Sucess in 2011

Sucess in 2011

I am starting this journal as a way to monitor my progress. How does the points system work? How do I earn badges?



you get points for posting in your journal and other forums. you get badges as dgadmin sees fit. the badges are nice little surprised along the way.


Linda, Army EOD Mom
you can follow my journal at
Fear equals:

This morning I looked on

This morning I looked on Craigslist and found some property for sale and for rent.

This evening the owner called me and said the home is owner financing he wants 5000 down and between 800-900 a month. The home is 2188 sq. ft. he is asking for 125,000. In the morning I will get more info. on the property. If this is a good deal I would like to an assignment or lease to own.

Can't wait!

I can't wait to start posting in my journals of soon to be closed deals or some eager sellers willing to use me so I can find them a renter or buyer. I can't wait and I'm so excited. I been studying since 8am and took an hour to eat and rest a little but now I'm back to learning. Can't wait to get out there and make things happen. I took Linda's advice and looked up some REI groups and got a meeting on the 6th of july coming up. My goal is to be fully prepared for that mtg so we can start building our buyers list


What contract should I use to lock up this house? And how long should I lock up the house?


the seller sounds like an investor and will probably have the contract

make sure you know the property values in the area to determine if its a good deal or not

read and understand any contract before you sign it -- if you dont understand the contract fully,see a RE attorney

if you're seeking to L/O or flip - make sure you have buyers lined up


Mike Free tools

getting my non-circumvent signed

Before I let my potential client know about a house I need to have this paperwork signed. Has anyone used document signing services? Maybe a signing agent or mobile notary company? Is this better than using a fax machine?

To reinvestor42 how can I put

To reinvestor42 how can I put in the contract that the owner may have that I want to have at least days to find a buyer? What escape clauses can I add?

Yesterday morning,I went to

Yesterday morning,I went to look at another property. The owner gave me the code to look in the home. In the afternoon I took my potential buyer to see the home. She said she would get back to me. To let me know if she wants the house.

I finally set up the free

I finally set up the free site that Dean gives us? Has anyone gotten a lot of response from using the site?


ere wrote:
Yesterday morning,I went to look at another property. The owner gave me the code to look in the home. In the afternoon I took my potential buyer to see the home. She said she would get back to me. To let me know if she wants the house.

Did you have the property under contract before you took a potential buyer to look at it? If not, there is nothing to prevent that buyer from just going around you and cutting you out of the deal.



"You're never too old to be what you were meant to be!"

"Shining Like a Star & Dancing on Sunshine"

"Shoot for the moon! Even if you fall short, you'll still land among the stars!"

No I do not have the

No I do not have the property under contract. I have a non circumvent contract. I was told by another member not to use that because it is for people that are partnering together. I also have a bird dog agreement form. How do I explain to a client why the contract needs to be signed?

a bit late now


if you already showed your potential buyer the property and you did not have the non-circumvent document signed, it may be a bit late to get it signed now... unless you go to the seller and put the property under contract right away.

In the future, you ask your buyers to sign the document prior to showing them the property. You simply explain to them that this is so that they go through you to buy the property...

Have you read DG's books?

wishing you success,




“And will you succeed? Yes indeed, yes indeed! Ninety-eight and three-quarters percent guaranteed!” ― Dr. Seuss

"I believe in angels, the kind that heaven sends; I am surrounded by angels, but I call them friends" - Unknown

My journal:


real estate is a great profession as log as you make decisions that 1) move you forward and 2) don't lose money. It is fantastic that you are so eager to jump right in but be careful in the details. If not, it can come back to bite you in the butt! Just think your processes through and read lots of information so you understand the basics. When considering acquiring a home on an advertised L/O, it is probably another investor. Make sure you can get it under contract for an amount that leaves you room for profit. And check the real market value of the house.....don't take others' word for that. Good Luck!!


Always Looking to Acquire Houses | Always Looking to Amaze Investors

I have read "Be a real

I have read "Be a real estate millionare" and "Profit from real estate right now". I have put out flyers using a sample from one of Deans books. I have a google voice mail number that I have on the flyers. A few people have responded. When I have gotten them in contact with the loan officer. I was told they don't qualify for a loan because of job history or because they pay their rent with money orders. They have told me how much their current rent is. They have mentioned they would like to pay about the same amount. They have been in the process of looking to buy a home for about a year their credit score is around 600. They have some down payment money. I didn't get an exact amount. Should I ask for the exact amount?

In the bird dog agreement

In the bird dog agreement form that I have, under payment there is a place that says ...service equivalent to $_______(_____%)of the total net proceeds from the sale or purchase. I wanted to put just a percentage of the estimated purchase price. The home are not the same price. I don't know which house neighberhood the person is going to like best.

There is another area that says flat fee. Which section should I use for payment? Or do I use both? The person wants to do a L/O there are a few homes that are a good canidate. I had the person look at the outside of the property. I did not give her the ownersname phone number, or lock box number. I felt that if she was still interested in the house would call me.

Also who should I have sign the non-circumvention paperwork? I was under the impression that if you have a partner they should sign it. Or should I have someone that wants to do a L/O from me sign it?