Well I guess it is about time to update the title and such on here a little and go with new times and not the time when I started way back when. When I started in investing I was driving 18 Wheelers all through the U.S and now I am local trying to make this work. It has come to the point now I do not do much for myself but instead for the family that I have and really care about more than anything. If they are not happy then I am not either. I have tried a couple of things in the area where I live, such as buying notes, and real estate investing. I have several books and the course think a little different as well. I am starting back to day one when I got my first book and see where this gets me. I have no choice as I feel that I have failed in everything that one goes through in life no matter what. I have made three major moves in my life, started over each time just to get to the point where nothing goes further, just like hitting a hard spot but I know I can get through that too.
Believe and Achieve, if you do not believe then you cannot achieve so lets see what goes now.
Karen yes we have know each other here for some time now and your post have been inspiring to me along with some from others here that I communicate with also. I do read my posts here from time to time to keep up with what has happened and not happened with me in the past. Without my family being behind me 120% or more then I no doubt would not be around any more either but all I do and try to do is for them, I do not care about myself as I have no wants at all and my needs are very few. Yes with me finally having a decent vehicle to drive I do have advertisements on both sides of it, but no luck either so guess I will have to change the style of it or something. I have two large window decals left and right side at eye level so they are easy to read, not a single call either. I have been thinking about changing these as well and go with something less fancy than what I have. A list of five things to be thankful for every day is hard to come up with actually because it is the same every day.
With all the business cards I have handed out and not a single call on them either but I still keep them with me at all times. Maybe people just do not take me serious in what I do or I am just to friendly for them.
It is great that I have also been handed a realtor as well and this is hard to believe but guess what, I finally get time to go and talk with one, made three appointments and had to cancel all of them due to family problems that came up that had to be taken care of. One time I was on my way to the meeting and had to turn around and come back. It was just one of those things that I could not say no and keep going as my kids would of been lost and not know what to do. When my family calls or any one else does and need help and I can help I am usually there too no matter when, this is just the way I am. Karen all the stuff you say I take it to heart and value it greatly too.
Ellsworth, thanks for posting too, and to have such great info from a coach is fabulous too. I am quite sure there are a lot of others out there that have the same struggles I do and if not worse. I try to take things day by day and great fully I have a job still too. To me it seems just like all that I have tried gets stopped or blocked by a brick wall and does get frustrating and makes me wonder what am I doing wrong and what can I do to change this. I try not to make excuses for anything but just that things come up to keep me from getting anything done. As a truck driver and the company I work for we have really messed up schedules we work and if some one calls in then this messes it all up. I would just say no but this is money in my hand that is well needed to help my daughter go to college or my son get his car fixed to get to work. If it was not for bad luck then my family would not have any luck at all as it has just about all happened.
With such great people here and the advice I have been given I would not know what to do at all a lot of times.
I shall fear no evil as I walk through the valley of real estate investing, ignoring all the naysayers as I make my way to a better life for my family and all those I can help along the way.
I don't know you Shawn, but the PM you sent me seemed to lean towards the negative. I got the vibe that you didnt really want to work with me, that you were "letting me down gently". Im not a pushy person, nor do I ever want to have to convince someone to work with me, so I just thanked you for your message and wished you luck. That said, I am willing to help and work with you, if you are willing to accept that help.
I understand you have other things that keep you busy, as a single mother of three young children, I COMPLETELY understand that. But keep in mind, in our case, we don't NEED to have some big formal meeting. I'm a Realtor, you need a Realtor. We both have internet, email, and I assume a fax or scanner to send documents back and forth. People on this site talk every day about how they do deals across the country, without ever leaving their living room. You can do that too, if you make the decision to move forward. Whether you choose to contact me or not, I wish you the best and I hope everything works out!
Skeptic, turned hopeful, turned determined!
You will NEVER succeed if you don't try.
I sent you a pm and hope that we can get things a rolling, there was just a misunderstanding along the line some where and explained this in the pm as well. I can understand being a single mom, you can just about say I am a single father with the exception I get to see my wife on the weekend when she is home from being on the road. So I go to work all week as well, clean the house, cook and all the other chores too so actually I realize how much one has to do being a single parent. Just some of those things that get taken granted of. Will have to take some time to talk with you during the week and see what we can work out and how to do things and get a plan of action going.
