and getting myself familiar with the alphabet soup abbreviations!! LOL A sense of humor always helps!
This week I am dedicating to seeking out more abandoned properties and getting more information on them. I have also been reading different journals here on the site and getting more inspiration from them. Carol Stinson's journal has given me a much needed shot in the arm--if she can do this with seven children then there is no reason why I can't be just as successful with five (granted they're grown now but they are mine)!! God is no respector of persons so her success (as well as that of others on here) can be MY success as well!!
Geez, it's going on 6:30 AM already--where did the time get off to? I have an appointment with my bed for about two or three hours then it's off to working on finding a good realtor!! Cross your fingers and wish me luck!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...from my day yesterday (Monday)--I was helping a elderly lady from my church move and the area that she was moving away from had some interesting properties that were empty (keep running across these, almost like a moth to a flame LOL) plus she had a house that she had told me about that was empty and she was just letting it sit empty!! CHA-CHING!! She says that the neighborhood is not very good BUT it may serve my purpose of helping me get a leg up!!
I think I may have found a realtor--back when I was trying to purchase a HUD home a year ago my friends referred this realtor to me who helped them to get their new home!! I have to contact her today (couldn't do it yesterday due to helping move my fellow church member) and see if she's "the ONE"!! I hope so but if not I will just hit the ground running like a nosebleed and just not stop!!
Sometimes I wonder if anyone really reads my random scribblings of insanity or not--I'm sure SOMEBODY does (otherwise I would've been banned by now LOL) but I just wonder sometimes!!
Well, got to get my reading in before I go to sleep this morning!! And the saga continues...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...and bounds here--yesterday (Tuesday) was absolutely FABOULOUS for me!! I got my rest in, and then got out and came across EIGHT abandoned properties in the span of roughly six blocks! Not bad if I do say so myself (and I do say so). Two of the properties are FSBO but only one had a phone number to call. But at the moment I am hoping to try and talk to the lady at my church and see if I can convince her to allow me to just look at her house--this might just be the right property that I can use as practice so I can get things started.
More good news: I purchased Dean's other two books--I already have PFRERN so I decided to wait until after the 1st of the year and get TF at that time (not a bad way to start 2011). I can't wait for my "belated Christmas presents" to myself to get here!! WHOO HOO!
One major drawback that I have at the present time is that I do not have a vehicle in order to drive thru different neighborhoods to look for properties--at the present time I have to wear out some shoe leather and walk to find a lot of the properties. So if there is bad weather then I end up not doing any "neighborhood walkarounds"--BUT that also gives me the opportunity to do my readings and phone research.
Little by little I am slowly starting to hit my stride!! Chat with you all again soon!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...and all thru my house--I was busier than a beheaded chicken running away from the mouse!! LOL But seriously folks, yesterday was an equally good day for me as I scoped out a total of three properties while walking to the store AND I also continued my readings both of Dean's book and the journals on here.
It is now the 23rd of December, I am currently unemployed with my benefits about to run out and in a rather shaky relationship BUT (surprisingly) I am beyond excited and feeling like a new person!! I still have not divulged to my boyfriend about the books or my new projects that I am working on--knowing how negative he is, I would expect some sort of "gloom and doom" to come from his lips. Funny thing is that when I met him four years ago, he had his own business on the side that involved finding housing for the enlisted military officers and so forth but it wasn't working out (thus the negativity)!!
I got thrown a slight curve ball though--instead of working my usual 11pm-8 am shift on Thursday nite/Friday morning, I now have to work Thursday afternoon 3 pm-11 pm!! Good for sleep, not good for working on my lists and stuff!! BLEAH!
guess I will be back here this afternoon...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...to wish everyone a safe and blessed Christmas--more info to come on my latest finds and even a question (or two)...in the meantime, I hope to chat with all here come Monday (actually Sunday night)...BE BLESSED NOT STRESSED!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...and moving in for the kill!! First of all, I hope (and pray) that everyone had a great holiday and that you are looking forward to 2011!! I KNOW I AM!! After all the unnecessary insanity that I have been dealing with since June when I lost my job, I am SOOOOO ready for a better year all the way around!!
I got my books yesterday
which was a good thing BUT not all of them came plus I am now the proud owner of PFRERN x2!!
I guess I can hold on to the 2nd copy just in case.