Getting things to a new roll, so now lets see how it will roll, while looking on the net I found a property where the owner will finance with a low down payment, good interest rate for up to five years max, now just have to run the numbers and see what it comes out to be. Is it going to be worth it or not, will it make a good rental and cash flow for a good amount for a short time frame and then resell or do a refi maybe with better terms. Am working on the numbers and area to see what I can come up with.
Got a 3 day weekend for once in ages and have to use this time more not to find some deals and get things rolling. Here We Go.
Things are cracking open!
Three day w/e. Sounds like it could be the deal you've been beating the bushes for and a new realtor!
And this post sounds SO positive!
Sending love and good vibes your way, my friend! Look out world! You are not going to take "No!" for an answer!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
to believe Karen that things just might turn around some what for me but I am going to take it and run with it as far as I can. Maybe the negative was not around me from other but just with myself and it took so long to realize it. I should of opened my eyes a little sooner but did not it that cost me too as well. Here We Go, on a ride of investing, lets get it rolling and I am going to do my best to keep it rolling like a roller coaster on its way to the top but I am not going to rush it that fast but just to make it a slow ride at the beginning and then see how it goes each day. I am catching all the love and vibes you can send me as the best good luck charm I can use too.
Reaching for the stars is a lot closer but I am shooting for the moon so if I do miss the moon that at least I can reach the stars.
We've got it going, Shawn!!!
Just close your eyes, click together the heels of your ruby red tennis shoes (OK, trucker boots, just go with it!) and say, "I Believe! I Believe!" (Yes, my children tell me all the time what a ditz I am, but I'm happy! So what the heck!)
I BELIEVE IN YOU, SHAWN! NEGATIVITY BE GONE! (What a difference in you already!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Yup there it went, where did it go, beats me, what happened do not know yet will just have to wait and see but I do not have time to wait either. Property gone, request more info about the property to run numbers nothing, no answer or anything, as for the rest of the story I do not know either. Maybe I am just too dumb for all this or something who knows.
Reaching for the stars is a lot closer but I am shooting for the moon so if I do miss the moon that at least I can reach the stars.
Well along the way there is something that is a proven fact, do not trust any one that comes your way, they say this or the other and then nothing comes out. Do me the favor do not waste my time if you are not serious in your intentions of what you say you are going to do. Every one has their own situations and problems that have to be dealt with and understand that persons problems that they might have along the way. Every one has things in their life that have to be taken care of and all have their priorities as well. I have notice and what I think is that a lot of people think they have to make a lot of money, what ever that amount might be, in a day. I am used to living on a limited income most of my live, I work long hours just to make it by from week to week, I do not get to see my kids much due to my schedule, I see my wife two days a week when she comes home from being out on the road driving a truck so I spend every minute with her I can as it could be the last time I see her.
We try to make things look good in front of it all but then nothing comes out of it either. My expectations are low so if I even make 100 dollars I am happy because I can do a lot with that too.
Why reach for the stars when the moon is closer and if you cannot make that then be happy with the clouds that fly over.
Been a while since I have last posted, been busy a lot, more at work then at home trying to make ends meet. Then to top it all off after 4 months of super internet service I have nothing, glad to have my droid to use in between and then have to drive 5 miles to the local rest area where there is free internet connection as well. You gotta do what you gotta do to stay in this business and this all after I have ran an ad on craigs list for tenant buyers. Got a couple of people here on my list back in the area of Ms where I use to live. I have to get my internet taken care of to save some time and my service provider is working on this too but no quick fix you know how long this can take. 72 hrs at least before a technician will even make it out to check the problem out on the tower.
Well now since I have a couple tenant buyers to do a lease to own option with now I just have to find a property for them, one of them is already working on their credit with a credit repair company, one got ripped off from trying one so has to start over and the other has to work on this part too. Each one has a decent amount of money to pay down on the property as well so I am slowly off to a start but at the same time things still seem to keep going towards the rock bottom of it all with all kinds of downsides coming up but these will straighten out some time hopefully.
Maybe I can get things to go right with lease to own options instead of wholesaling as my luck has not been too good with that lately even though I would prefer wholesaling at the beginning but leaving all doors open just to make a buck some where.
Why reach for the stars when the moon is closer and if you cannot make that then be happy with the clouds that fly over.
I am so sorry that you are feeling so down.
Sometimes life just isn't fair. Sometimes we just feel like absolutely nothing in the world works no matter how hard we try. I totally GET it! You feel like the walls are caving in and you don't even care if they do anymore.
Shawn, if RE isn't working for you right now, step away. Get centered again. It can be stressful and if the rest of your life is stressful right now, then take a break. It can be a few weeks, a few months or even forever. There is ABSOLUTELY nothing wrong with doing that.
It has nothing to do with how smart you are. I can tell from all your postings here that you are a very intelligent guy.
Maybe you are just meant to travel a different road. As a trucker, you know you can be on a perfectly good road but if it is not going in the direction that you are supposed to be traveling, it can cause you a boatload of aggravation. Maybe God is just trying to guide you in a different direction.
What makes you happy, Shawn? There are so many things in life besides RE. Think back to the last three times in your life where you were really, really happy. What was happening? What gives you peace? Try to put more of that into your life.
I am sure that your kids and your wife love you so very much and are so proud of you no matter what. So many people aren't fortunate enough to have a family that loves them. That in itself is such a HUGE success! You are certainly blessed.
Life is cyclical just as Dean talks about the RE market being cyclical. You are in one of the deep valleys on this roller coaster right now, but I promise you, it will get better. Yes, I know you feel like you have been there for a long time, but it WILL get better.
Just hang in there, my friend. There are a lot of people who care about you. That moon and stars would be much dimmer for a lot of people without you.
I will PM you my number in case you want to talk.
Hugs to you.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
I just love when a post gets deleted, some one just did not want to see the truth on things here. That is alright with me though I see how it is, what can you expect when a person has lost all faith, no hope, no beliefs any more and just does not care either about anything as what else can go wrong when you are below rock bottom already. No hope he died a long time ago (bob hope), no cash yes (johnny cash) remember him he is dead, and oh yes no wonder either (stevie wonder) he died to so there is no hope, no cash, and no hope left any more. A mans best friends are JD, CD, and his dog.
We still have Wonder!
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Wow Shawn! I just read this whole post from start to finish. You must have a big WHY because you keep coming back. I LOVE IT! DON'T GIVE UP! A lot of people give up and never come back, but so far you have not, and I suspect we have not heard the last of you.
Shawn, do you enjoy what you have done so far? Forget about money for a minute. Picture this as a hobby, kind of like learning to play guitar. There's no money in it as a hobby, but people play guitar all of their life. Why? Because they enjoy it. Is real estate investing fun for you? The reason why I ask is that I have been interested in real estate for just as long as you have been on here. I have had a lot of people tell me directly or by their actions, that all this stuff is "just hopes and dreams" or "I'll never be able to do it". I know how frustrating this is! Trust me. But you know what? I don't care!!! I fail all the time and don't have a deal yet either. Again, I don't care because I enjoy it. I'm not in a hurry to get a deal. When (if) it happens I will be happy. If it never happens, I will be happy. If it takes me another 2 years to get my first deal so be it. I am enjoying the ride!!!
It sounds like you have really poured your heart and soul into this. Seems like you work so hard, that you burn yourself out.
When you are ready to approach this again, here's my advice:
1. Be aware of your attitude! Your WHY is there, but your attitude is canceling it out. If you don't work on this, you may never get where you want to be.
2. Slow down a bit. When you start to get burnt out. Take a few days off. I have to do this sometimes myself, but it keeps me sane.
3. Next time you have a failure. Take a step back and see what went wrong rather than beating yourself up. Write a post about what happened and why you think it went the way it did. Ask others on here to help you analyze it, and figure out a different approach next time.
4. Find a mentor who can help you in person. We can all try to help you through posts, but I think it will help you greatly to find someone who can actually sit down with you in person and talk things out.
5. Enjoy the adventure! People go to work everyday to get paid. A lot of people hate their job. If you are not happy doing this (success or no success) than this is just another job.
I look forward to the day you post your first deal!
Karen there may still be a wonder but I have already quit wondering on everything now.