Family bad news: my oldest daughter who is in Pennsylvania is in the hospital right now and it doesn't look good--the doctors have given her 24 hours at this point. She's a diabetic and has been since age 9 (she's 29 right now) and she's been dealing with everything from ulcers to possible kidney infections/failure. So now i am looking at the possibility of taking a trip back to PA in the next day or so--bad for the circumstances, but a good opportunity to take a look at properties in and around that part of the state.
Oh well, time to continue my reading--talk to you all soon...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...i have returned!! and while I have been away from the DG site and everyone one here, you all have never been far from my thoughts. So here is a short update on my adventures to this point.
For starters, I am currently in PA right now caring for my oldest daughter who's health is at best shaky. She was on life support for well over a month, had herself hooked to a breathing machine, had her heart stop twice, was briefly on kidney dialysis AND having seizures--so she cannot be alone for any amount of time. Thus I left and came here to help try to get her somewhat on the mend but it's proving to be quite a challenge. In addition to being on insulin to control her diabetes, she currently has enough meds that have been prescribed to her to stock a pharmacy for several weeks!!
When I am not watching her and making sure she's OK, I have two of my five grandchildren that I am babysitting and caring for--I don't mind at times BUT when i am attempting to do my calls or read my books, it proves to be quite the challenge. So now I have adapted by doing everything in the wee hours just like when I was at the hotel. More distractions now but I am slowly working my way around them.
I am just glad to get back here where I know I belong!! I missed everyone!! Now it's time to get back on my game and get a move on! see ya all tomorrow...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
hi everyone!! I have returned to the land of DG and the DG family!! after months of family issues and so forth, it is good to get back into things and get moving once more. I have missed everyone. So, let's get back into the groove shall we?
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
So anyway, here is the latest in my misadventures: I have decided to jump into the world of tax sales and in the area that I am in currently (I MAY be moving back to Alabama, but that's another story) there is a judicial tax sale coming up next month that I have plans to attend. I went to the tax sale auction last year and while there were a few houses that I was interested in, the funds just weren't there to participate. The funding isn't there this year either but I have more options available to me than I did last year. The auction here works the same as I would imagine it does in areas HOWEVER you only have 1 HOUR to pay once you submit the winning bid. Not sure if it's like that in other tax sale auctions but that's how this one is run. So now I am running around trying to pull things together so that I can get my place to live provided I stay here in PA. My middle daughter (NOT the one I came back here to care for) wants to move back to Alabama. I am somewhat conflicted on that and need to really think the whole thing through. But I will keep everyone posted though. Hey, it's good to be back on here though...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
Looks like you are jumping into the water again going to the auctions.
www.tw4homes.com website
https://tvallc.isrefer.com/go/RehabLite/reigirl/ FREE SOFTWARE FOR WHOLESALERS, REHABBERS AND AGENTS! Present professional looking deals to buyers and lenders as well as run your numbers and get the ROI.
thank you for the warm wishes and hello to you as well...I went to the library last week and went on line to the website in order to print out copies of all the addresses of houses that were coming up on the auction. The local newspaper also prints out the list as well but it's rather difficult to see or work with. I will probably go around to see the ones I hope to have a chance of getting either Monday or Tuesday. I will keep everyone posted on how things go the closer we get to the auction date...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...AUCTION BLOCK, that is. Yesterday I was walking to the local store for some things and came across one of the houses that will be on the tax sale auction next month. It's a duplex of sorts--the unit next door appears to have someone living there BUT it also appears empty as well. I have been keeping my eyes on the list as there often times are last minute additions and deletions to the list. The actual date for the auction is December 13th at 10AM. Looking forward to going to this auction this year. My cousin has also expressed interest in the auctions as well. He recently had a sour experience with a landlord who did an illegal eviction on him so now he has decided to just run with buying his own home and bypassing having the hassle of renting from someone who conducts themselves in an unsavory manner. I know not all landlords are bad so I will not bash all of them on here.
My middle daughter has now decided that she wants to move to another part of Pennsylvania (Pittsburgh) so she is looking for jobs and so forth while I am focusing on staying here for the time being. Youth can be SO confusing!!