Adam I do enjoying doing real estate other wise I know doubt would of given up a long time ago but there like you said there is they why also. A previous post of mine was deleted from the site admin as well so I am not going to repeat it to much into detail to save them the trouble of deleting this post too.
Everything I do is not for myself any more, it is all for my family, I want to make sure they are happy and not myself any more. The job I do I do not mind because otherwise I would of quit it as well. I have tried other things as well but things did not go right either so in this I failed too just like other things. A lot of things have happened around me lately that I have discussed in part with karen as well that has just caused me to where I do not care much about anything any more. I could go further into this but this is not the place to put it in words.
Well to stay more in the investing side while on the puter checking out properties I have noticed one close to where I live is being sold to settle the estate of a family. By the looks of the property the parents have passed away and the kids are trying to sell it to settle the estate on it or will. There have been several price drops to where this property has dropped 25k since it has been on the market now. I will be contacting the listing agent to see the property and to find out more about it as well and in the listing it says bring all offers so I think they are really desperate now since it has been on the market for some time now. According to zillow and total view it has a value of around 47k. Rental properties in this area on places like this go for around 600. The place does need some work but I am going to have a look to see what kind of work needed and then I can go from there as for making my offer on it.
I may need a lot of help in getting this one on the right track but then if the numbers just do not fit that is something else.
Karen it would be nice to chat again some time soon as I really did enjoy talking with you on the phone but it will have to wait until after the holidays since there is a lot going on and after the strong winds we got last night I have a big mess to clean up. Thought I heard santa landing on my roof but wrong, serious tree limbs from a dead tree beside the house came down and luckily no damage so have to get rid of this tree not that it lands up in my house.
You have my number and know that you can call anytime you need an ear. I enjoyed our talk also.
I hope that you and your family have a great Christmas and that this coming year will be a happy one for you, Shawn. You have a family that loves you very much!
This property sounds like it may be promising! Crossing my fingers.
"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"
"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"
"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"
Thanks Karen for taking the time to talk with me, hope you and all have a great Christmas as well and hope all enjoy the time being together. If it was not for them Karen actually I no doubt would be lost and I do everything I can for them too.
I asked Keith what would be a good way to work this deal out and to me I think he came up with a good way whether I get the financing done or using other peoples money to finance it. It is always great knowing there are people here that are willing to help out when they have time. I will be really surprised if this does work out for me too.
Going to be a busy day tomorrow, will be looking at a house close to where I live, the sellers are trying to sell the property to settle an estate so I take it the parents have passed away and the kids just want the money so will find this out tomorrow when I view the property. According to total view the value comes up to around 47k, property has been on the mls for some time, asking price at the beginning was 50k and has been lowered to 25k after time, now they will consider all offers on it. As for repairs from what I can see on the pictures and by looking at the outside, flooring, painting, and carpet, maybe kitchen update would put the property at 15k in repairs. As for location, close to downtown and everything else a short drive.
Second property I am discussing is in ohio, seller asking 14,500, last sold in 09 for 39,900 according to total view, estimate is at 30k, will be talking with an agent I have contacted in the area about properties there along with building my team together and see where this goes.
But the hard part is financing these though, the thing that all have a problem with. I will see how long I can lock these up on contract and see where it goes from there. I have two hard money lenders I have been talking with but need a signed contract before they will consider any kind of financing.
A 3rd property has shown up as well which is a new listing in my area also which needs some work too but would make a great rental or rent to own. I talked with an agent I know that I dealt with when I bought my house I live in and he said there are a lot of people wanting properties where the owner will carry the note so this is something I am going to try and work out on these two properties as well and see how it goes.
Like keith had told me try to use opm on these so I am smoking my brain from all this thinking on how I can get this to work the best way possible whether it will be an owner finance deal or just use as a rental property for a little bit. Go Get Some and do not let it go by.
I been been talking with the owner of a property in ohio lately, I made an offer of 13k on the property and was accepted, needs very little work, cleaning up and some minor painting after current tenant moves out. As for the area, properties rent quick there, not really a bad area but not the best either. Average property rent is 500 to 600 month, days on market to find a new tenant is low.
I would like to keep the property and cash flow it for a while to have money come in every month for the time being but I have to find a way to come up with the 13k he would take for the property. I am going to put it under contract to see how things go from there. He purchased the property in 09 for 39,900 as that is when it was last sold. Lots of repairs had been made then as well according to him.
Total view is showing an estimate of around 30k for the property value. I will be giving my agent in Ohio a call and see what he thinks the value of the property is to have a better idea and then how long it would take to sell the property if I was to list it.
Have to wait and see how this one goes and how I can get it done without any money and not using my credit for this one.
Went and looked at a local property here close to where I live, just like I thought from the pictures and parts even worse,property needs a lot of work even just to use it as a rental repairs would be high and the arv would not be worth it, flip and sell after repairs it would be a break even thing. They say bring all offers but will not go down any more on the price is a joke. The parents lived in the property and have passed away, lot of things that were done to keep up the property were not professionally done, roof had leaked, a new roof and under it would be involved, new pain, have wires checked out just to name a few. Well at least I took the time to look at it, some one say it was a waste of time but then the other hand one would say look at what you learn by going there and taking action.
If you do not try or take action nothing will happen, but if you do try and take action what happens??
so far on all things right now does not look too good at all, I have found out that you cannot trust any one any more. People just act like they care and are there to help you when needed, but wrong on that. I do understand that every one is busy too just like I am myself but I do take the time out for everything I can even if it is early morning hours but that is alright though I am learning to deal with these kind of people as well. It makes me think a lot about things and wonder if it is all worth it or not, why even continue with anything, pursue any thing, people just do not care, nothing matters any more now.
Why me lord, I shall fear no evil as I walk through the valley of death, I will meet with those that I know along the way, just guide me into the right direction and I shall follow.
In a great neighborhood, an area that a lot of people look for, it is quiet, no crime rate, yes no crime rate, all age group of people live there, and people are just dying to live there as well. This property I will keep for myself and who knows I just might make it my new home as well will have to wait and see.
"The mental features discoursed of as the analytical, are, in themselves, but little susceptible of analysis. We appreciate them only in their effects. We know of them, among other things, that they are always to their possessor, when inordinately possessed, a source of the liveliest enjoyment. As the strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action, so glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles. He derives pleasure from even the most trivial occupations bringing his talents into play. He is fond of enigmas, of conundrums, of hieroglyphics; exhibiting in his solutions of each a degree of acumen which appears to the ordinary apprehension preternatural. His results, brought about by the very soul and essence of method, have, in truth, the whole air of intuition." From Edgar A Poe my favorite poet.
Those that have taken the time to help me along the way and that have taken the time from their busy schedule and those with more time than others it is greatly appreciated. I found a property that has been empty for some time now and found out the owners address so sent a post card out to them with no luck at all so this week I will be sending out another one and see if I get an answer out of it this time.
Been doing some searching on the internet for properties on several web sites I know of and came across this one that is a 2 br 2 ba with 1046 sq ft in a good area, owner says they must sell, could be another investor too, needs 10k in repair, after repair costs and their asking price there would be around 30k profit to be made. Totalview is showing the fmv of the area on this property of 49,500 which is what the seller is asking 49,900. Due to the location of the property is not bad neighborhood wise but the location on the street a lot of people that live in the area have to drive by the property causing a lot of cars going by on a daily basis. Taking this into consideration as well plus 3 br and 2 ba properties in this area are going for about 5k more so I think a good offer on the property would be at 35k which I put it at the beginning of the week already so I am still waiting to hear back from the seller.
The seller says the like had to sell the next day but still has the property which can be for several reasons so I am going to see where this offer goes, if it gets accepted then I have to see what to do with the property, I am not looking to keep it for one thing, I am looking to wholesale it and make a couple dollars just to turn things around for me right now seeing how nothing is going right.
"The mental features discoursed of as the analytical, are, in themselves, but little susceptible of analysis. We appreciate them only in their effects. We know of them, among other things, that they are always to their possessor, when inordinately possessed, a source of the liveliest enjoyment. As the strong man exults in his physical ability, delighting in such exercises as call his muscles into action, so glories the analyst in that moral activity which disentangles. He derives pleasure from even the most trivial occupations bringing his talents into play. He is fond of enigmas, of conundrums, of hieroglyphics; exhibiting in his solutions of each a degree of acumen which appears to the ordinary apprehension preternatural. His results, brought about by the very soul and essence of method, have, in truth, the whole air of intuition."