Happy Thanksgiving DG family!! May God bless you one and all and please enjoy your loved ones come Thursday!! And don't eat too much, lol!! Love ya!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...actually this will be a rather short entry due to being sleepy from working 3rd shift. I have re-started reading PFRE and YTYREP to get myself back on track. I have also started working on goal setting and positive affirmations--something that I used to do a lot of before but I (sadly) let it fall by the wayside when I was with my ex. This will be a alien concept for me but I really need to try something different (there was a story in the Old Testament regarding this but I'll save that for another time). My daughter undergoes surgery come Tuesday morning so my upcoming week is jam packed. And my eyes are drooping--nighty night...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...in exactly ONE WEEK from today!! I am SOOO EXCITED and nervous at the same time! I am excited about the possibility of being able to purchase a home of my very own--but nervous at the same time!! How crazy is that?!! My plans for today include riding around to take a look at the properties in person. If things do not pan out for me at the auction this year (I hope things do not fall thru), I will take the advice of one of the coaches on here and look at purchasing property via a repository sale. But 1st things 1st--go to the auction and then go from there!!
But that is next week--this week consists of the usual things: laundry, groceries, reading, working on getting my mind right, ect. So many things--and so many ways to roll!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
...well, actually it is late Wednesday night/early Thursday morning, and in just a few hours I will be attending the tax sale auction. My cousin and I along with my BF (who is also a contractor--how convienent, LOL) will be going and we have to get there early as last year there were quite a few people that were there. Some good news: my cousin is going to try to purchase a couple of properties but if he does, it would likely be duplexes and I remember seeing a few of those on this year's list. So that (hopefully) takes care of my "no money" sceneario for this year.
I am so nervous and excited--reminds me of the night before Christmas or the night before the 1st day of school!! I need to get some sleep--9AM comes SOOO quick you know!! Wish me luck DG family and I pray that I come back home with some GREAT (not just good) news!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
Hi Gloria, just keep looking forward and dont let negative people get into your way which can be some what of a challenge when you say you live with one, one can over come any thing if they put there heart, mind and soul into it.Study and get out and talk to others about deals and keep moving forward, wishing much success, Jim
Well, the tax sale auction has come and gone...and there were many, MANY more people at this year's auction as opposed to last. So many more that I could not get a single property. Nope--my cousin (who was my finances for the properties) and I tried very hard to get one or two duplexes but the bidding jumped so fast until we couldn't even get a decent bid underway!
But I did say that there was some good news, didn't I?
I am now looking at the local repository list which has some properties from last year's auction on it PLUS I recently heard about buying houses for $1!! I didn't think they still did $1 houses anymore. Guess they still do!
Being as this coming week is a holiday week, my cousin and I will be going down to the courthouse come Wednesday to do some investigating on the $1 houses and see if we can get more info on the repository list. Meantime, I am doing my reading and keeping my head to the skies. WHOOP WHOOP--raise the roof!! I refuse to lose!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
thank you for the encouaging words...the negative BF from my earlier postings is now an ex BF (that was when I was still in Alabama)--my current BF is much more positive which helps tremendously, PLUS he's a contractor!! And you need not worry--I REFUSE to lose!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
Just wanted to take a moment to wish everyone on the site a very Merry Christmas and a Happy, Prosperous, and Blessed New Year!! And as 2012 comes to a close, I can honestly say that I have done more in rei in the last two months than I have since I 1st joined back in 2009. I am not ashamed of what I have done to this point but I often wonder if maybe I just need an occasional kick in the pants to keep (or get) me going!
Yesterday I went down to the courthouse to find out more about the repository lists and discovered that the list (which is dated for October) won't be updated until March!! The woman that I spoke to stated that that was due to the recent tax sale needing to be finalized and also making sure that properties are not being reneged on (guess that makes sense). She also said that if there were properties that are on the list that did not sell and I have interest in them that I should contact the office of the attorney that oversees the tax sale proceedings in order to possibly get more information. Cool beans!! So I can either try for Monday or Wednesday (Tuesday being a holiday) to contact them and see how things go.
I haven't done much reading as of late due to getting caught up in "holiday hoopla" but that will change come January 2nd!! I have plans in place to work the 30 days for cash gameplan and do everything in my power to make the new year a good one. 2012 wasn't a bad one for me so I believe that 2013 will be even better. So...HAPPY NEW YEAR EVERYONE!!