I have been doing some research and have gotten interested in master l/o as well and there is a way to get into this with no credit (mine has dropped), no money (use to have that too but is gone) and no risk either (sounds great just what I want) so I have been learning what I can about his and how it works too. I know I should not try to learn too much at one time but this way if something does come along in this line as well then I know what to do and who to contact about it also.
I found some one that would mentor me as well, but the question is though how good is this person they say they are, is the price they are asking fair or not. If it does not work out I can just tell the person that I no longer need them or I was not happy with how things are going or went and that is all.
To me real estate investing is something I have no choice, one I got started I have gotten addicted to it no matter if I have closed a deal or not.
When I cannot get on here and read post from others or even make a comment or two, good or bad it depresses me more than I am already but it helps me cope with things the way they are going.
I am taking even more time to learn things over again that I have read a lot but I am looking at things now in a lot more different way than what I use to. I am changing things around a little bit and see what this brings also, maybe this will get me out of the hole I am in and back into the rut atleast as a rut is easier to get out of then when you are stuck in a hole.
My goal back in high school was to be able to live a comfortable life, be the best mechanic there is, well that got changed in time, the sky is the limit as to how far one can go in life, you just have to reach out and try harder every day to get there. I have learned a lot along the way and yes there is still a lot to learn and who knows it may just knock me upside my head and say okay here it is now go get some.
Hey Shawn, if u want to make some money in RE and u got no money or credit, find vacant and boarded up houses, get them on a simple contract and sell to rehab investors and landlords with a simple assignment of contract. The fast way is to just drive the lower income areas. I target absentee owners and send out letters and I also recruit bird dogs on Craigs List. I also advertise on Craigs list and put up bandit signs and door hangers. ONe thing that gets me thru is knowing that only a small percentage of the houses I look at will be a good lead, over 95% are crap.U need to learn quick to not waste time on unmotivated sellers.
U gotta read some motivational self help books too. Get some on CD and play them constantly in ur vehicle. You gotta focus, Its not all Real Estate, its also improving your mindset, your attitude, your focus. Im on a journey of learning. If u PM me I can send u some of my training MP3's
PS Remember, you can change your life, if you change your thoughts.
thanks for stopping by and offering to help with the training mp3, it is greatly appreciated. Maybe I am wrong about this but I think I am being blocked on here from the site admin for some unknown reason or what ever. It is becoming a waste of time to come on this site when one gets blocked and have addressed this with support with no answer back. I really enjoy coming to this site for the info and encouragement one receives here but it seems like I am not welcomed here any more so why even come here. I have you on my yahoo messenger randy I will send you a msg from there as to my email address. Dg admin correct me if I am wrong but like I said or feel I am being blocked and no longer welcomed on this site.
Last week I was finally able to make it to a rei meeting in dallas, I have been trying to go to one for some time now and every time I had made plans to go to it something always happened. Well this time I did not make any plans I just went. It was quite interesting, the quest speaker was from txtaxsales company in the dfw area and told us some interesting stuff about tax sales because this is all what they do, buy tax deed properties. There was a lot I did not know about this so I learned a lot. I did meet a couple people there also, an agent, and two hard money lenders as well. There were several buyers there that I did not get to meet due to the real estate agent I was talking to took up the time but will be going back again so I can meet some buyers in the area. I recently got a posting on two apartment complexes, small ones that the owner will finance so I will be looking into these later today.
Shawn, I am sure you will get wher you are wanting to go. I have not seen you as whining, but just trying to figure things our. Keep your eye on your goal and keep working hard.
Sometimes others see the strugglesof others as whining. Nothing could be further from the truth. Work hard. Stay focused. Talk about our dreams and struggles with those you love. It will work out.
Best wishes in you endevour to make yourself a better man.
Roy Voeks
Official RE Coach
Thanks for the encouraging words that you have given, I am trying to figure things out but along the way it does get confusing but also a challenge as nothing goes right either and one just has to work around it also. I just post here a lot of times just to keep up with myself as I go along the route I am taking and accept all advice and tips I can get as for guidance along the way so if I go one way and it does not work then try another route and see where it goes.