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
OK so this will NOT be a happy post--at least not in the very beginning. Originally I had a different entry here that had some excellent things in it but somehow I lost that post
So I don't know if I will try to remember what I originally posted or not. Anyhow, my middle daughter (who plans to move to Pittsburgh) and I had a fight--over a Pull up that I put on my grandson. She decided that waking me in the middle of the night to yell and scream at me about something so banal and trivial would be a good thing (you know. "if I am not happy...") then she had a hissy fit because I flipped my mattress over!! My bed was wet (as was hers) and the last 3 times that my grandson has wet the bed I have flipped my mattress. Well tonight she decided to go on a "extended power trip" about what I do and don't do around here and that she was going to put me out on the street and that she cannot stand me, blah blah blah.
In order to understand her obvious hatred of me, you would have to know about my back history: and I learned a long time ago that people do not care about your problems when you do not have any money. Which at the moment I do not have that much of...so I have to vent somewhere, and I came here. Sorry folks.
Right now it is just after 7AM, I hear sirens of a fire truck, police car or an ambulance in the distance and I am fighting my inner emotions to NOT cry and feel hurt. She does this to me all the time--maybe to inflict more pain on my already broken heart...I really do not know. My dad used to always say that "life is a funny thing..." then he'd go on about things that were happening to him. I have been awake all night long...and I probably will not go to sleep either. Not trusting my daughter or her actions at all. Not trying to end up just another tragic news story, you know.
I have plans to contact the law firm later this morning to find out more about the repository lists and also hope to find out if I can still get a house for $250 or not. Even if I am able to purchase the house, the deeds and all would not turned over to me until March!! UGH!
Well at least I have books to read--I am trying very, VERY hard not to get into a funk after the events of the last three or four hours. But if you could just allow me this opportunity to vent and get my hurt out, I will try to be more positive on here. I apologize for the extended rant and rave session but something I stopped doing a while back was crying when anyone hurt me. Guess it's easier to keep it inside for now. Anyhow, good wishes to all and take care...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
good morning DG family!! It has been a couple of days since my "extended rant and rave" post, so I decided to go back to my reading and get my head screwed back on straight. It is just after 5AM, I think I may have slept for roughly two or three hours but I have some exciting news to share--I am one step closer to getting my 1st deal under my belt!! Let me explain: As I have been sharing with a few, I have been concentrating on working with tax sales and the respository lists in my area in order to feel more comfortable getting my feet wet in REI. At the recent tax auction last month, there were roughly one or two houses that DID NOT SELL that I am thinking will go on the repository list and one of those was a house that happens to be in a fairly decent area. I visited the courthouse for more info but they referred me to the office of the law firm that oversees the auctions. I called the office to try and get more info but the person that I needed to speak to was not in. Well, Monday morning THE CALL WAS RETURNED!! Now mind you I was half asleep due to having worked all night and just going to sleep, but at least I know that I can get this house at last!
Yesterday I could not work on my followup call to the office since my oldest daughter had to be in surgery at 5AM (only to find out that the time got changed to 10AM) so i spent my morning at the hospital with her, then had lunch with my youngest son, and ended with a light dinner with my grandson and my middle daughter (who is moving out come Saturday). So this morning will be a "catch-up" session for me: catching up on my calls, catching up on my reading, and getting my mindset on full blast tilt toward getting at least two properties locked up via the tax sale route.
Fun note: last week I purchased some CD's of music that I used to listen to when I was younger and the last of the bunch arrived yesterday afternoon. I realize that it is a rather frivilous (spelling is wrong, sorry) purchase, but music is a HUGE part of who I am and I listen to music quite a bit in my free time as it helps me to concentrate on my goals and making things happen for me. So while it may not be the most exciting thing that I did yesterday, it IS a small part of the pieces that WILL BE the bigger picture of this journey that I have undertaken. I can not WAIT for 9AM to get here...
"Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through HE that loved us..."Romans 8:37
"You can be discouraged by failure - or you can learn from it. So go ahead and make mistakes. Make all you can. Because, remember that's where you will find success. On the far side". - Thomas Watson, Sr.
I just read your journal and wanted to stop by and wish you good luck. I know what it is like to have set backs in life.Don't give up and remember it's one step at a time.I look forward to reading about your progress.